structure and function of cells of the nervous system Flashcards
type of cell that makes up the nervous system and supports cognitive function
how does a neuron support cognitive function?
information processing and information transmitting element
structures that most neurons have
terminal buttons
functional division of neurons
sensory neurons
detect changes in the internal and external environment (CNS and PNS)
motor neurons
controls muscle contraction and also gland secretion (CNS and PNS)
involved in cognition
lie entirely within the CNS
structural division of neurons
multipolar neuron
neuron with one axon and many dendrites attached to its soma
bipolar neuron
neuron with one axon and one dendrite attached to its soma
unipolar neuron
neuron with one axon attached to its soma, the axon divides with one branch receiving sensory information and the other sending the information to the central nervous system
three types of multipolar neuron
motor neuron of the spinal cord
pyramidal cell of the hippocampus
purkinje cell of cerebellum
glial cells
epyndymal cells
what are microglia
modified immune cells
another name for astrocytes
star cells
what do astrocytes provide?
physical support to neurons
what do astrocytes control?
chemical composition of fluids surrounding neurons
what happens when neurons die?
astrocytes clean up debris and form scar tissue
function of oligodendrocytes
support axons and produce myelin sheath (lipid insulation)
nodes of Ranvier
bare portion of axon (no myelin sheath)
oligodendrocytes in CNS
wrapped around several adjacent axons
oligodendrocytes in PNS
single schwann cell wrapped around the PNS axon
the blood brain barrier
a semipermeable barrier between the CNS and circulatory system
function of the blood brain barrier `
to help regulate the flow of nutrient rich fluid into the brain
area postrema
a region of the medulla where the blood brain barrier is wear
purpose of the area postrema
Allows toxins in the blood to stimulate this area, which initiates vomiting - poison expelled from the body
4 steps of withdrawal reflex
1) dendrites of sensory neuron detect painful stimulus
2) Action potential along axon of sensory neuron
3) excites interneuron in the spinal cord, which excites the necessary motor neuron
4) motor neuron causes contraction of muscle, causing it to move away from the site of pain
membrane potential
electrical charge across a cell membrane
the difference in electrical charge inside and outside the cell
stored up source of electrical energy
resting potential
membrane potential of a neuron when it is not being altered by inhibitory or excitatory post synaptic membrane potentials