Somatosensory System Flashcards
Lecture 10/11/12
Intrafusal fibers
Non-force producing muscle fibers (lengthen and stretch with changes in muscle length)
Afferent axons
SENSORY INFO- innervate endings of muscle spindle and send feedback to the spinal cord
Muscle spindles
Specialized sensory receptors (provide feedback on muscle stretching to CNS)
Efferent axons
MOTOR COMMANDS- yMN’s innervate polar (contractile) ends of intrafusal fibers and send excitatory inputs from spinal cord
Gamma motor neuron
stimulates intrafusal muscle fibers
Sensory endings
sense length of intrafusal muscle fibers (part of afferent axons)
Center of muscle spindle
Non-contractile region
connective tissue surrounding intrafusal fibers and sensory receptors that compose spindle
Extrafusal (skeletal muscle) fibers
Fibers that cause muscle contraction (parallel with intrafusal fibers)
Nuclear bag fibres
instrafusal fibres w/ nuclei arranged in a central ‘bag’ region
Nuclear chain fibres
intrafusal fibres w/ nuclei arranged along a straight chain
primary afferents (group 1a)
wrap around all types (bag/chain) types of intrafusal fibres
secondary afferents (group 2)
‘flower spray endings’ onto ONLY nuclear chain type intrafusal fibers
Secondary muscle spindle ending
Combination of a secondary afferent and the intrafusal fibres it contacts
Primary muscle spindle ending
Combination of a primary afferent and the intrafusal fibres it wraps around
Larger stretches of the muscle lead to…
Larger receptor potentials
Dynamic phase
when the muscle is being stretched
The difference in the firing rate of muscle spindles
provides the CNS with sensory input proportional to the velocity
Primary endings are more sensitive to…
the dynamic phase of movement (velocity)
Secondary endings are more sensitive to…
muscle length
Human microneurography
method of inserting an electrode directly into a peripheral nerve to record action potentials from sensory and motor neurons
Do secondary and primary endings respond equally as much to the dynamic phase?
No, primary endings are more responsive to velocity
Gamma motor neurons (yMN’s)
stimulated at the same time as the alpha-MN, the intrafusal fibers contract along with the extrafusal (skeletal) muscle fibers WHICH ALLOWSTHE MUSCLE SPINDLE TO KEEP RESPONDING DURING CONTRACTIONS
Without yMN
the spindle would stop providing feedback where your limbs are (floppy/slack fibers)
when alpha (extrafusal) and gamma (intrafusal) motor neurons respond together (same message from CNS)
our bodies understanding of where it is in space (position)
our brains understanding of movement (basically proprioception of movement)