Chapters 14 & 16: ANS And Circuits Of The CNS Flashcards
Which brings information from the somatic sensory receptors of the skin and muscles?
Input axons
In the local circuit of the neocortex, at which layer does neurons make synapses back into the thalamus?
Layer VI
According to ___________, reflexes are the building blocks of complex motor neurons or movements.
Sir Charles Sherrington
Arrange in chronological order the components of the reflex arch.
- Arrival of stimulus
- activation of receptor
- Activation of sensory neuron
- Information processing in the CNS
- Activation of motor neuron
- Activation of response by effector
Which is an example of inverse myotatic reflex?
Golgi tendon organ reflex
When a nocious stimuli activates the nociceptor afferent, information are being convayed by a group of A-delta axons that will generate what?
Flexion-withdrawal reflex
Myotatic (Knee-jerk) reflex is via group Ia axons
Golgi tendon reflex is via group Ib
A reflexive contraction of your quadriceps femoris muscle is the result after it is briefly stretched when eliciting what reflex arch?
Knee-jerk (myotatic) reflex arch
The patellar tendon reflex is a what type of reflex?
Monosynaptic Reflex
The following statements are true of the golgi tendon organ reflex except:
The reflex inhibits the spinal cord motor neuron to the flexor muscle.
Note: the reflex stimulates flexor muscle and inhibits extensor muscles
Which statement is true of the central pattern generators (CPG)?
A. Can function even without sensory feedback
B. Pacemaker cells contribute to CPG
C.Synaptic interconnections produce CPG
D. All of the above
According to the half center model for alternating rhythm generation in flexor and extensor motor neurons, when one motor neuron is active, the opposite is also stimulated.
Note: In the half-center model, when one is activated, the other half is inhibited (such as in flexor and extensor muscles)
T/F: In the condition called phantom limb, the area of the cortex originally receiving the stimulus will stop receiving signals after activation, hence, sensation is lost.
False. One can still “feel” the limb that was lost.
Looking at a cortical homunculus of the brain, much of the motor cortex is dedicated to the muscles of:
Fingers (because we can do a lot with our hands)
The motor portion of the cortical homunculus is located at
Precentral gyrus
Note: Somatosensory portion is at the postcentral gyrus
Which is true regarding the detection of the high-frequency sound?
CNS detects interaural intensity difference.
Extra: Low-frequency sound detects interaural delay (0.6 milliseconds)
T/F: Neurons from the median superior olivary (MSO) nucleus and higher CNS centers receive abundant input from both ears.
The neurons in the central nervous system that detects simultaneous arrival of action potential from both the left and right ear is called a:
Coincidence detector (of the medial superior olivary (MSO) nucleus)
Which of the following is considered a main site for integration for autonomic function?
Which of the following plexus of the ENS is responsible for control of motility in GIT?
Auerbach’s or Myenteric Plexus
Extra: Submucosal or Meissner’s plexus control ion and fluid transport
Which of the following mechanisms is an important component for homeostasis under stressful condition to avoid large changes in various physiological parameters?
Feed-forward activity
Note: Feed-forward is due to an anticipation of a future activity. Example: A 100-m dash athlete will have an increase in heart rate before a race.
Which of the following situation does the cortical control overwhelm the ANS control of the viscera?
Medical student experiencing nervousness with possibility of developing diarrhea just before the exams
The medical student having nasal congestion is given decongestant to relieve this symptom which drug will react on which of the following receptor?
Note: Alpha-1 is a norepi receptor (sympa) > vasoconstriction >decrease blood flow > less inflammatory mediators > relieve nasal congestion
Which of the following is released by the endothelial cell after the stimulation of the muscarinic receptor agonist?
Nitric oxide
Notes: Muscarinic receptor is stimulated by parasympa nerotransmitters > more nitric oxide > vasodilation
The following statements are TRUE on the anatomical differences between sympathetic and parasympathetic division:
A. Sympathetic postganglionic is shorter than the parasympathetic postganglionic
B. Location of the cell bodies of the sympathetic division is close to the target organ but the parasympathetic is close to the spinal cord.
Notes: Sympa post is longer while sympa cell bodies are close to the spinal cord (as paravertebral ganglia)
Which of the following receptor will respond to acetylcholine in the skin and will cause increased sweating?
Muscarinic receptor
There are non-classical neurotransmitters identified on the Autonomic Nervous system, the following statements are true of ATP EXCEPT:
It is contained inside the synaptic vesicles and when released by electrical stimulation it induces vascular dilation
Sympathetic postganglionic neurons of your cell bodies are found in which of the following:
Prevertebral and paravertebral ganglion
The primary neurotransmitter, norepinephrine, has greater affinity to which of the following receptor?
Alpha adrenergic receptor
The M current which is inhibited by the muscarinic neurotransmission in autonomic ganglia refers which of the following current?
K+ (potassium) current
Which of the following which has norepinephrine as its primary neurotransmitter?
Sympathetic postganglionic
Notes: sympa and parasympa PREganglionic and parasympa POSTganglionic use Ach
Goosebumps while watching Train to Busan movie is through:
Sympathetic activity
Sympa/Para: Pupils dilate upon seeing that you got a perfect score in the physiology exam.
You are in tears a few minutes after that is wasn’t you who got the perfect score but your classmate.
Increase heart rate after receiving a surprise gift that you really wanted.
Fainting or syncope
Notes: increased para> decrease hr, contractility, and vasodilation > decreased blood flow to brain> fainting
In the primary visual cortex, Ocular dominance columns occur in layer __ while cytochrome oxidase blobs occur in layer ___
Ocular dominance columns: Layers IV, V, VI
Blobs: Layers II, III
True/False: in neurons of the MSO nucleus, a brief acoustic delay to the left ear is followed by a long neuronal conduction delay, whereas the long acoustic delay to the right ear is followed by a brief neuronal conduction delay
Axons from the neocortex come mainly from-
large pyramidal neuron
In the knee-jerk reflex, why does the semitendinosus muscle relax?
at the same time the quadriceps are stimulated to contract, inhibitory interneurons are inhibiting the alpha motor neurons towards the semitendinosus muscle
Which of the following DOES NOT occur in the withdrawal-flexion reflex?
the opposite leg will excite the flexor muscle
Note: In the withdrawal-flexion reflex, flexor muscles of the affected leg contract while flexor muscles of the opposite leg relax.
T/F: Withdrawal-flexion reflex is same as stretch reflex
Scaling of visual fields into the visual cortex
magnification factor
In Penfield’s motor map, there’s magnification of the:
head and hand
T/F: In localizing sound, the horizontal plane involves reflected and deflected pathways
False. It is the vertical plane.
A 200 Hz sound heard is directed to the left ear. At approximately how many ms will it reach the right ear?
0.6 ms