Study guide Flashcards
Definition of healthcare
Service people seek when they cannot manage their own health and related needs , either because of lack of knowledge , their physical or emotional status or lack of social support.
Any care that results in physical harm or pain, or anguish
Ancient Romans added what
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
One of the several people who were named responsible for micro biology because of his discovery with bacteria.
Physical or verbal attack on someone: treatment or care with out proper conssalt
Associate’s degree
A degree awarded by a teacher/ carreers school or community college after a prescribed two year completion of study.
Levels of health care
Acute: injury or illness come on very quickly and is short term
Chronic, long term: allows to take care of patient for a long time, usuall longer than a week
Primary: family doctors, where we focus on prevention and promotion.
Specialized: you are focused on one area of the body or one group of people
In patient: use of any institutional bed
They treat people with hearing problems, they diagnose problems , and provide treatment
Bachelor’s degree
A degree that is awarded by a college or university after an individual completes a prescribed list of classes which usually takes about four years.
Behaviors associated with wellness
Actions taken that show a state of well being, such as taking care of physical wellness(eating well and exercising), emotional wellness( understanding emotions and expressing them appropriately), social wellness( showing concern, and consideration for all subjects), intellectual( being creative and curious), and spiritual wellness( using ethics )
Biomedical engineer
Has a combined knowledge of an engender and biology and biochemical principals to assist in an operation of a healthcare facility
Biomedical equipment technician
Works with many machines that are used to diagnose and treat patients
Birth control pills
Pills that are taken to reduce the chance of getting pregnant
Athletic trainor
Prevent and treat athletic injuries and provide rehabilitative services to athletes
Someone who helps out the main doctor
Specializes in diseases of the heart and blood vessels
Central/ sterile supply worker
Are responsible for ordering , maintaining, and sterilizing equipment for other departments
Christian Bernard
Preformed the first human to human heart transplant
Means you only do what you are qualified to do and do it to your best ability
To keep a patients personal information as private as possible
An agreement between two or more parties
Occurs when false statements cause an other pain or injury, ruined reputation or bothering
Dental hygienist
Works under a dentists and performs procedure mouth examinations and cleaning, gives x- rays, and teaches patients of oral health
dental laboratory technician
Make and repair a variety of dental prostheses(artificial dental parts) according to the dentists specialization
Many people rely on you do except responsibility and show up on time and do your job the best you can
A doctor that focuses mainly on the skin and prescribe medication and diagnose issues
Dialysis technician
Operates kidney hemodialysis machine, used to help people with limited kidney function
Specializes in nutrition and can teach it to others, work for food services, or related fields
Doctors degree
Awarded by a college or university after two or more years of work after a bachelors degree, and take up to six years of prior work
Dorothea Dix
Appointed superintendent of female nurses of the army in 1861
Electrocardiograph technician
Works electrocardiographical machines which Monitors Electrical impulses that originate from the heart
Elizabeth Blackwell
First woman to receive a medical degree in the United States. 1841
Emergency Medical Technician
Provide pre hospital emergency care (EMT)
Emotional wellness
Understanding ones emotions and expressing them in a healthy appropriate way
Being able to understand a persons feelings, situation and more
Endocrinologists are specially trained physicians who diagnose diseases related to the glands. The diseases they are trained to treat often affect other parts of the body beyond glands.
Treatment to the pulp, root and vessels of the teeth, also called root canal treatment
Individual who manages, organizes, and assumes the risk of business
They study track diseases in groups, they try to prevent and heal the people with them and try to stop the spread of the disease
A set of moral laws
False imprisonment
When a person is held against his or her will
First test tube baby
Louise brown
Five dimensions of human beings
Physical Social Intellectual Emotional Physiological
Florence Nightingale
Founded a school of nursing
Gabriel farenheight
Invented the mercury thermometer
A specialist in the digestive system
Genetic counselor
Specializes in assisting couples in danger of not being able to reproduce in family planning
Geriatric assistant
Usually do jobs like bathing, feeding, and changing elderly people in a nursing home
a physician who has completed a residency in either Internal Medicine or Family Medicine with an additional one or two year fellowship training in the medical, social, and psychological issues that concern older adults.
Deals with aging problems and aging people
A physician that is specialized in the female reproductive system
A persons ability to adjust to his or her environment to stay at an optimum level of all around wellness
Health care administrator
Manage the business of health care
Health information technician
Career Definition. Health information technicians collect, organize, and analyze data used in the healthcare profession. In hospitals, doctors’ offices and clinics, they ensure the accuracy of medical records so that physicians and nurses can properly care for patients.
Homeopathic care
Based on the idea that the body can heal itself
The body’s inability to adjust to its environment, setting off at least one type of wellness
Informed consent
permission granted in the knowledge of the possible consequences, typically that which is given by a patient to a doctor for treatment with full knowledge of the possible risks and benefits.
Integrative care
Uses both mainstream treatment and CAM therapies to treat a patient
Intellectual wellness
The ability to use creativity
Specialist in internal medicine
Invasion of privacy
To reveal someone more than necessary for example to send insurance information without consent, or to break confidentiality
Joseph Priestley
Isolated many gasses and discovered oxygen
Kidney transplant
Was preformed by Joseph Murray in 1954
The written act of defamation,(saying untrue things that cause a person issues)
Licensed practical/ vocational nurse
in much of the United States and most Canadian provinces is a nurse who cares for people who are sick, injured, convalescent, or disabled under the direction of registered nurses and physicians. In the U.S. states of California and Texas they are called licensed vocational nurse (LVN).
Living will
Documents that allow individuals to state what measures should or should not be taken to prolong life when their condition is terminal.
Louis Pasteur
Louis Pasteur was a French chemist and microbiologist renowned for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation and pasteurization.
Failure of a professional to use the skill to the degree that is expected of his profession, example could be a doing a procedure you are not qualified for, or not doing something , and the patient is harmed
Marie curie
Marie Skłodowska-Curie was a Polish and naturalized-French physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity. Then isolated radium and used radioactivity in medicine.
Masters degree
a degree awarded by a graduate school or department, usually to a person who has completed at least one year of graduate study.
Medical clinical laboratory technologist
Preform tests to find out what the problem is in a patient and collect samples
Medical illustrator
A medical illustrator is a professional artist with specialized training and advanced education in medicine, science, art, design, visual technology, media techniques, and in theories related to communication, learning and management.
Mental wellness
Having good self esteem and a positive outlook on life
Failure to give care that is normally expected of a person in a particular position, resulting in injury
A doctor who specializes in treating the nervous system
Objective data
Can be seen or measured and are commonly called signs, a bruise ,cut or rash could be an example
Subjective data
Can not be seen or felt, they are commonly called symptoms. Usually complaints or statements by the patient. Should be reported in the patients exact words
Occupational therapist
(OTAs) often works under a physiatrist specializing in physical medicine and rehabilitation. Help people with physical, developmental, mental, or emotional disabilities to overcome by giving helping to re learn skills of daily life
a doctor who specializes in treating people with cancer. The three main types are medical, surgical, and radiation . These different types often work together to treat a person with cancer.
Oncology hospital
A hospital that specializes in cancer and
a physician (doctor of medicine, MD, or doctor of osteopathy, DO) who specializes in the medical and surgical care of the eyes and visual system and in the prevention of eye disease and injury.
Straightening or alignment of the teeth
Orthopedic hospital
Hospital focused on disease and deformities of the bones,muscles and joints
A doctor that treats disease or deformities in the bone,muscle, and joints
The scientist that studies disease and its causes, processes, and effects. The physical and mental abnormalities that result from disease or trauma. A branch of medicine that explores the nature and cause of disease. Pathology also involves the study of bodily changes that occur as the result of disease.
Pediatric hospital
A hospital that is specialized in kids
Disease and disorders in children
is a specialized healthcare professional who uses the heart-lung machine during cardiac surgery and other surgeries that require cardiopulmonary bypass to manage the patient’s physiological status
the branch of dentistry concerned with the structures surrounding and supporting the teeth.
a person who is professionally qualified to prepare and dispense medicinal drugs.
A person who is qualified to draw blood from a patient
Physical therapist
(PTs) are highly-educated, licensed health care professionals who can help patients reduce pain and improve or restore mobility - in many cases without expensive surgery and often reducing the need for long-term use of prescription medications and their side effects.
Physicians assistant
Working under the physician, taking medical history, preform routine check ups and basic diagnostic tests, treat minor injuries, an prescribe and administer proper treatments
Polio vaccine
Jonas stalk developed this using dead polio virus in 1952
Taking special measures to stop illness before it takes place
A doctor that specializes in illness of the anus or rectum
A person who is responsible, and takes their job seriously
Professional characteristics
Empathy, honesty, dependability, willingness to learn, patience, acceptance to critisicim, enthusiasm, self-motivation, tact, competence,responsibility, discretion, team player
Being a good example of being healthy and showing that being healthy is worth it
Recreational therapist
Use recreational and leisure activities as forms of treatment to minimize patients symptoms, and improve social, mental and physical well being.
A specialist dealing in X-rays and radiologic technologies
Rehabilitative hospital
A hospital that focuses on rehabilitating people
Rene Laennec
was a French physician. He invented the stethoscope in 1816, while working at the Hôpital Necker and pioneered its use in diagnosing various chest conditions.
Robert Kotch
German bacteriologist who isolated the anthrax bacillus and the tubercle bacillus and the cholera bacillus (1843-1910)
Giving one self motive to work
The spoken type of defamation, saying something untrue that causes someone turmoil
Small pox vaccine
Found by Edward Jenner in 1798
Social wellness
The ability to act concerned and engaged appropriately in society
A specialistwho does the study of human social behavior and its origins, development, organizations, and institutions. sociology definition.
Speech- language therapist
A specialist in speech language and swallowing of children and adults
Spiritual wellness
is finding meaning in life events, demonstrating individual purpose and having the ability to be compassionate towards others. Spirituality is unique to each individual.
Like empathy, but is just feeling bad for someone else without knowing what it is like to go through similar events
A keen sense of knowing what to say or do without giving offense
Team player
A person who is willing to contribute to a team in a positive way
a person employed to look after technical equipment or do practical work in a laboratory.
an expert in the practical application of a science.
What did Sigmund Freud add?
(1857-1939) his findings founded the basis for phycology and psychiatry
What does it mean to be a licensure?
Authorized whereby government agency authorizes individuals to work in a given occupation. Health care carreers requiring this can vary from sate to state. One must also be able to complete an approve educational program, pass a state board test, and maintain care takin standards. Could be a physician, dentist, physical therapist, registered nurse, and licensed practical vocational nurses.
National Health Care Skill Standards
HIPPA what does it mean.
Health. Also says you can't break confidentiality Insurance Portability Accountability Act
When was AIDS identified?
Who initiated Nursing education?
Florence Nightingale
Who is Clara Barton?
Founded American Red Cross 1881
Who is Hippocrates
The father of medicine, said that going outside and doing healthy
Things affected health
Who is Joseph Lister
Began using disinfectants and antiseptics during surgery
Sir Alexander Flemming
Discovered penicillin 1928
William Harvey
Described circulation of the blood to and from the heart
William Roentgen
Discovered x-rays in 1895