stroke scale Flashcards
what happens if a patient answers a question incorrectly then corrects themselves
go with the answer they gave first regardless of weather or not they corrected themselves
LOC scale 1a
1-not alert but can be aroused with minor verbal stimulation
2-not alert requires strong or painful stimulation
3-only makes reflex movements or totally unresponsive
what two questions is LOC based on
- month
2. age of patient
LOC questions scale 1b
0-both questions answered correct
1-one question answered correct
2-both questions incorrect
is date of birth an acceptable answer for the question how old are you
LOC commands
1.close your eyes
2.make a fist
do not coach them you may only repeat the command once
LOC commands score
0-if they perform both tasks correctly
1-one incorrect
2-two incorrect
best gaze # 2 on the NIH scale
test voluntary horizontal eye movement. Does not test vertical eye movement disorders such as nystagmus.
- do cardinal eye movements.
- you can coach patient here
visual test
confrontation - count my fingers
0-no visual loss
1-partial hemianopia
facial palsy
- show me your teeth/gums
2. close your eyes, lift your eyebrows
motor leg score
0-no drift leg can stay up for 5 seconds
1 = drift
2= some effort against gravity
3= no effort against gravity
limb ataxia
0=no ataxia
1=present in one limb
2=present in two limbs
1a. Level of Consciousness
0 = Alert; keenly responsive
1 = Not alert, but arousable by minor stimulation to obey, answer, or respond
2 = Not alert, requires repeated stimulation to attend, or is obtunded and requires strong or painful stimulation to make movements (not stereotyped)
3 = Responds only with reflex motor or autonomic effects or totally unresponsive, flaccid, areflexic
1b. LOC Questions
The patient is asked the month and his/her age. The answer must be correct - there is no partial credit for being close. Aphasic and stuporous patients who do not comprehend the questions will score 2. Patients unable to speak because of endotracheal intubation, orotracheal trauma, severe dysarthria from any cause, language barrier or any other problem not secondary to aphasia are given a 1. It is important that only the initial answer be graded and that the examiner not “help” the patient with verbal or non-verbal cues.
1c. LOC Commands:
The patient is asked to open and close the eyes and then to grip and release the non-paretic hand. Substitute another one step command if the hands cannot be used. Credit is given if an unequivocal attempt is made but not completed due to weakness. If the patient does not respond to command, the task should be demonstrated to them (pantomime) and score the result (i.e., follows none, one or two commands). Patients with trauma, amputation, or other physical impediments should be given suitable one-step commands. Only the first attempt is scored.