Strategic planning Flashcards
Strategic Planning in Pharmacy Operation
- What is the primary objective of business planning in the pharmacy environment?
- What are the** important components** of a business plan for a proposed clinical pharmacy service?
- What are the principal factors to include in an analysis of the potential financial performance of a proposed new program?
- For whom is a business plan written?
is one of the most common types of planning that is conducted
by health care organizations.
Strategic planning
True or False: Strategic planning is not unique to pharmacies or health care organizations; in
fact, it represents a core management activity that is employed
by all businesses.
represents the purposeful efforts taken by an organization (for
our purposes, a pharmacy organization) to maximize its future
Other term for planning
management planning
Who has the duty of management planning
Duties of Manager
Long term (5–20 years); scope includes all aspects of the organization;
viewpoint is external—how the
organization interacts with or controls
its environment.
Strategic Planning
To ensure that the organization is doing the right thing Addresses what business the organization is in, or ought to be in, provides a framework for more detailed and day-to-day decisions.
Strategic planning
Short term (1–5 years); scope is specific to the immediate actions that need to be taken to move the organization forward;
viewpoint is internal—day-to-day accomplishment
Operational planning
To ensure that the organization is prepared perform the immediate tasks and objectives to meet the goals and strategy of the organization. To ensure that the organization is doing things right.
Operational planning
Short term (1–5 years); can be used to make decisions to start a new business, expand a business, or terminate a business.
Business planning
Midterm (1–10 years); scope is specific to the resource or resources defined in he plan—specific resources may include human resources, information/technology resources,
financial resources, capital and
facilities, and others; viewpoint is
internal—the resource needs of the organization.
Resource planning
To ensure the resources necessary to achieve the goals and strategy of the organization.
____________ can be comprehensive (all resources needed to achieve goals and strategic plan of the organization) or can focus on a specific type of resource.
Resource planning
Midterm (1–10 years); scope specific to the structural aspects of the organization including divisions, reporting relationships, coordination, control; viewpoint is internal—how the company organizes itself.
Organizational planning
Short to long term (1–20 years); scope is specific to the particular situation that may occur; viewpoint is both external
(if the situation is created in the environment) and internal.
Contingency planning
To provide a fallback option or direction should the original strategy of the organization fail or should something unexpected occur. Contingency planning can occur for a specific anticipated situation, the most common of which are business-related crises (such as a labor strike), natural disasters, and changes in management personnel.
Contingency planning
Steps in the Planning Process
- Define or Orient
- Assess
- Establish goals
- Identify
- Establish Objectives
- Define responsibilities
- Write and communicate
- Monitor progress
_______ the planning process to a
singular purpose or a desired result (vision/mission).
Define or Orient
______ the current situation.
Establish ______.
_________ to reach those goals.
Identify strategies
Establish _______ that support progress toward those goals.
_________ and timelines for each
Define responsibilities
_______ the plan.
Write and communicate
________ toward meeting goals and objectives.
Monitor progress
An important part of the process of strategic planning is
to create momentum and to motivate personnel within the pharmacy organization.
Strategic planning has a lot to do with defining
what a company is all about and
creating a “______” about the organization.
The communication of the organization’s story occurs across a
number of different statements that may be products of
strategic planning
Most essential of these statements
are the ________
vision statement and the mission statement.
what the pharmacy organization
wants to be at some future time point.
True or False: The vision
shouldn’t be too complex and multidimensional, but the
statement should be short.
False, The vision may be complex and multidimensional, but the vision statement should be short.
The __________ should make people think and should motivate people to strive something greater.
vision statement
Defines your purpose
Extends your mission to an ideal future state
A company vision statement should ________ to _______ for the organization.
inspire employees, create a
different future
The _________ of the organization is used in the strategic planning process as both the beginning point and the end point.
The vision is also used to define _______ of
the organization.
the mission
The _____ is also used to define the mission of
the organization.
True or False: That is, once the vision is set, then strategic planning is about how
to reach that end point.
drives both the mission of the organization and its
values, and presumably, these together guide the daily
business decisions
The ________ is the purpose of the company.
defines what the company does or is.
Mission statement
It is a statement of the present going ahead into
the near future.
mission statement
It is a document written to create a
sense of purpose for customers and employees.
mission statement
True or False: The mission statement should be short—usually no more than
Three sentences.
false, two
It focuses on the common purpose of the
organization and may draw from the values or beliefs held by
the organization.
Mission statement
The mission statement ________ from others that _____
should help to
differentiate the company, provide the same products or
Example: The department will achieve an organized
approach to cost containment and cost
Example: Develop an ongoing workload-monitoring
system based on a system of pharmacy service
Example: To develop a workload-monitoring system that identifies distributive and clinical workload by satellite area To use the workload statistics to predict staffing needs To evaluate overuse and underuse of staff based on the need for the activities performed
Examples: Determine what distributive and clinical
indicators will be used
Develop a method for collecting the workload
Collect hours worked by staff category and
satellite area
Develop a monthly productivity report by area
Analyze staffing patterns in comparison with
workload statistics
Tasks/action plans