Structures of the Nose Flashcards
A pyrimidal mass
A dominant feature of the face, because of this accurate size and form will be more important than on any other feature
This leans asymmetrically to one side
Form of the bilateral silhouette of the base of the nose
3 fused spheres
The base of the nose is
bisected by the upper lip
Nose of the white, western european, or caucasoid race
Prominent at the bridge
Nose of the yellow, asian, or mongoloid race
Intermediate between leptorrhine and platyrrhine
Nose of the black, african, or negroid race
Minimum projection at the bridge
Broad and short
Dimensions of the nose are indicated by
Size of the nasal bones
Margins of the nasal cavity
Width of the nose at the wings
Most inferior part of the nose at the nasal spine of the maxilla
Most common type of profile classification of nose
The anterior ridge exhibits a straight line from the root to tip
Sometimes called a hook or aquiline noes
Covexity may be continuous from the root to the tip
The entire profile, from the root to the tip, may dip concavely
Concave Infantine Retrousse Pug Snub
The bridge of the nose
The thin covering of tissues repeat the form of the
Nasal bones
Is pear shaped in form
Influences the length and width of the nose
Borders of the nasal cavity
The sharp bony projection located medially at the inferior margin of the nasal cavity
Nasal Spine of the maxilla
Creates the bony length of the nose
Covered by the columna nasi
Nasal Spine of the maxilla
Large vertical cartilage
Divides the nasal cavity into a right and left chamber
Supplies almost all the projection of the inferior half of the nose
Bends to one side resulting to one side resulting in the nose being asymmetrical
Four cartilages that support the covering tissues of the lower half of the nose
Lateral Cartilages
Is connected to a nasal bone and an inferior lateral lateral cartilage
Supplies the fullness to the lateral wall of the nose
Superior lateral cartilage
Both cartilages unite at the medial line
Create the rounding form of the protruding lobe
Inferior Lateral Cartilage
Protruding ridge
Anterior ridge of nose
Composed of the root, bridge, and protruding lobe
The concave dip below the glabella
The dome over the upper part of the nasal cavity formed by the nasal bone
The spherical area forming the inferior part of the dorsum
Protruding lobe
Lateral Lobes
Superior to columna Nasi
They form the inferior margin identified as the arch of the wing
Creates the greatest width of the nose
Superficial partition between nostrils
The most inferior part of the nose
In a profile view it is at a right angle to the upper lip
Columna Nasi
The lateral walls of the nose between the wings and the bridge
Small angular area between wing and cheek
Nasal Sulcus
Anterior fold of cheek
Nasolabial fold
Nostril opening
Anterior Nares
Forehead eminence located above the root