Determinants of Muscle Force Production (week 6) Flashcards
the amount of force produced in a sarcomere is…
the amount of force produced in a sarcomere is directly proportional to the number of cross bridges formed
the number of cross bridges formed at any point in time depends upon what 4 parameters?
- length of the muscle (force-length relationship)
- contraction velocity (force-velocity relationship)
- level of activation
- time since the onset of activation
state what it is meant by the key term - force-length relationship of a sarcomere
the force-length relationship of sarcomere describes how the force a sarcomere can produce changes with the length of the sarcomere
describe how the experiment was set up in order to calculate the force-length relationship of a sarcomere (4 things)
- isolated a single muscle fibre from a frog
- had a stimulator to artificially send an AP to the muscle cell
- had a force transducer to measure the force produced by the muscle fibre
- micrometer set a certain length of sarcomere
who did the experiment to determine of the force-length relationship of a sarcomere can be calculated
Gorden, et al, 1966
describe the PROCESS of Gordon’s experiment to determining the force-length relationship of a sarcomere
- experiment began with muscle at resting length
- measured force produced by muscle at it’s resting length in an isometric contraction
- changed length of muscle + repeated
- found most force of an isometric contraction occurs when the muscle is at it’s resting length
explain Gordon’s findings to his experiment to calculate the force-length relationship of a sarcomere
- at resting sarcomere length, there was optimal cross over of actin and myosin for cross bridges to form
- at short muscle lengths, there was too much cross over + actin-actin cross over also blocked myosin binding sites
- at long muscle lengths, not enough cross over to form lots of actin-myosin cross bridges
state 2 facts about muscle force production
- the amount of force in a muscle is a sum of the force in the sarcomere as well as the force in the passive structures of the muscle
- Fmuscle = Fsarcomere + Ftendon
state 3 general facts about ‘passive tension in elastic tissue’
- connective tissue/fascia made of elastic tissue called collagen
- collagen provides resistance to stretch like an elastic band
- the amount of resistance is proportional to the force applied once the structure is stretched beyond it’s resting length
too much stretch in a tendon…
too much stretch in a tendon will level off/plateau it’s force production ability and if it continues to stretch it can cause a complete rupture of the collagen tendon
describe the force-length relationship of a muscle (4 things)
(remember this is for an isometric muscle contraction)
- max force in active (contractile) component (sarcomere) occurs when max number of cross bridges are formed
- an inc^/dec^ in sarcomere length means fewer cross bridges formed and less force produced
- if muscle is stretched while actively contracting, it’s able to generate more force due to the passive (elastic) components of the muscle
- total muscle force is the sum of active and passive components of force
state what it is meant by the key term - force-velocity relationship of a muscle
the force-velocity relationship of a muscle can produce changes accordingly to the velocity with which it is changing length
state the set-up to the experiment to determine the force-velocity relationship of a muscle
- isolated muscle fibre from a frog
- muscle fibre, stimulator, force transducer, a mass attached to a lever allowing muscle to contract at different velocities (higher mass = slower velocities)
explain the 5 key landmarks on the force-velocity relationship of a muscle graph
- max contraction velocity occurs when muscle generates zero force (i.e. there is no resistance to contraction)
- as the resistance to shortening (force required) increases, the speed of shortening decreases
- a muscle can generate it’s almost max force when performing an isometric contraction
- if the load exceeds the force generated by the muscle it will lengthen and more force will be produced
- if the force continues to increase beyond the max force the muscle can produce it will tear
explain isometric contractions
why does a muscle produce less force when shortening and more force when lengthening?
a constant number of cross bridges are formed in isometric contractions
state 3 facts about concentric contractions
why does a muscle produce less force when shortening and more force when lengthening?
- cross bridges cycling as muscle shortens
- the faster a muscle shortens, the less time for the cross bridges to form and un-form
- therefore, there are fewer cross bridges attached at any point in time and a muscle generates less force
state 4 facts about eccentric contractions
why does a muscle produce less force when shortening and more force when lengthening?
- passive structures in the muscle are stretched
- this inc^ force in the muscle due to passive tension
- passive tension isn’t effected by velocity, but active tension is, therefore force will dec^ at fast lengthening velocities
- damage to a muscle occurs if these contractions are fast as active components of force is reduced
state what it is meant by the key term - force-length-velocity relationship of a muscle
as soon as a muscle contraction is not isometric, you must think of the force-length relationship and the force-velocity relationship in parallel
state 3 facts about motor units
- the neurone and the muscle fibres represent the nervous and motor systems respectively
- combine together to form the neuromuscular system
- the motor unit (MU) is the functional unit of the neuromuscular system
state what it is meant by the key term - force-activation level relationship of a muscle
as activation increases, the level of force generated for a given length and given velocity increases (can be shown on the F-L and F-V graphs)
state what it is meant by the key term - force-time relationship of a muscle
the force-time relationship of a muscle describes how force is developed over time in a muscle
state what it is meant by the key term - twitch contraction
a twitch contraction is the mechanical response to a single action potential (consists of the latent period, contraction time, and the relaxation time)
state what it is meant by the key term - latent period (of a twitch contraction)
the period of time from the AP to the onset of contraction. the time delay is due to the excitation-contraction coupling reaction
state what it is meant by the key term - contraction phase (of a twitch contraction)
the time when tension is developing due to the cross bridge cycling
state what it is meant by the key term - relaxation phase (of a twitch contraction)
the time that tension is decreasing (i.e. relaxing) and is longer than the contraction phase. this is due to the time it takes to get all the Ca2+ sequestered
explain the force-time relationship graph of a muscle (3 points)
- the muscle does not produce maximum force as soon as it is activated
- when a muscle is activated, the force increases over time until it reaches the maximum force for that level of activation
- the greater the level of activation, the larger the maximum force is reached
time to develop force in a muscle is dependent upon what 2 things?
- latent period - transmission delay, excitation-contraction coupling delays
- contraction time - influenced by which muscle fibres are recruited
remember, not all skeletal muscle fibres have the same twitch contraction time
state what it is meant by the key term - force-time relationship of a muscle (think about the force-time graph)
the ramping up to peak force happens more quickly in fast twitch muscle fibres than in slow switch muscle fibres (hits their peak force faster)
state, and explain, 2 ways of determining muscle fibre distribution
- muscle biopsies (different fibres stain different colours, percentage of each can be determined)
- non-invasive procedures (fibre type distribution from EMG signal)
explain the force-time relationship graph of a muscle (5 points)
- which muscle fibres are recruited is a function of the level of activation of the muscle (size principle of MU recruitment)
- small + allow fibres recruited first
- if more force is required, larger + faster ones will be recruited
- this progresses until all fibres in a muscle are recruited
- for a greater level of activation, the force generated will be larger and the force may ramp up more quickly for a mixed fibre muscle
muscle comes in many forms. state the names of the 3 main forms (not types of muscle)
- axial muscle - stabilisers
- distal limb muscles - force production + fine control
- proximal limb muscles - movement producers
describe axial muscles
- stabilisers
2. short fibres, minimal free tendon, slow/fatigue resistant
describe distal limb muscles (2 points)
- force producers + fine control
2. moderate fibres, long free tendons, mixed fibre types
describe proximal limb muscles
- movement producers
2. long fibres, moderate free tendon, mixed fibre type
state the 2 types of muscle architecture
- parallel/fusiform (eg - bicep brachii)
2. pennate (eg - gastrocnemius)
state 3 facts about parallel/fusiform muscle architecture
- muscle fibre/fascicles attached directly to bone or tendon
- long muscle fibres, capable of large length change
- Fmuscle = Ftendon
state 4 facts about pennate muscle architecture
- muscle fibres/fascicles attached to tendon vie aponeurosis
- shorter muscle fibres, more fibres per unit area
- Ftendon = Fmuscle x Cos(pennation angle)
- inc^ pennation angle will dec^ force along the line of action
state what it is meant by the key term - physiological cross sectional area (PCSA)
the PCSA represents the sum total of all the cross section of fibres in the muscle in the plane perpendicular to the direction of the fibres (determines how much force a muscle can produce)
state what it is meant by the key term - ACSA
ACSA = anatomical cross sectional area
the isokinetic dynamometer can: (2 things)
- measures force produced by groups of muscles that move a joint in a given plane
- measures how much force you can produce when you are trying to move your knee either in: an isometric contraction, or a concentric + eccentric at a constant velocity (isokinetic contraction)
what piece of equipment can be used to measure force production in humans
the isokinetic dynamometer
muscle force vs joint torque (2 things)
- Fmuscle doesn’t equal Tjoint
- Tjoint = Fmuscle x r
(r = moment arm)
state what it is meant by the key term - moment arm
the moment arm is the distance between the lines of action of the muscle and the centre of muscle of a joint