Subheadings from Boron (All 1st sem topics) by Keim Flashcards
____________ is the link between the organ and the gene.
Physiological genomics
Cells live in a highly protected _________.
millieu interieur
_________________ - operating through sophisticated feedback control mechanisms are responsible for maintaining the constancy of the millieu interieur.
Homeostatic mechanisms
Medicine is the study of _____________
“physiology gone awry”
The surface of the cell is defined by a _____________.
The cell membrane is composed primarily of ____________.
___________ form complex structures in aqueous solution.
The ________ of individual lipids within a leaflet of a bilayer is determined by the chemical makeup of its constituents.
Phospholipid bilayer membranes are __________ to charged molecules.
The _________ is a bilayer.
Plasma membrane
Membrane proteins can be _________ or _________ associated with the plasma membrane.
Integrally or peripherally
The membrane-spanning portions of transmembrane proteins are usually ___________.
Hydrophobic alpha helices
Some membrane proteins are _______ in the plane of the bilayer.
_____________ can serve as RECEPTORS.
Integral membrane proteins
_______ can serve as ADHESION MOLECULES.
Integral membrane proteins
____________ can carry out the transmembrane movement of water-soluble substance.
Integral membrane proteins
_____________ can also be ENZYMES.
Integral membrane proteins
__________ can participate in intracellular signaling.
Integral membrane proteins
___________ participate in intracellular signaling and can form a submembranous cytoskeleton.
Peripheral membrane proteins
The ____ is composed of discrete organelles that subserve distinct functions.
The ________ stores, replicates, and reads the cell’s genetic information.
___________ digest material derived from the interior and exterior of the cell.
The __________ is the site of oxidative energy production.
The ___________ is not amorphous but is organized by the cytoskeleton.
____________ provide cells with structural support.
Intermediate filaments
__________ provide structural support and provide the several types of subcellular motility.
Thin filaments (_______) and thick filaments (______) are present in almost every cell type.
Secretory and membrane proteins are synthesized in association with the __________.
Rough ER
Simultaneous protein synthesis and translocation through the __________ requires machinery for signal recognition and protein translocation.
Rough ER membrane
Proper insertion of membrane protein requires __________________.
Start-and-stop-transfer sequence.
Newly synthesized secretory and membrane proteins undergo post-translational modification and folding in the lumen of the ____________.
Rough ER
Secretory and membrane proteins follow the __________ through the cell.
Secretory pathway
___________ control the traffic between the organelles of the secretory pathway.
Carrier vesicles
Specialized protein complexes, such as _________ and _________ mediate the formation and fusion of vesicles in the secretory pathway.
Clathrin and coatamers
Newly synthesized proteins are sorted in tthe __________.
Trans-golgi network
A _______________ is required to target newly synthesized hydrolytic enzymes to lysosomes.
Mannose-6-phosphate recognition marker
Cells internalize extracellular material and plasma membrane through the process of ________.
______________ is responsible for internalizing specific proteins.
Receptor-mediated endocytosis
Certain molecules are internalized through an alternative process that involves ________.
___________ form a barrier between the internal and external millieu.
Epithelial cells
Epithelial cells are __________.
Cells can communicate with one another via _______.
Chemical signals
____________ interact with target cells via binding to surface or intracellular receptors.
Soluble chemical signals
Cells can also communicate by direct interactions - _______________.
Juxtacrine signalling
___________ amplify signals and integrate responses among cell types.
Second-messenger systems
_________ transduce a chemical signal into an electrical signal.
Ligand-gated ion channels
________ are heterotrimers that exist in many combinations of different alpha, beta and gamma subunits.
_________ activation follows a cycle.
G protein
____________ couple to a variety of downstream effectors, including enzymes and ion channels.
Activated alpha subunits
Beta-gamma subunits can activate _________.
Downstream effectors
____________ are involved in a vast number of cellular processes.
Small GTP-binding proteins
cAMP usually exerts its effect by increasing the activity of ___________.
Protein kinase A
___________ reverse the action of kinases.
Protein phosphatases
________ exerts its effect by stimulating a nonselective cation channel in the retina.
Many messengers bind to receptors that activate ____________.
Phosphoinositide breakdown.
______ liberates Ca2+ from intracellular stores.
_______ activates calmodulin-dependent protein kinases.
DAGs and Ca2+ activate _________.
Protein kinase C
_________ is the primary enzyme responsible for releasing AA.
Phospholipase A2
Cyclooxygenases, lipoxygenases and epoxygenases mediate the formation of biologically active ____________.
Prostaglandins, prostacyclins and thromboxanes (cyclooxygenase products) are _________, regulate platelet action and modulate ion transport.