Body Image Dimensions Flashcards
What is Body Dissatisfaction?
Normative discontent:
Majority of children, adolescents, and adults in Western cultures report dissatisfaction with body shape, size, weight, or appearance
What is Body Image?
Multidimensional construct that reflects a person’s feelings, perceptions, thoughts, cognitions, and behaviours related to their body appearance and function
What 3 dimensions make up body image?
Body image is made up of Affective, Cognitive & Perceptual, & Behavioural dimensions
Body Image Dimensions
What is the Affective Dimension?
Body related feelings and emotions that stem from thinking about one’s body size, shape, and function
What are the Types of body-related emotions related to the Affective Dimension? (5)
- Social physique anxiety
- Body-related shame
- Body-related guilt
- Body-related envy
- Body Pride
Affective Dimension
What is Social physique anxiety?
Anxiety from perceived or actual judgment by others
Example: I am playing in a tennis tournament and I experience anxiety because I feel that others are judging my body negatively and think that I am too big
Affective Dimension
What is Body-related shame?
Negative emotion focused on the self
Example: I am fat and therefore I am an ugly person
Affective Dimension
What is Body-related guilt?
Negative emotion by failing to complete an action or behaviour
Example: I feel guilty because I did not exercise today
Affective Dimension
What is Body-related envy?
Negative emotion that occurs when a person feels they lack another person’s superior quality and either desires to have it or wishes the other(s) lacked it
Example: I wish I looked like that Instagram influencer
Affective Dimension
What is Body Pride?
What are the two types?
Positive emotion resulting from satisfaction with behaviour or appearance
Authentic pride & Hubristic pride
Example: I feel good because I feel strong and powerful
Affective Dimension: Body Pride
What is Authentic pride?
A type of body-related pride focused on achievement and outcomes requiring effort.
Example: I feel proud because I worked really hard to achieve my goal of completing a 10km race
Affective Dimension: Body Pride
What is Hubristic pride?
Hubristic pride refers to an excessive or arrogant sense of pride or self-importance. It often involves an inflated ego and a belief in one’s superiority over others
Example: I am better looking than everyone in this gym
Body Image: Cognitive & Perceptual Dimension
What is the Perceptual Dimension?
- The mental representation and/or reflections that an individual has of their body appearance and function
- Level of accuracy between a person’s perceived characteristics and actual characteristics, either in relation to specific body parts or to the body as a whole
- Example assessment: Manipulation of perceived size of body on computer screen
Body Image: Cognitive & Perceptual Dimension
What is the Cognitive Dimension?
- Thoughts, beliefs, and evaluations of body appearance and function
- Questionnaires assess satisfaction or dissatisfaction with body size, shape, and function as well as beliefs and thoughts about body size, shape, and function
Body Image Dimensions
What is the Behavioural Dimension?
Choices and actions based on perceptions, feelings and thoughts about body size, weight, and function
Body Image Dimensions
What are examples of the Behavioural Dimension?
Many behaviours used to manage body image:
- Avoiding situation or events (or showing off)
- Clothing management (wearing loose clothes, push-up bras, tummy support, high heels, shoe lifts)
- Dieting or weight control (including increasing calories)
- Steroid and other drug use
- Laxatives
- Engaging in sexual behaviour to feel better / attractive
- Body checking (e.g., pinching stomach, appearance checking in windows and mirrors