Stress, Emotion, and Coping Flashcards
What is The Stress Process?
The stress process is complex and includes:
1. Appraisal of demands
2. Coping responses
3. Stress response
What is Stress?
an experience produced through a person- situation relationship that is perceived as taxing or exceeding the athlete’s resources
What are Stressors?
… a demand made on the individual (event, situation) which is appraised by the person as taxing or exceeding their resources
What are Sources of Stress in Sport?
five-give examples of each
- Psychological concerns: fear of failure
- Physical concerns: injury, fatigue
- Social concerns: teammates, family
- Environmental concerns: weather, travel
- Career and life concerns: financial, balance
What is the difference between Acute & Chronic Stress?
- Acute Stress occurs over a short period of time, onset is sudden
- Chronic Stress occurs over a long period of time
What are Expected stressors?
Expected stressors are those we can anticipate and prepare for
What are Unexpected Stressors?
not anticipated and we cannot plan for them
generally perceived as more stressful than expected stressors
What is Primary Appraisal?
– Evaluation of ‘what is at stake’ for the athlete
– Influenced by goals, values
What is Secondary Appraisal?
Evaluation of ‘what can be done’ by the athlete
What is Harm/Loss Appraisal?
Appraisal of psychological damage and loss that has already occurred
What is Threat Appraisal?
Anticipating harm that may or is likely to occur
What is Challenge Appraisal?
Although there are obstacles in the way they can be overcome & there are benefits to succeeding in difficult situations
Appraisal Processes Summary
Theory of Threat & Challenge States
What are Emotions?
- Emotions are a response to an event
– Quick onset
– Short duration
– Common cognitive appraisal
– Distinctive physiological patterns
– Distinctive subjective feeling - The way in which an individual appraises a situation will influence the emotions they experience
What are the Core Negative Emotions?
- Anger
- Anxiety
- Shame
- Fright
- Guilt
- Sadness
- Envy
- Jealousy
What are the Core Positive Emotions?
- Hope
- Relief
- Happiness
- Pride
- Love
- Gratitude
- Compassion
What is Coping?
… an ongoing dynamic process which includes conscious and deliberate cognitive, behavioural, and affective efforts undertaken in order to manage appraised demands (stressors)
- Management skills
What are Coping Strategies?
Many different ways of classifying coping:
Micro versus Macro approaches
– Problem-focused coping
– Emotion-focused coping
– Avoidance coping
– Task-oriented coping
– Disengagement coping
– Distraction-oriented coping
What are Micro Coping Strategies?
– Problem-focused coping
– Emotion-focused coping
– Avoidance coping
Micro Coping
What is Problem-Focused Coping?
Efforts directed at changing the transaction
Micro Coping
What is Emotion-Focused Coping?
Efforts directed at changing the emotional response without changing the transaction
Micro Coping
What is Avoidance?
Disengaging mentally or physically
What are Macro Coping Strategies?
– Task-oriented coping
– Disengagement coping
– Distraction-oriented coping
Macro Coping
What is Task-oriented coping (engagement coping)?
Thought control, relaxation, increase effort
Macro Coping
What is Disengagement coping?
Venting, withdrawal
Macro Coping
What is Distraction-oriented coping?
Distancing and mental distraction; think about other things
What are Coping Strategies of Task-Oriented Coping?
What are Coping Strategies of Distraction-Oriented Coping?
What are Coping Strategies of Disengagement-Oriented Coping?
What is Coping effectiveness?
not the same as coping!
subjective assessment that coping efforts worked to deal with the stressor or to manage one’s response to the stressor
What is Adaptive Coping?
Adaptive coping is typically associated with problem-focused, approach-type strategies
What is Maladative Coping?
Maladaptive coping is typically associated with avoidance or disengagement-type coping strategies
What are Strategies for Improving Coping?
- Before improving coping, athletes need to become aware of the types of strategies they use to cope with stressors
- Training log/journal
- Identifying what worked as a coping strategy and why (reflection)
- Anticipating future stressors and planning coping strategies (proactive coping)
What is proactive coping?
Anticipating future stressors and planning coping strategies
Strategies for Improving Coping:
Expressive Writing
Write your very deepest thoughts and feelings about a stressful sport experience or an extremely important emotional issue that has affected you and your sport. In your writing, I’d like you to really let go and explore your deepest emotions and thoughts. You might tie your topic to your relationships with others, including parents, coaches, friends or teammates; to your past, your present or your future; or to whom you have been, who you would like to be or who you are now. Nobody will see what you write – it is only for your eyes. Don’t worry about spelling, grammar, or sentence structure. The only rule is that you write for 5 minutes.
What is Emotion Regulation?
Process by which individuals influence which emotions they have, when they have them, and how they experience and express these emotions
Emotion Regulation & Coping Strategies
What is Situation selection?
Take actions to be in a situation that promotes the desired emotiom
Emotion Regulation & Coping Strategies
What is Situation modification?
Tries to influence the situation directly
Emotion Regulation & Coping Strategies
What is Attentional deployment?
Directs attention towards or away from a situation
Emotion Regulation & Coping Strategies
What is Cognitive change?
Changing the emotional significance of the event by changing how one thinks about the event
Emotion Regulation & Coping Strategies
What is Response modulation?
Individual’s physiological, experiential, or behavioural responses to try to regulate emotions
What is the KEY to Coping?
Key: Increasing reflection and self-awareness about your own coping