Structure And Management In The NHS Flashcards
When was the NHS created?
What were the three key principles?
Universal, comprehensive and free at the point of delivery
What is the role of the secretary of state for health?
Overall accountability for the NHS
What is the role of the department of healh?
Sets national standards, shapes the direction of the NHS and socail care services, and sets the national tariff, the fee for services from the service providers
What is the role of NSH england?
Authorises the clinical commision grousp, supprots develops and perfomance manages commisioning, and specialist servies and primary care
What are clinical commsioing groups?
Bring together GPs, nurses, public health and pubi to commision secondary and community health services- commision everything apart form the primary care services
Who are some of the providers of care within the NHS?
NHS acute trusts are repsonible for most health care, community helathcare trusts, and other providers including charities and the private sector
What is a clincal diectorate?
They are usually based on one specality or a group of specalities, each is led by a clinical direcory, and a lead nurse
What is the role of a clincial director?
To manage his or her directorate, including providing continuing medical training, design and implement directorate policies including hours of junior doctors, and implement clincal audit and develop management guidlines
What are the repsonsibilities of a medical director?
Approves job descriptions, interview panels and equal opportunities, disclipnary proccesses, and leads on organisational clinical policy and clinical standards, involved in strategic overview of medical staff in the organisation and sits on the organisation board of directors