Final study guide Flashcards
Moving body part away from midline
Abdominal cavity
Contains the stomachs, much of the large intestine, appendix, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen
Moving body part towards the midline
Afferent nerves
Sensory nerves, carry messages from all parts of the body to the brain and the spinal cord.
Adipose tissue
type of soft connective tissue is adipose, or fatty,
tissue, which stores fat as a food reserve or source
of energy, insulates the body, fills the area between
tissue fibers, and acts as padding.
Joint. slightly movable; examples
include the attachment of the ribs to the tho-
racic vertebrae and the symphysis pubis, or
joint between the two pelvic bones
Anatomical position
means the body is facing forward, standing erect,
and holding the arms at the sides with the palms
of the hands facing forward.
is the study of the form and
structure of an organism.
Or ventral cavity or front cavities, contains the thoracic cavity, the diaphragm, abdominal cavity, pelvic cavity
Largest artery of the heart
Aortic valve
is located between the left ventricle and the aorta,
the largest artery in the body. It closes when the
left ventricle is fi nished contracting, allowing
blood to fl ow into the aorta and preventing blood
from fl owing back into the left ventricle.
is a condition in which an individual stops breathing while asleep, causing a measurable decrease in blood oxygen levels.
Anachroid membrane
One of the three layers that protect the brain and spinal cord.The
middle layer ,delicate and weblike.It is loosely attached to
the other meninges to allow space for fluid to
flow between the layers.
carry blood away from
the heart. The aorta is the largest artery in the
body; it receives the blood from the left ventricle
of the heart.
The smallest branches of arteries are called. They join with capillaries.
Single nerve fiber that is pretty much the tail of the neuron
participate in the body’s inflammatory response; produce histamine, a vasodilator, and heparin, an anticoagulant
Biceps bracci
Upper arm, Flexes lower arm and supinates hand
Bicuspid(mitral )valve
is located between the left atrium and left ventri-
cle. It closes when the left ventricle is contracting,
allowing blood to fl ow into the aorta (for transport
to the body) and preventing blood from fl owing
back into the left atrium.
Buccal cavity
Cavity of the mouth. For the teeth and the tongue.
Connect arterioles with venules, the smallest veins. Capillaries are located in close proximity to almost every cell in the body. They have thin walls that contain only one layer of cells. These thin walls allow oxygen and nutrients to pass through to the cells and allow carbon
dioxide and metabolic products from the cells to enter the capillaries.
Cardiac muscle
Cause the heart to beat
Cardiac sphincter
a circular muscle between
the esophagus and stomach, closes after food
enters the stomach and prevents food from going
back up into the esophagus.
Lenses of the eye become foggy