Study guide for chapter 63, 64 Flashcards
- Kidney should be sonographically imaged starting at what weeks?
18 weeks
- Protrusion of the posterior wall of urinary bladder is called what?
exstropy of the bladder
- Condition in which the ovarian and testicular tissue is present what is it?
- What would it look like if you had complete renal agenesis what would it look like sonographically
absence of fetal bladder
small thorax
not dilated fetal bladder
- Renal agenesis and oligo pulmonary hyper and abnormal facies and abnormal hand and feet is followed under what condition
potters syndrome
- Which chara of multicystic plastic kidney disease is most common
multiple noncommunicating cysts of variable sizes
- Sites of hydronerphrosis are most common?
ureteropelvic junction (UPJ)
anteroposterior renal pelvis diameter < 5 to 10 mm
rim of renal parenchyma is preserved
calyceal distention in seen within central pelvis common
not renal enlargement found
- what are the findings observed in hydronephrosis
- If you have dilated bladder with a key hole appearance what condition are you mostly likely looking at
posterior urethral valve obstruction
- Sonographic finding in prune-belly syndrome include all except?
fetal ascites
not renal agenesis
- Bladder wall thickness in a fetus is normally in how many millimeters (in the book)
2 mm
- The renal system fails to develop in which one of these conditions
renal agenesis
- Prement kidneys derive from what
renal pelvis
not bowmans capsule
- Uregiatic bud gives rise to all, except?
- Kidneys initially lie in which of the following positions
very close together in the pelvis
- What condition develops if the lumen of the allantosis persists while the urachus forms?
urachal fistula
- Normal AP diameter of the renal pelvis at 20 wks should not exceed how many millimeters
4 mm
- Anechoic cystic structure in the bladder is most likely what?
- Most likely cause of bilateral hydronephrosis is which of the following?
bladder outlet obstruction
- You can’t exclude renal agenesis before how many weeks because of the fluid
18-20 weeks
not thinning of the bladder wall
- What are the sono findings in posterior urethral valve obstruction?
often multiseptated
often bilateral
results from maternal hormone stimulation
not has no diagnostic significance
- Fetal ovarian cyst need to know all of the correct info about them?
- If the fetal kidneys are enlarged and echogenic, bilateral, what condition are we looking at?
infantile polycystic disease
- Renal malformations may be divided into two categories, what are they?
congenital & obstructive
- Testicles are not visible in the sac until how many weeks?
28 weeks
- Which of the following anomalies demonstrates the US chara of trisomy 18
pena shokeir syndrome
- Which of the following anomalies is associated with micromelia and hitcher hiker thumb
diastrophic dysplasia
- Which of the following describes the shortened of proximal extremities?
cloverleaf skull
extreme micromelia
short ribs
not microcephaly
- Chara of thantatophoric dysplasia except?
- Which of following anomalies is associated with the amish community
ellis van creveld syndrome
- Which of the following is most likely when there are multiple fractions and pressable convarium?
osteogenesis imperfecta
- which of the following is associated with a cloverleaf skull
thanatorphoric dysplasia
- Which of the following nonlethal skeletal dysplasia’s is most common
- Of the following is caused by alkaline phophastest deficiency?
congenital hypophosphatasia
- Congenital condition chara by a disorder of collagen production
osteogenesis imperfecta
- Sever micromelia decrease absent or ossification of the spine microcephaly or micrognathai is seen in which condition
- Group of lethal skeletal dysplasia of bowing of the long bones is which one
camptomelic dysplasia
- sono features, small thorac, risomelia, renal dysplasia, polydacytly?
jeune syndrome
- Diagnosis of talpies are made with what characteristics, looking for reason of direction/
persistent abnormal inversion of the foot perpendicular to the leg
- Fusion of the lower extremity is associated with which of the following?
- Sono features of achondroplasia may not be evident until how many weeks of gestation
22 weeks
- The most common lethal skeletal dysplasia is which?
thanatorphoric dysplasia
- Which classification of osteogensis imprefecta is the most sever
type 2
most commonly result of a spontaneous mutation
results from decreased endochondral bone formation
hetrozygous good survival rate
not advanced maternal age
- Statements of achondorplasia which ones is not correct?
- Rare condition chara by phocemali and facial anomalies is which syndrome
Robert syndrome
- The majority of club feet why do we have them?
- Abnormal growth and density of cartilage and bone is describe as which one of the following conditions
skeletal dysplasia
- Which of the following conditions is caused by cartilage abnormalities results in abnormal bone formation and minerlization?
- A lethal skeletal dysplasia, short ribs, short limbs, and polydactyl
short rib polydactyly
- Webbing across joint in multiple contrapers, sono finding in what abnormlity?
lethal multiple pterygium syndrome