Structure and Function of the Hip Complex and Hip (week 4) Flashcards
what is the pelvic girdle made up of
Made of two innominates (ilium, ischium, and pubic) as well as the sacrum
state the differences in male and female pelvic girdles
- male - higher iliac crest, narrower
2. female - girdle is wider + shorter, pubic arch is broader in angle
the pelvic girdle is made up of 3 joints. state the names, and types, of these 3 joints
- pubic symphysis (amphiarthrosis, symphyses)
2. sacroiliac joints x 2 (diarthrosis, gliding joint)
the pelvic girdle forms a fixed ring which performs 2 main functions. state what these 2 functions are
- connects the trunk to the lower extremities (axial to appendicular)
- force transfer for bipedal movements
what are the obturator and the acetabulum
the obturator is the hole in the pelvic girdle and the acetabulum is the socket where the femoral head sits into
anterior, posterior, lateral, and medial views of the hip…
- anterior = pubis side
- posterior = ischium side
- lateral = outside –> in
- medial = inside –> out
state the names of the 3 movements possible at the pelvic girdle
- anterior/posterior pelvic tilt (anterior = bum up, penis down. posterior = bum down, penis up)
- left/right lateral tilt (left = left down, right = right down)
- left/right rotation (left = rotate left, right = rotate right)
pelvic girdle, associated hip movement - when both legs are together (2 things)
- as the hip flexes, the pelvis tilts posteriorly in the sagittal plane
- as the hip extends, the pelvis tilts anteriorly in the sagittal plane
pelvic girdle, associated hip movement - lower limb opposition (2 things) - eg) walking
- pelvis rotates in the transverse plane
2. as right leg swings forward, the pelvis rotates to the left to allow the right leg to clear the ground
pelvic girdle, associated hip movement - movement of one limb (2 things) - eg) abduction of the right hip
- pelvis tilts laterally in the frontal plane
2. upward movement of the non-weight bearing leg and downward movement of the weight bearing leg
state 3 general facts about the hip joint
- ball + socket joint - articulation between the femoral heal and the acetabulum of the innominate
- stable joint - acetabulum forms a deep cup and there is a good bony fit
- large loads - force transfer from the axial to the appendicular skeleton goes through the hip
state what it is meant by the key term - osteoarthritis
the breakdown of the articular cartilage and bone in a joint, associated with wear, tear and chronic overload
state 2 consequences of osteoarthritis
- joint space narrowing and bone spurs
2. pain and stiffness
state 3 general facts about hip stability
- bony fit provides good stability, which is enhanced by the labrum that deepens the cup of the acetabulum
- strong ligaments help further stabilise the joint
- muscles are less important for stability than at the shoulder
state what it is meant by the key term - labrum
the labrum is a flat rim of fibrocartilage attached by it’s circumference to the margin of the acetabulum
state the function of the labrum
the labrum functions to deepen the acetabulum cup - can be injured in sport
state what it is meant by the key term - fibrocartilage
fibrocartilage is tough, very strong tissue similar to other fibrous tissue but contains cartilage ground substance and chondrocytes
clinical case study - labral tears (3 points)
- 22% of athletes that complain about groin pain have a labral tear
- usually occurs in sports with a large amount of hip flexion
- but almost 75% of tears have no known direct cause
clinical case study - hip impingement (3 points)
- femoroacetabular impingement
- CAM - femoral head not spherical
- Pincer - extra bone on the acetabular rim
state the names of the 5 key hip ligaments for stability
- transverse acetabular ligament
- ligamentum teres/teres femoris
- iliofemoral ligament
- pubofemoral ligament
- ischiofemoral ligament
state the location, and function, of the transverse acetabular ligament
- flat band of fibres continuous with the labrum bridging the acetabular notch completing the acetabular ring
- prevents inferior displacement
what is the location, and function, of the ligamentum teres ?
connects the head of the femur to the acetabulum helping to reinforce the joint from within
state 2 facts about the iliofemoral ligament
- anterior and blended with the joint capsule
2. supports the hip in standing, and resists: extension, internal + external rotation
state 2 facts about the pubofemoral ligament
- medial anterior + lower part of the capsule
2. resists abduction, extension + external rotation
stat where is the ischiofemoral ligament located, and what is its function ?
- posterior capsule
2. resists adduction and Internal rotation
movement at the hip are similar to that of the shoulder, except…
movements at the hip have less mobility due to the enhanced stability of the hip
state the names of the 4 anterior hip muscles
- illiopsoas
- pectineus
- rectus femoris
- sartorius
state the names of the 5 posterior hip muscles
- bicep femoris
- semi-membanosus
- semi-tendinosus
- gluteus maximus
- 6 deep external rotators
state the names of the 4 medial hip muscles
- adductor longus
- adductor Magnus
- adductor brevis
- gracilis
state the names of the 3 lateral hip muscles
- gluteus medius
- gluteus minimus
- teres fascia latae
state the names of the 6 deep external hip rotators
- Obturator externus
- Obturator internus
- Gemellus superior
- Gemellus inferior
- Quadratus femoris
- Piriformis
what is the pes ansurinus (1), and what is it’s function (2)
- The conjoined tendon of the sartorius, gracilis and semitendinosus
- Helps to stabilise the medial knee
state what joint type the sacroiliac joint is
diarthrosis, gliding
state what joint types the pubic symphysis are
amphiarthrosis, symphysis
what are the symptoms of a labral tear ?
pain, clicking and giving way
state 2 ways of fixing a labral tear
- conservative rehabilitation
2. arthroscopic surgery