Goal of Science
is pursuit of knowledge for its own sake
Technology is the _______ of Science
practical application
Goal of technology
to create products that solve problems and improve human life
Is a state where people experience positive emotions, positive
psychological functioning and positive social functioning, most of the time living within an optimal range of human
It is a descriptor and measure of positive mental health and overall life well-being
and includes multiple components and concepts such as cultivating strengths, subjective well-being, goodness, growth
and resilience
Defined as an effort to achieve
self-actualization and fulfillment within
the context of a larger community of
individuals, each with the right to pursue
his or her own such efforts
Human Flourishing
It encompasses the uniqueness, dignity,
diversity, freedom within the larger
family, community and population
Human Flourishing
Human Flourishing arises as a result of different components such as
Phronesis; Friendship; Wealth, Power
Wisdom relevant to practical action
the mutual admiration between two human beings
constitutes the economic dimension
Cognitive Power of Judgement
T or F: As time changes, elements that comprise
human flourishing changed
It is as a means of survival has
become obsolete
A new trend
Humans of today are expected to become __________. Supposed to situate himself in a global neighborhood, working side by side among institutions and the government to be able to reach a common goal
“man of the worlds”
was a German philosopher whose work is perhaps
most readily associated with phenomenology
and existentialism, although his thinking should
be identified as a part of such philosophical movements only with extreme care and qualification
Martin Heidegger (1889 - 1976)
For Heidegger, presently, we tend to be _____ to tech
There is also a pervasive instrumentalist interpretation of technology as _________ that provides the __________
human activity; means to our ends
Heidegger considers that technology involves the ___________ and suggests that with technology comes
a distinctive mode of disclosiveness, or
revealedness, that is, a kind of
bringing-forth (poiesis); ontological truth (aletheia)
Our activities, the things we encounter and deal with, and even we ourselves all
seem to happen together in a “world” where everything is set up and
__________ as part of a stockpile of available materials and personnel -
__________, always ready for technologically determined
“enframed”; “standing-reserve” (Bestand)
________________, then, is the
“essence” of the technological essence, not in the traditional sense of a permanent and unchangeable character
or set of properties, but in the sense of a predominant way of disclosing meaning which “gives” the instrumentally useful its familiar “instrumental” sense
Enframing (Gestell)
T or F: Everything is seen as not calculable and just
mere instruments in order to attain what
is intended as an end
F: EVerything is seen as calculable
Where danger is, there is also __________
Saving Power (Friedrich Holderin)
This saving power is still through enframing but in another way, namely,
the possibility of opening up a ________________
“FREE relation with technology.”
T or F: A free relation with technology would thus have to happen “in a realm that is, on the one hand, akin to the essence of technology and, on the other, fundamentally different from it.”
Solely depends on how humans let
themselves be consumed by it. The
responsibility of humans is to recognize
how they become instruments of
Danger of Technology
It is not how one should act with regard
to technology - the question that seems
to be “always closest and solely urgent” but ________________
how we should think, for technology “can never be overcome,”.