Chronic Illness Flashcards
Where does much of the sociological reasearch of chronic illness come from?
Illness narratives that are used to study the progression of chronic illness
What is illness work?
Symptom management, and managing the manifestations of the disease
How can getting a diangosis affect a paitent and what kind of work does it comprise?
Illness work, and can create a prolonged period of uncertainity, some diagnoses can be ambivert, and the process can be unpleasant, he diagnosis can be profoundly shocking, very theartening or a relief
What is the work of managing the symptoms and why is it important?
Central to the coping task is the phsyical manifestations and this had be done before the social relationships and can also affect the interaction between the body and identity
Why is optimal self management difficult to achieve?
Poor rates of adhernace to treatment, reduced quality of life and poor pyschological wellbeing,
What are the advantages of the expert paritent program?
Aims to reduced hospital admissions and is patient centered,
What are the disadvantages of the expert paitent program?
The responsibilty for care is placed on possibly very ill paitents, there is possibly little real agency and understanding, and there is little evidence of efficency savings
What is everyday life work?
Managing everyday living in a chronically ill paitent
What is stargey with regards to chronic illness?
The actions and proccesses involved in managing the condiiton and its impact, and the decisions about the mobilisations of reosurces and how to manage the demands and remain independant
How can normalisation be used by a paitent?
You can try and keep your pre illness lifestyle intact by managing or disgusuing the symptoms, or resdesignate your new life as nromal life, and this may involve signalling some changes in your roles or relationships
What is the emotional work of chronic illness?
Work that is used to protect the emotional well being of yourself and others
What are some of the potential emotional effects?
The impact on role, and the feeling of uselessness to self and to others, and this may be especially difficult for young people
What are some of the features of biographical work and biographical disruption?
This invovles a loss of self,a nd the former self image crumbling away without the development of an equally valued new ones, and this can lead to a constatn struggle to lead a valued life and be of value to self and others. Chornic illness can be a majoryl disruptove experinces and threatens the sense of a taken for granted world
What is the idnetity work of chornic illness?
Whether illness can become defining with the scope of activity
What is stigma?
A negatively defined condition, a tribute trait of heaviour that confers deviant status,
What is discreditable stigma?
Ntohing seen but if found out there is a fear that you would be treated differently, including metnal illness and HIV
What is discredited stigma?
Physically visible or well known characteristic that sets them apart includes a physical disability or a well known suicide attempt
What is encated stigma?
The real experinece of prejduice, discrimation and disadvantage
What is felt stigma?
The fear of encated stigma, and also encompasses a feeling of shame
What is the medical model of disability?
Disbaility is a deviation from medical norms, and the disvantages are as a direct consequence of impairment and disbaility, and needs medical intervention to cure or help
What is the soical model of disability?
Problems are a product of the enviroment and the failure of the enviroment to adjust, and disability is a from of social opeerons, and therefore politcal action and social change is needded
What are some of the critques of a medical model of diasbility?
Lack of recognition of social and pyscological factors, and sterotyping and stigmatising language
What are some of the critques of a social model of diasbility?
The body is left out, there is a overly drawn veiw of society and there is a failure to recongise body relaties and the extent to which these are solvable socially