Case Study Flashcards
Empirical Evidence
Knowledge gathered through research which allows for the confirmation, modification, or rejection of theories
Theories allow us to explain and predict behaviours or events
The ‘Big Five’ in the Trait Model of Personality
Neuroticism - It refers to the tendency to experience negative emotions such as anxiety, depression, anger, self-consciousness, and vulnerability. Individuals high in neuroticism are more likely to react emotionally to stressful situations, perceive threats more readily, and experience mood swings.
related to anxiety
Mental Toughness
Personality characteristics that allow individuals to cope with stress and anxiety while remaining focused on competition demands
7 Keys of Mental Toughness: Buoyancy - The ability to effectively execute the required skills and processes in response to challenges and pressures of everyday life
Belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute actions required to achieve a goal
Core Negative Emotions
Micro Coping
Emotion-Focused Coping: Efforts directed at changing the emotional response without changing the transaction
Macro Coping
Task-Oriented Coping: Thought control, relaxation, increased effort
Somatic Anxiety
- Physical Perceptions of body states
- HR, BP, and Muscle tension increase
- Frequent Urination and Perspiration
What is Cognitive anxiety?
Dave and Jen
Distressing thoughts, images, disruption of cognitive processing system
What is State Anxiety?
Dave and Jen
Associated with worries and apprehension
– May change from moment to moment
The statement implies that when individuals with high trait anxiety find themselves in situations where they are being evaluated, judged, or scrutinized by others (e.g., giving a presentation, competing in sports), they are more likely to experience heightened levels of anxiety compared to individuals with low trait anxiety who may not react as strongly to the evaluative aspect of the situation.
What is Competitive Anxiety?
Dave and Jen
Associated with sport or competition
– Concerns about body, performance, skills, injury
What is Social Anxiety?
Dave and Jen
Occurs during social situations
– Occurs when evaluations may happen
Cusp Catastrophe Theory
What happens when When cognitive state anxiety is low?
When cognitive state anxiety is low, the relationship between physiological arousal and performance is an inverted-U shape
Cusp Catastrophe Theory
What happens when When physiological arousal is high?
When physiological arousal is high, elevations in cognitive state anxiety are associated with performance declines.
What happens When cognitive state anxiety is high?
When cognitive state anxiety is high, increases in physiological anxiety can be positive for performance up until a point. ‘catastrophe’ point (choking point)
Based on the Catastrophe Theory, when will performance be the best?
High cognitive anxiety but fairly low levels of physiological arousal should produce successful performances
What is Choking in Sport?
Acute significant decrease in performances that occur in situations of high pressure or anxiety
Incorporates cognitive state anxiety and physiological arousal as they affect athletic performance