Structuring Practice and Feedback Flashcards
Lecture 28/29
Factors that influence the quality and effectiveness of practice
-motivation (goal setting)
-instruction (demonstration and modelling)
-mental practice (how and when to use it)
Outcome goals
-targets for performance that focus on the end result
-good for elite athletes
EX: win the stanley cup
Advantages of outcome goals
-easy to measure (won or didn’t)
-provides a “vision”
Limitations of outcome goals
-easily affected by external factors
-no clear “path” to get there
-may not be realistic
Performance goals
-focus on improving a specific aspect of performance
-good for individual or amateur learners
EX: improve pass completion (football) rate to 60%
Advantages of performance goals
-not as effected by extrinsic factors
-narrow focus
Limitations of performance goals
-may not directly alter outcome
Process goals
-focus on quality of movement production (technique)
EX: proper squat technique
Advantages of process goals
-directly link movement
-very targeted and specific
-good for early learning
Put goals in order of effectiveness for;
a) elite athletes
b) amateur athletes
c) early learners
a) outcome goals
b) performance goals
c) process goals
Limitations of process goals
-narrow perception
mental practice
-practice of a motor skill (in your mind), in the absence of overt movement
What is mental practice good for?
-visualizing how to perform a task well in the target environment
Massed practice
-rest btwn sessions is brief
-discrete and serial tasks
-high cognitive demand
EX: training camp (football) twice a day
Distributed practice
-rest btwn sessions is long
-continuous tasks
-low cognitive demand
EX: training for a marathon
Longer periods of rest often lead to…
improved performance during practice
Noticeable differences (short rest/long rest) are generally __________ at retention
reduced (longer breaks = better retention)
Blocked practice
-all trials of a task are completed before moving onto a new one
Random practice
-practice different skills in random order
Which type of practice outperforms in practice?
Blocked (outperforms random)
-better in short term learning
Which type of practice outperforms in retention?
Random (outperforms blocked)
-better for long term learning, despite lower performance in practice
Can too much modelling be bad for learners?
Why is random practice better for retaining?
-requires the learner to be engaged b/c elements of practice change constantly
-increases strength of motor memories
-forget short-term solutions (have to generate “new” solution each time)
Constant practice
-similar to blocked
-individuals practice one variation of a skill repeatedly before moving on to a new skill
Variable practice
-similar to random
-different variations of same skill are practiced in random order
Serial practice
-hybrid of constant and variable practice
Which type of practice learns basic mapping btwn a parameter and resulting action
What is constant practice good for?
-special skills
EX: shooting free throws
-info about movement patterns or outcomes
-the nervous system can use to guide future movements
Augmented feedback
-info about movement outcome
-from external source
-augments intrinsic feedback
How is feedback motivational?
-reinforces positive movement
How does feedback produce dependence?
-reduces their ability to distinguish individual error
Knowledge of results
-info about success (goal/not), or degree of success (judge score) of an action relative to goal
Knowledge of performance
-info about movement patterns while performing task
-no just about outcome, but how it is completed
EX. swing attack (golf) is too steep
What frequency of feedback is best?
Tapered feedback
-frequent feedback during early learning
-progressively withdraw as learner becomes skilled
Which will perform better 100% feedback or 50%
50% shows better retention
Danger of instantaneous feedback
Can make the learner dependent
Instantaneous feedback
-immediately after movement
-informs about trial that was just completed
Delayed feedback
-short period of time after movement
Which type of feedback is better for retention?
-delayed feedback
Which learner will learn and retain best?
a) ask for help when needed (learner-determined)
b) coach knows best (experimenter determined)
c) helicopter parents (control)
Best- learner determined
Mid- experimenter determined
Worst- control
Which timing is most effective for the transfer or learning?
a) real time feedback and haptic guidance
b) real time guidance on monitor
c) feedback after trial is completed
c) feedback on monitor after trial is completed (even though worst performance in practice)
Summary feedback
-feedback provided after a series of trials
-informs about each attempt in series
-prevent dependence
Average feedback
-after a series of trials
-informs of average performance
-better understand the types of error occurring