Chapter 3 - Signal Transduction (2019) - Evals #3 by Keim Flashcards
True or False:
Transducin is a typical trimeric g protein.
Jakstat pathway
4 2 3 5 6 1
Beta subunit that anchors to the g protein.
None of the choices
cGMP dependent protein kinase.
PKA has:
2 regulatory
2 catalytic subunits
Indirect pathway in AA except:
Which of the following is not true about serine/threonine kinases?
Sequence of GPCR binding
What anchors beta subunit of G proteins?
None of the choices
Alpha - myristyl or palmitoyl
Gamma - prenyl
What is calcineurin?
Src and JAK bind to tyrosine kinase-associated receptor
converts gtp to gcmp:
Guanyl cyclase
Which of the following is a second messenger?
DAG is a:
Protein kinase C
When epinephrine binds to the receptor-membrane activating the cAMP, which of the following does not happen?
G-protein is freed from the tether and
diffused away from the cell membrane
Contains DNA Binding domain, involved in dimerization.
Which is true in the PIP3K pathway?
It has p85 and p110 subunit.
Which of the following catalytic receptors chuchu atrial natriuretic peptide …. increase? cGMP and decreases BP?
Receptor guanylyl cyclase
Which of the following is false about receptor Tyrosine kinase?
It is highly cytosolic
Which is false about MAPK?
It has 3 intermediary kinases before MAPK.
Which of the following is mediated by “heat shock” or chaperone mediated proteins?
All of the ff are heterodimeric except:
SH2 domain:
Binds phosphorylated tyrosine
Type of receptor na may PHOSPHORYLATION na word kay long question:
Receptor tyrosine kinases
What nucleo-receptor domain contains the DNA-binding domain and is involved in dimerization?
C region
DAG is directly activated by what protein kinase?
Which activates cytosolic soluble guanylyl cyclase?
NO (Nitric oxide)
In blood volume expansion, this receptor mediates the dilation of blood vessels, relaxation of muscles and enhance excretion into the urine?
Receptor guanylyl cyclase
There are 5 classes of catalytic receptors, which of the ff catalyze generation of cGMP from GTP?
Receptor Guanylyl cyclases
True of indirect pathway except?
A. Ligand coupled to PLC
B. Agonist that raises Ca
D. Pathways that activates MAPK
C. PLA2 (Direct pathway)
A chemical messenger hormone was secreted and combined with each receptor on other cell types very nearby, the hormone also combined receptors of the cell from which it was release the hormone was in such low concentration that did not any affect cell that there nearby ,we would best classifies the hormone as?
B and C (Autocrine and Paracrine
When epinephrine or glucagon bind to their receptor on the membrane an activate the CMP cascade, which of the following does NOT happen?
G protein is free from the tether and infuses away from the cell membrane.
PK for cGMP?