Stroke Flashcards
What is the most common cause of stroke
List some non-modifiable factors that increase the risk of having a stroke.
Age,sex, race, family history
List some modifiable factors that increase the risk of having a stroke.
hypertension, diabetes, smoking, atrial fibrillation
When a symptoms comes about suddenly this is a sign of a?
Possible stroke
What are the subtypes of ischemic strokes?
small vessel thrombosis, large vessel thrombosis, embolic stroke
What are the subtypes of hemorrhagic strokes?
Intracerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage
Stroke mimics?
hypoglycemia, mass lesions, migraines
Common presentation of LMCA stroke?
- Right hemiparesis: face=Hand > arm > leg
- Aphasia
- Anterior division: left head and eye deviation
- Posterior division: visual field deficit, aphasia
Common presentation of RMCA stroke?
- Left hemiparesis: face=Hand > arm > leg
- Anterior division: Right head and eye deviation
- Posterior division: visual field deficit, NEGLECT
Common presentation of Posterior Cerebral Stroke stroke?
- visual field deficit or cortical blindness if bilateral
2. may have hemihypaesthesia
Common presentation of Basilar Artery stroke?
- Altered consciousness or Coma, often bilateral signs
2. Cranial nerve signs and crossed signs
Common presentation of Lacunar stroke?
- Pure Motor Hemiplegia: Internal capsule
- Pure Sensory Hypaesthesia: thalamus
- Dysarthria Clumsy Hand Syndrome: pons
- Ataxia Hemiparesis
List some inclusion factors for Thrombolytic therapy.
- acute ischemic stroke (not mimic)
- Age < 80
- Onset < 3 hours
- CT normal or indicates early focal infarction
- NIHSS < 24
- Absence of exclusionary criteria
- Informed consent
List some exclusion factors for Thrombolytic therapy.
- CT signs of hemorrhage or very large infarction
- Undetermined time of onset
- Uncontrollable hypertension or blood sugar
- Recent trauma,major surgery or bleeding
- Abnormal coagulation profile
- Rapidly resolving deficit
- Hemodynamic Compromise from MI
Name the five ways you can prevent strokes (Primary and Secondary)
- Control of modifiable risk factors
- Antihypertensive med
- Anti platelet med
- Anticoagulants
- Carotid Endarterectomy