Stuff I have got wrong in the past part 2 Flashcards
What are some reasons for taking high dose folic acid (3)?
- Taking AEDs
- BMI > 30
- FHx NTDs
Out of thrombectomy and thrombolysis which treatment should definitely be offered if an MRI shows salvageable tissue?
Thrombectomy always offered, CONSIDER thrombolysis
How should vaginal bleeding be managed in the first 6 weeks of pregnancy?
Send home for expectant management UNLESS abdo/ pelvic pain or cervical motion tenderness present … they then need emergency assessment
How should vaginal bleeding after 6 weeks pregnancy be managed?
Refer to hospital for TVUSS
How should VSDs be managed?
Most can be managed conservatively and monitored closely
What are the criteria for having your tonsils removed due to tonsillitis (3)?
- 7 episodes in 1 year
- 5 episodes per year for 2 years
- 3 episodes per year for 3 years
What criteria should be monitored for methylphenidate (4)?
- BP + pulse
- Psychiatric symptoms
- Appetite
- Weight + height
When should the parameters be measured for people taking methylphenidate (3)?
- Initiation of treatment
- Dose adjustment
- Every 6 months
What is classed as staggered overdose for paracetamol overdose?
First and last dose more than 1 hour apart
What is opisthotonus?
Type of acute dystonia causing involuntary flexing of muscles in back
What is the second line medication for OCD after SSRIs?
not venlafaxine
What is the first and second line pharmacological treatment for PTSD?
1st = SSRIs/ venlafaxine
2nd = antipsychotics
When can venlafaxine be used first line (although sertraline is usually used first)?
- Panic disorder
NOT used for OCD
What migraine medication can cause serotonin syndrome?
What two signs indicate meningeal irritation and how do you elicit them?
- Brudzinskis - neck flexed –> involuntary flexion of hips + knees
- Kernigs - hips flexed, then knees straitened –> pain
What are two special signs/ tests are seen in MS?
- Uhtoffs phenomena - worse after hot shower
- Lhermittes sign - neck flexion –> electric shock sensations down spine
What is the most common cause of meningitis in adults?
S. pneumoniae
What tool is used to assess the risk of developing pressure sores for patients?
Waterlow score
What rash is pathological of secondary syphilis?
Condylomata lata - grey discs + rash on hands/ feet
How should antiretroviral drugs for HIV be taken?
Same time every day
How should patient be treated if they refuse a vulvovaginal and endocervical swab?
Order first catch urine, if they refuse this then empirically with Abx
What is the difference between lymphadenopathy in lymphgranuloma vereneum and syphilis?
- Syphilis = non-painful
- Lymphgranuloma vereneum = painful
What are the key explanations for health inequalities according to the black report (4)?
- Artefact
- Social selection
- Materialist/ structural
- Cultural/ behavioural
How long should substance use disorder go on before a diagnosis?
12 months, or 1 month if use is continuous
What is in the censor score (5)?
- Age 3-15
- Exudate/ swollen tonsills
- Swollen LNs
- Temp > 38
- Cough absent
How should anaphylaxis be managed after giving two doses of IM adrenaline?
Fluid bolus + call for help
What is second line for diabetes management?
- Sulfonylureas (e.g. gliclazide)
- Heart disease/ CVD = SGLT-2 inhibitors (e.g. dapagliflozin)
How long should chronic fatigue syndrome last before a diagnosis?
3 months
What is a key side effect of colchicine use?
What is first line anticoagulant for AF and what is used in those with poor kidney function?
- 1st line = DOAC (e.g. apixaban)
- CKD = warfarin
What is the definition of postural hypotension in terms of BPs?
- Drop in 20 mmHg systolic
or - Drop in 10 mmHg diastolic
- Within 3 minutes of standing
What two medications can treat postural hypotension?
1st = Midodrine
2nd = Fludrocortisone
What immunoglobulin is raised in hay fever/ asthma/ eczema?
How is cradle cap (seborrhoeic dermatitis) treated (3)?
- Emollient + brushing
- Topical anti fungal shampoo
- Topical steroids
What is erythema infectiosum?
Slapped cheek
What is a sandal gap associated with?
Downs syndrome
What are the features of potters syndrome (4)?
- Low set ears
- Twisted body/ skeletal malformation
- Flattened nose
- Pulmonary hypoplasia (respiratory distress)
What are some criteria for assisted withdrawal (with chlordiazepoxide) for alcohol use disorder (2)?
- Audit > 20
- Drink more than 15 units per day
What is the most common cause of a painful third nerve palsy?
Posterior communicating artery aneurysm
If a woman is using lactational amenorrhoea as a form of contraception is it recommended for her to take the POP or not?
Yes POP is recommended even with lactational amenorrhoea
If a preterm woman is in labour and she is 4cm dilated what medications should she be given (2)?
- Betamethasone (mature lungs)
- Benzylpenicllin (indicated in preterm births)
How would GBS appear under the microscope?
Positive coccus
How should labour be managed after 3 pulls using an instrumental delivery?
Convert to LSCS
Can you take amiodarone whilst breastfeeding?
No, and not during pregnancy either
What is Galeazzis test?
Used to indicate whether leg length shortening is due to tibia or femur
What medication other than SSRIs can be helpful in treating those with anorexia nervosa?
What are some normal laboratory findings/ changes from normal in pregnancy (3)?
- Increased urinary protein
- Reduced serum creatinine
- Reduced serum urea
How long should symptoms of PTSD go on before a diagnosis can be made?
1 month
What is the second line medication for ADHD after methylphenidate?
What heart defect is associated with Williams syndrome?
Supravalvular aortic stenosis
How is meningitis treated in those over and under 3 months?
- Over = ceftriaxone + dexamethasone
- Under = cefotaxime + amoxicillin
Is a meningococcal septicaemia rash raised?
No it is flat on skin
When does volvulus usually present?
Before 1 month
What are the signs/ symptoms of lithium toxicity (5)?
- Corse tremor
- Hyper-reflexia
- Acute confusion
- Polyuria
- Seizures
What are the 3 drugs used for alcohol dependance and what do they do?
- Disulfiram - unpleasant symptoms if alcohol consumed
- Acamprosate - reduces desire
- Naltrexone - reduces pleasure
What are the important blood tests to do in those taking lithium (4)?
- TFTs
- eGFR
- U&Es
- Lithium level
What is a lilliputian hallucination?
Seeing lots of small people
What is the most common type of hallucination in delirium tremens?
Tactile hallucinations
What is the most common type of hallucination in delirium?
Which nerves are affected in erbs palsy?
When are cervical cerclage and vaginal progesterone used in preterm labour?
- Cerclage = when cervical length < 25mm AND previous preterm birth
- Vaginal progesterone = ONLY when cervical length < 25mm
When should serum progesterone be measured in those having trouble conceiving?
7 days before end of cycle
What are the criteria for prescribing antibiotics in mastitis (2)?
- Symptoms do not improve after 12-24 hours of breastfeeding
- Nipple fissure present
fluclox first line
What is a haematoclopos?
Accumulation of blood in the vagina usually due to imperforate hymen
What is the most common cause of hyperandrogegism in postmenopausal women?
Ovarian hyperthecosis - luteinised theca cell nests in ovaries
What are the 5 signs of heart failure on X-ray?
- Alveolar bat wing oedema
- Kerley B lines
- Cardiomegally
- Dilated upper lobe vessels
- Pleural effusion
What is the flow of CSF through to the subarachnoid space?
Lateral ventricles –> foramen on monro –> third ventricle –> cerebral aqueduct –> fourth ventricle –> foramina of luschka & magendie –> SAS
What autoantibodies are found in primary biliary cholangitis?
Anti mitochondrial antibodies
What two drugs are important in hyperthyroidism?
- Carbimazole - reduce thyroid levels
- Propanolol - symptomatic relief
What medication can be used to provide relief from stomach cramps of those with IBS?
How is DKA managed in the emergency setting?
- IV bolus 0.9% NaCl 10ml/kg given over 15 minutes
- Insulin at 0.1 units/kg/h
What causes molluscum contagiosum?
What is conduct disorder?
Persistent behaviours that violate the right of others in people under 18
What is oppositional defiant disorder?
Angry, irritable mood and argumentative, but without the severe aggression seen in conduct disorder
What are some contraindications for donepezil (2)?
- Pelvic ulcers
- Bradycardia
What features suggest a worse prognosis for MS (3)?
- Male
- Older
- Motor signs at onset
How is a missed miscarriage managed medically?
- Mifepristone
- Misoprostol (48 hours later)
How is an incomplete miscarriage managed medically?
How should a bishop score of more than 6 be managed?
Amniotomy AND IV oxytocin
How should a bishops score of 6 or less be managed?
Vaginal prostaglandin E2 OR oral misoprostol
What medication should be avoided in those with myasthenia gravis?
Beta blockers
When can antiepileptic medications be stopped and how long a period should they be stopped over?
Seizure free for 2 years, stopped over a course of 2-3 months
How is epiglottitis managed (2)?
- Secure airway
- IV antibiotics (cefuroxime)
What are the doses of adrenaline used for anaphylaxis depending on the age of the child (3)?
- Under 6 = 150 micrograms
- 6-12 = 300 micrograms
- Over 12 = 500 micrograms
What is the inheritance of Charcot Marie tooth?
Autosomal dominant
How should cervical ectropion be investigated if the GP is unsure of the diagnosis?
Urgent colposcopy
smears are never used when there are symptoms
What should the first step to investigated jaundice almost always be?
Conjugated and unconjugated bilirubin
In the acute management of delirium tremens what should be the first line management?
Oral lorazepam
What medications are risk factors for idiopathic intracranial hypertension (5)?
- Tetracyclines
- Steroids
- Retinoids
- Lithium
What criteria is used to grade tumours in prostate cancer?
Gleason criteria
What is the first line for acute stress reaction?
Trauma focused CBT
When should labour be induced in women who have PROM?
After 24 hours, provided they are beyond 37 weeks gestation
According to ICD-11 what are the criteria for a diagnosis of mild depression?
2/3 key symptoms and 2/7 of the remaining for more than 2 weeks
What are some negative symptoms of schizophrenia (4)?
- Anhedonia
- Alogia
- Avolition
- Blunted affect
What sign may be seen on x-ray of those with bronchiolitis?
What criteria would prompt admission to hospital for bronchiolitis (5)?
- Apnoeas
- RR>70
- Sats < 92
- Grunting
- Central cyanosis
How can bronchiolitis be confirmed?
Nasopharyngeal aspirate + PCR
What is the period after a head injury before the patient deteriorates known as?
Lucid phase
How do penicillin Abx work?
Beta lactam antibiotics - inhibit cell wall synthesis
How do bacteria develop resistance to beta lactic antibiotics (penicillins)?
Beta lactamase production
What tool is recommended to assess for delirium by NICE, and what is included in it?
4AT - alertness, 4-AMT, attention, acute course?
What is the order of antiemetics for use in hyperemesis gravidarum (4)?
- Antihistamines (cyclizine)
- Chlorpromazine
- Ondansetron/ metoclopramide
What are some features of atypical depression (3)?
- Mood reactivity - improves with positive events
- Hyperphagia
- Leaden paralysis - heavy feeling in limbs
What is a complication of urethritis?
Urethral strictures
What is the first line medication for severe Alzheimers?
What is a side effect of memantine?
What emerging blood test is most sensitive to bacterial sepsis?
What nuclei are within the midbrain?
- CN 3 = occulomotor
- CN 4 = trochlear
What nuclei are within the pons?
CN 5 - 8
What nuclei are within the medulla?
CN 9-12
Which cranial nerve decussates?
What are some examples of dopamine agonists (3)?
- Ropinirole
- Bromocriptine
- Apomorphine
What treatment is offered after a stroke if the patient has more than 70% stenosis of their carotid artery?
Carotid endarterectomy
What is the earliest a pregnant uterus can be palpated?
12 weeks
What blood tests are routinely offered to pregnant women (4)?
- Group + save
- Rubella immunity
- HIV/ syphilis serology
What is increased nuchal translucency suggestive of other than downs, Edwards and pataus?
Other congenital defects e.g. CHD
What are the features of all miscarriages?
- Missed = no Sx, Os closed, foetus dead
- Threatened = Os closed, painless light bleeding
- Inevitable = Os open, heavy bleeding with clots + pain
- Incomplete = Os open, painful bleed
- Complete = empty uterus, painful bleed, os closed
What are some features of Alzheimers on an MRI (4)?
- Cerebral atrophy
- Hippocampal atrophy
- Ventricular enlargement
- Sulcal widening
What are some reversible causes of dementia (3)?
- Hypothyroidism
- B12 deficiency
When is it recommended not to fly in twin and singleton pregnancies?
- Twin > 37 weeks
- Singleton > 32 weeks
Which symptoms are less common in drug induced parkinsons disease?
Rigidity and resting tremor
What tool is used to differentiate strokes from stroke mimics?
What is relative risk?
Risk of event happening: risk of not happening
How is myasthenia graves diagnosed?
Antibody screen
How should exposure to chickenpox during pregnancy be managed (2)?
- Measure VZV Igs if immunity unknown
- Give acyclovir day 7-14, or within 24 hours of rash, if more than 20 weeks
I don’t think VZV Ig are given any more
What is the first line treatment for all eczema?
Is any pain at all felt with a varicocele?
None at all
What are some side effects of topical corticosteroids (4)?
- Thinning of skin
- Striae
- Acne
- Telangiectasis
How does acamprosate, naltrexone and disulfiram work (3)?
- Disulfiram = increases levels of acetaldehydes
- Acamprosate = reduces cravings by enhancing GABA transmission
- Naltrexone = opioid antagonist to reduce pleasure
What are some causes of drug induced psychosis (5)?
- Anti-malaria drugs
- Steroids
- Da agonists
- Levodopa
- Recreational drugs
How do SSRIs affect benzodiazepines?
Increase plasma levels
What simple tests should be done on someone with hyperemesis gravidarum (4)?
- U&E
- Urinalysis
What is hypospadias?
Where the opening to the urethra is on the underside of the penis
What is in the hormonal patch for contraception?
Oestrogen AND progesterone
What are some common conditions/ things that should be screened for in pregnancy (8)?
- Bacteriuria
- Syphilis
- Anaemia
- Hep B
- Congenital abnormalities/ triremes
- Pre-eclampsia risk factors
- Blood group
What is an important investigation to do in patients with menorrhagia but no suspicion of an underlying cause?
What antibiotic should be used to manage STIs if there are just general symptoms and no definitive diagnosis scan be made?
Azithromycin - it covers both gonorrhoea and chlamydia
How should all malignancies causing compression on nerves be managed initially?
High dose dexamethasone
What is the time course of symptoms of MS?
Develop over hours to days, resolve over weeks to months
What is a contraindication to joint aspiration (4)?
- Overlying infection
- Bacteraemia
- Inaccessible joint
- Prosthetic joint = relative - should be done in theatre by orthopaedic surgeon
What is second line to allopurinol for prophylaxis against gout?
What is the first line management of symptomatic cholelithiasis?
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
What is raised more in alcoholic liver disease - AST or ALT?
AST raised more!!!
What is first line management for the symptoms of BPH?
What is a common complication of prostatitis?
Urinary retention
What are some common causes of COPD exacerbations (3)?
- H. influenziae
- S. pneumoniae
- Moraxella catarrhalis
What is relative risk reduction?
Ratio of risk of experimental group : risk in control group
What visual field defect does a parietal lesion cause?
Contralateral inferior quadranopia
What visual field defect does a temporal lesion cause?
Contralateral superior quadranopia
What causes upper and lower bitemporal hemianopia?
- Lower = craniopharyngeoma
- Upper = pituitary tumour
What is Todds palsy?
Temporary weakness following a seizure
What airway should be used to manage a patient having a seizure?
Nasopharyngeal airway
Does hyperthyroidism cause menorrhagia or amenorrhoea?
hypothyroidism = menorrhagia
What are the stages of clinical trials?
1 = test on healthy volunteers
2 = small number of those with disease (efficacy and adverse effects)
3 = large number with disease
4 = after regulatory approval
What is the most important management for acute delirium tremens and the most important for Wernicke-korsakoff syndrome?
- DT = oral lorazepam
- Wernicke - Korsakoff = IV thiamine
What is the most serious long term health risk for those with turners syndrome?
Aortic dissection/ dilatation
What are the layers of the abdomen cut through in a C-section?
Anterior rectus sheaf –> rectus abdominis muscle –> transversalis fascia –> extraperitoneal connective tissue –> peritoneum –> uterus
What should you do to the SSRI dose before starting ECT?
Reduce the dose to the minimum amount
What is the first line management for acute stress disorder?
Trauma focused CBT
What contraception methods can a trans man take?
All except COCP + patch as this interferes with testosterone
What physical health problem is a differential for baby blues?
Post partum thyroiditis
When do symptoms of postpartum psychosis usually begin?
First 2 weeks
What is cervical ectropion?
Growth of endocervical cells - glandular columnar cells, outside of the external os where squamous cells usually are
What features are suggestive of hypernatraemic dehydration (5)?
- Jittery movements
- Increased muscle tone
- Hyperreflexia
- Convulsions
- Drowsiness
What is the risk of developing schizophrenia if a monozygotic twin is affected?
What neuropathic pain medication is contraindicated in open angle glaucoma?
How should antisocial personality disorder be managed?
Group based CBT
What is a breath holding spell/ reflex anoxic seizure?
A seizure following sudden pain/ strong emotion
How is a reflex anoxic seizure managed?
What is the most likely cause of a smooth palpable lump that grows very fast in a 40-60 year old woman?
Phyllodes tumour
Who should cases of child abuse be discussed with?
Senior or safeguarding lead
What does the DCML carry?
Proprioception and fine touch
What does the spinothalamic tract carry?
- Laterally = pain + temperature
- Anteriorly = crude touch
How long should MgSO4 continue for after giving birth?
24 hours after last seizure/ delivery
What time period does an appeal against a section 2 need to be made within?
14 days
What causes micrognathia and rocker-bottom feet?
Edwards syndrome
patau = microcephaly + small eyes
What is thought blocking?
When a patient suddenly stops talking or the thought process suddenly stops
What type of MS are disease modifying treatments used for?
Relapsing remitting
What is the first and second line investigation for asthma in children (5-15)?
- Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO)
- Bronchodilator reversibility with spirometry
How is constipation in adults treated (first and second line)?
- Bulk forming laxatives (e.g. ispaghula)
- Osmotic laxatives (e.g. macrogol - movicol)
How is CTG affected in Chorioamnionitis?
Foetal tachycardia
What is the difference between bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa (2)?
- Bulimia = binge eating and then purging
- Anorexia = significant restriction of food intake and intense fear of weight gain
What is seen on xray of those with respiratory distress of the newborn?
Ground glass appearance
Other than prematurity what are some risk factors for respiratory distress of the newborn (3)?
- Male
- Diabetic mother
- C-section
What are some examples of AIDs defining illnesses (7)?
- Pneumocystis pneumonia
- Oesophageal candidasis
- HIV encephalopathy (dementia)
- Toxoplasmosis
- Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
- Kaposi sarcoma
- CMV retinitis
How is essential tremor often inherited?
Autosomal dominant
What does whooping cough look like under the microscope?
Gram negative coccobacillus
How should suspected bone malignancies be managed in children by the GP?
Urgent X-ray within 48 hours
When can hormonal contraception be taken after emergency contraception?
- Levonorgestrel = immediately after
- Ulipristal acetate = after 5 days
How soon should an ultrasound be done for babies born in breech?
Within 6 weeks for DDH
How does NAC work?
Glutathione metabolises NAPQI, NAC helps replenish the glutathione stores in the liver and break down the toxic metabolite NAPQI
What is a complex febrile seizure (3)?
- Lasts longer than 15 minutes
- Recurrence within 24 hours
- Focal seizure (rather than generalised)
When do febrile seizures typically occur?
6 months - 5 years
What medication is used in the management of IIH?
When should oxygen be offered to those with bronchiolitis?
If sats are below 90%
How is Guillain barre syndrome managed (2)?
- IV Ig
- Plasmapheresis
What are the MRI findings in huntingtons disease?
Atrophy of caudate nucleus and putamen
What is a long term side effect of levodopa (2)?
- Dyskinesia
- On-off phenomena
What organisms commonly cause PID (3)?
- Chlamydia
- Gonorrhoea
- Micoplasma genitalium