Strive To The Be The Worlds Best Employer Flashcards
Describe a time when you promoted diversity, equity, or inclusion in the workplace. What forms of diversity did you consider (for example, gender, ethnicity, personal interests)? What approach did you use?
ell me about a time when you showed compassion toward someone during a stressful or high-pressure situation. How did you recognize that it was
important to demonstrate sensitivity? What did you do to demonstrate compassion? What were the outcomes for that person and the situation?
PM with sending in pre approvals and then final claims and amounts differing
Tell me about a time when you supported or empowered someone else on your team to achieve a professional or personal goal. What was your role in the situation? How did it impact you?
Mark, my mentor wanting to be a manager, suggested thing he could save from our one on ones
Give me an example of a time when you organized or participated in an initiative to foster an enjoyable work environment. What was the activity or initiative? What did you do? How did other employees react?
Forced fun committee
Tell me about a time when you noticed someone was being excluded or treated unfairly. Were you able to do anything to help?
Tell me about a time you created an environment where your direct reports felt comfortable speaking up with questions, concerns, ideas, or mistakes. How did you do this and how do you know that it worked? (Manager)
Sharing my short comings/being honest and transparent and somewhat vulnerable
Give me an example of when you worked to improve your team’s work environment? Why did you think the improvement was needed? How did you decide what steps to take? What impact did this improvement have on your team? (Manager)
Currently doing that with my team (no happy hour etc)
Tell me a time when you thought carefully about social responsibility as a critical aspect of your decision making. Why was social responsibility important? How did it (i.e., considering social responsibility) have impact on the decision-making process?
NOMV/ hotline cards/ listening and caring about the people in the hospital as people
Tell me about a time when you considered everyone who was affected by your work, not just your direct customers or people within your organization
VDP | auto issuing
Describe a time when you had to balance growth or perceived progress with environmental or societal impacts. What were the environmental or societal impacts? What steps did you take to minimize any negative impacts?
Environmental (paper EDOs ? and Covid / curbside letter (email)
Tell me about a time where you realized a project you were working on would have unintended, and perhaps undesired, consequences in the future. Can you tell me about a time when you didn’t realize the unintended consequences
Hospitals “needing” the software without proper buy in
Tell me a time when you helped build a more inclusive working environment. What problems were you trying to address? What did you do? What were the employees’ reactions? How did the changes help the employees?
team building with SFS and ADAs
Describe a time when you implemented a change at work aimed at improving the work experience of yourself or coworkers. What was the goal? Why did you feel this change was necessary? What was the outcome?
Happy hours