Stress & Defense Mechanisms Flashcards
Defense Mechanisms
- Dysfunctional behavior may occur when a defense mechanism is used as a response to anxiety
- individuals may use defense mechanisms as a way to manage conflict in response to anxiety.
- Reversible
- Can be adaptive or maladaptive
Stress can result from:
a change in one’s environment that is threatening, causes challenges, or is perceived as damaging to that person’s well-being. Stress causes anxiety.
Healthy Defense Mechanisms
- Altruism and sublimation are always healthy
- Other defense mechanisms can be used in a healthy manner, however, if used inappropriately or repetitively may become maladaptive.
- Dealing with anxiety by reaching out to others
Dealing with unacceptable feelings or impulses by unconsciously substituting acceptable forms of expression
Immature defense mechanisms
- projection
- dissociation
- splitting
- denial
Reaction formation
overcompensating or demonstrating the opposite behavior of what is felt
Pretending the truth is not reality to manage the anxiety of acknowledging what is real
putting unacceptable ideas, thoughts, and emotions out of conscious awareness
Intermediate defense mechanisms
- Repression
- Reaction formation
- displacement
- rationalization
- undoing
Temporarily blocking memories and perceptions from consciousness.
Demonstrating an inability to reconcile negative and positive attributes of self or others.
A client tells a nurse that she is the only one who cares about her, yet the following day, the same client refuses to talk to the nurse.
blaming others for unacceptable thoughts and feelings
shifting feelings related to an object, person, or situation to another less threatening object, person, or situation.
creating reasonable and acceptable explanations for unacceptable behavior
performing an act to make up for prior behavior
Voluntarily denying unpleasant thoughts and feelings
A healthy life force that is necessary for survival, normal anxiety motivates people to take action.
Acute (state)
This level of anxiety is precipitated by an imminent loss or change that threatens one’s sense of security.
Chronic (trait)
This level of anxiety is one that usually develops over time, often starting in childhood. May display anxiety as physical symptoms such as fatigue and frequent headaches.
Levels of Anxiety
- Occurs in normal experience of everyday living
- increases one’s ability to perceive reality
- identifiable cause
- mild discomfort, restlessness, irritability, impatience, and apprehension
- finger or foot tapping, fidgeting, or lip chewing.
Levels of Anxiety
- occurs when mild anxiety escalates
- slightly reduced perception and processing of info
- ability to think clearly impaired, problem solving still may occur
- pacing, voice tremors, shakiness, increase HR, RR, insomnia, headaches, back pain
- usually benefits from direction of others
Levels of Anxiety
- Perceptual field is greatly reduced with distorted perceptions
- learning and problem solving do not occur
- functioning is ineffective
- confusion, impending doom, hyperventilation, tachycardia, withdrawal, loud, rapid speech, aimless activity
- Usually not able to take direction from others
Levels of Anxiety
- Markedly disturbed behavior
- not able to process what is occurring in the environment and my lose touch with reality
- extreme fright or horror
- hyperactivity or flight
- immobility can occur
- dysfunction of speech, dilated pupils, severe shakiness, withdrawal, inability to sleep, delusions, & hallucinations.