Strategic HR Mgmt Flashcards
Balanced Scorecard
- Learning and Growth
- Business Process
- Customer
- Financial
Balanced Scorecard
- Learning and Growth - HR portion
- Business Process
- Customer
- Financial
Theory Z
Workers deep involvement in management, can be used anywhere in the world with equal success.
TNI index
Simple arithmetic average of the ratio of foreign-to-total assets, sales and employment.
Rhinesmiths four pillars of global mindset
Bus Acumen
Paradox mgmt
self mgmt
cultural acumen
Extrinsically motivated people learn more or less in class studies
They need to be given something and that is what keeps them going.
Delphi technique
People are kept separate
*Delphi technique
People are kept separate and more questions are asked of them until we narrow it to the point where the findings are a blended version of all of the experts opinions.
Statistical forecasting
Using past to predict future
Quantitative forecasting
Historical data in a period of time.
snowball clause
Contractors use their own power over firms in their own supply chain to require them to follow standards.
Most common way for employees to measure engagement?
Employee opinion surveys
Grouping activities into departments.
Incremental budgeting
Based on existing pattern of spend, think government agencies always spend their full bugets so they get the same the next year.
The ability to influence people, decisions, groups, events.
Transparency International
Civil Society which fights against corruption, brings ppl together in a worldwide coalition -
Relaxing/lowering government restrictions
Zero based budgetting
Having to justify each item you want to spend money on each year. Starts with zero.
Zero based budgetting
Having to justify each item you want to spend money on each year. Starts with zero.
Informal work group
Similar to a union but smaller and with less power.
Comparison controls
Comparing one or more things for similarities or differences.
Multi-domestic strategy
Product customized locally and control is given locally.
SHRM’s code of ethics
Adhere here to and advocate published policies.
Refrain from using your position for personal gain.
No preferential treatment.
Prioritize your obligations.
Affirmative action plans
EEOC, federal government contractor, or court order. Women, minorities, and ppl with disabiltites.
Immigration refoorm act that prevents ppl from hiring ppl who are not legally entiteld to work in the country.
- both indentity and proof they can work
- prove genuine
- Attest on form I-9 they documents are real
I-9 confirmation and is mandatory for contractors of the government.
China contracts
All emps must have contract within 1 month of starting work.
1 month severance pay for every full year
Can only term for poor perf in probationary peiod.
Must contact trade union to lay off 20 or more ppl
Cannot hire temp workers.
Women can’t work at night
Common law
favours past cases
Civil law
favours scholarly literature
Resp for developing a global staffing strategy
Medical tests
Only after condtional job offer
Physical agility test
Can be done before job offer.
Why don’t some ppl accept IA’s
If they don’t see a clear line between the assigment and the career enhancement.
Contingent workers
Freelancers, cotractors, etc.
Goal for employee onboarding
Building bonds and close reltionships
immigrant visa
asylum and refugee
Investigates immigration papers fraud and may inspect a premise to ensure no illegal aliens are working there.
Do visa’s allow you entry into countries
No, they allow to you enter the port and an office determines whether they want to let you in.
What is the most demanding phase of IA’s
What is the hardest country to workin?
What countries are the hardest for people to hav e assignments in?
China/Japan bc of the cultural and languages bariers.
Trends in IA’s
Local hiring
Short term assignments
Decreasing incentives
Cross cultural adaptations
Assimiliation: acceptance of the culture and rejecting your own.
Integration: Adapting to the culture and keeping your own.
Seperation: Maintenance of own culture while avoiding new culture.
Marginalization: comfortable with neither cultures.
Replacement planning
Identifying backups when openings occur.
Works council
Similar to a union and have a collective bargaining agreement.
Extra territorial laws
Apply to non-us companies that are controlled by the US entity.
Ascriptive cultures
Direct employees
Touch the product
Overhead like accounting and HR
SW - internal
OT - Coming at us from the outside
Eiffel tower
Command and control structure, low skilled labour.
Guided Missile
Very task oriented jobs and very separate roles. Departmentalized or functionalized.
Project oriented.
Building airplanes
Think Nasa
Apple, Microsoft, R&D
One rule, get your work done.
*Change mgmt theory
Stop doing it the way you have always done it.
*Cross functional team
bringing together people from different departments to work together on an initiative or project
Is France an ascriptive culture?
*Strategic Choice Theory
Not actually giving businesses a lot of choice.
We are shaped by our environment - market, customers, etc. is making the company make choices. A lot of external pressures.
We are at the whim of our customers.
Greenfield vs acquisition
Acquisition is easier.
Great way to move into a new country?
Joint ventures
two companies working together on a project
ZBB budgetting
most common budgetting
Incremental budgetting
Taking last years numbers and adding a bit to it
Forecast based budgetting
Using a formula to determine how much $ you will need. Will need to prove why you need the money.
Traditional HR role
Advisory, serve the needs of the workers, control
Modern HR role
Ethical relativism
Adopt the ethics in the local country - change from country to country.
Ethical relativism
Adopt the ethics in the local country - change from country to country.
Ethical universalism
Using the same rules/standards all over the world.
*Bribery act of the UK
So strict - no bribes and no facilitation payments to anyone - foreign officials or anyone.
You can bribe foreign officials. Can only pay them to do their jobs better.
HR metrics
Tactical - quantitative ## time to fill, turnover
Strategic - qualitative - how good are the people we are hiring
What is the easiest way to determine employee engagement
Employee turnovre
What is the easiest way to determine employee engagement
Employee turnovre
Strategy formulation
Western cultures more concerned about mission or vision?
Eastern cultures more concerned about mission or vision?
Judgemental forecasting
Forecasting HR requirements:
educated guess
*Delphi technique
Forecasting HR requirements:
Panel of experts to apply judgmental forecasting
People are separated
*Nominal group technique
Ask a panel of experts to apply judgmental forecasting but together not separate.
Scanning the environment
Due diligence
Theory x vs Theory Y
X = workers only work as hard as they need to not get fired.
Y = Workers are noble, hard working, if they are not performing well it’s bc of the company.
Situational leadership
My leadership style will decide on the situatons.
Gets consultation and then makes decisions. Solicites insights before making a decision.
Mgmt by objective
Work together to set goals/objective for the employee with mgmt and employee. Very hands-off mgmt style.
Someone who is concerned about the job - tactics
More concerned about people, developing them.
Tax Equalization
Tax burden is equal to what it would have been back home.
Tax protection
Works well for someone who goes to a country with less tax than their home country. The emp is reimbursed for the amount of tax they would have paid back home.
Tax protection
Works well for someone who goes to a country with less tax than their home country. The emp is reimbursed for the amount of tax they would have paid back home.
high cost pressures and low local responsivenss pressures.
Perlmutter’s Management strategies
- Ethonocentric - HQ’s or PCN’s hold key positions.
- Polycentric - mostly HCN’s. Little intervention from HQ.
- Regiocentric - HQ controls the region but you have HCN’s and emps from the region.
- Geocentric - best people from anywhere in the world.
Intro stage of a company
Little money to pay ppl, given stock instead.
Emps are paid at market rate
Emps are paid well above market rate
Only choice is to reivent itsself or risk demise.
Force field analysis
helps gauge the magnitude of a change, any risks, possible actions necessary to implement change.
ERP - Enterprise Resource Planner
Company wide system that combines all systems, HRIS, HRI, etc.
ISO 9000
certification that companies get in some ways to go into the global market. Audit, procedures, etc.
Functional structure
Payroll function
Product lines, they have everything they need. Similar to our RAR - Developer, PM, Designer, etc.
A mix between functional nad divisional. Can be hard for employees bc they are having to satisfy two managers.
*Destination services
Assistance for families as they arrive in the country to help with housing, schooling, shopping, etc.
*Development assignment
usually the nearest border and it’s meant to help train and develop employees to becoming managers at some point.
Domestic corporation
A company doing business in the country it originated in.
*Efficient Purchaser Index (EPI)
Not as generous as the standard calculation bc it assumes that the employee will learn to buy less expensive products in the host country.
Egalitarian vs Hierarchical
Political doctrine that says everyone should be treated equal. Similar to incubator.
Hierarchical - chain of command, similar to family/eiffel tower.
Your culture is RIGHT.
Global environment
Encompasses local, international and multinational conditions.
Global mindset
A way of thinking that combines an openness to and awareness of diversity across cultures/markets and the propensity and ability to synthesize across this diversity.
A truly international employee, very senior and who can adapt to any culture. Comp packages are usually taillored to them.
Higher of home or host
Compares standard balnce sheet calculations with the local market salary for equivalent job. Expat receives the greater of the two.
Indefinite assignment
Temp transfer with an open end date.
being brought in to work for HQ
being brought in to work for HQ
International commuting
Employee commutes to and from the country on a regular basis while family stays at home.
ILO International Labor Org
UN specialized agency which seeks the promotion of social justice and internationally recognized human and labor rights.
Interregional assignment
temp transfer across national borders - US/Mexico, US/Canada, France/Switzerland
Continuous improvement
Most favoured nation principal
If a concession is made for one country that is part of WTO it is made for all.
*OECD - Org. for economic cooperation and development
EU, Asia and north america that share the same principles of market economy, democracy and human rights.
Having a vested interest in a given decision.
Totalization Agreements
Social Security benefit treaties among countries so ppl are only paying one SS and not in two countries.
Unaccompanied assignment
Transfer across borders where the family stays home.
White goods
household items, bed sheets, curtains, household appliances.
Preferring ideas, concepts and objects from other cultures over your own.
Vertical loading
adding duties to a job that are unrelated and require different KSA’s.
Rest and Recreation Leave
When an employees is posted somewhere particularly difficult.
Family oriented culture
Strong emphasis on hierarchy and the leader is regarded as a caring parent who looks after them.
Very good with people.
Leader is intuitive instead of using rational.
Leaders are looked at for guidance and approval.
Characterized by traditions and cultures.
Eiffel Tower
Strong emphasis on hierarchy.
Coordinated from the top.
Low skilled workers.
People at the top can be replaced and the work still keeps going.
Assessment centres, appraisal systems, training and development systems are very common.
Guided missile
Team and project based.
Very committed.
All team members are equal.
Very skills.
360 are very common.
Very departmentalized.
Strong emphasis on equality and innovation.
Little structure, creative work.
Silicon valley
Intense emotional commitment.
Often working 70 hours a week, happily.
Leadership is achieved.
Affective - emotions
Psychomotor - change in behaviour
Cognitive - increase knowledge
*Instructional design
Behaviourism - trying to change someones behaviour. Operant conditioning.
Cognitivism - thought process, change in behaviour.
Constructivism - learning is a process, using past behaviour to construct future behaviour.
*Content validity
Measuring a part of the job KSA. Typing for example would have high content validity bc for an admin ass. they need to know how to type. If it’s for a machinist, it’s low content validity.
*Construct validity
Measuring characteristic or trait;
Reasoning ability
Communication skills
*Concurrent validity
Take people that are working for us and break them into 1/3, 2/3, 3/3 and ask them questions. Take the questions to see if there are similarities among our top performers and use that to identify great candidates. 16 personality test that we used for sales.
Predictive/Criterion validity
Giving the test in the beginning and then comparing it to other hires to see if there is similarities from answers to certain questions for ppl who were top performers, left, stayed, etc.
Face validity
Test looks like it is valid on the face of it.
Least likely to hold up in court.
Disparate impact
something I was doing resulted in discrimation
Disparate treatment
Doing it on purpose.
Balanced Scorecard
Gives managers a comprehensive view of the performance of a business. Modern enterprise needed this to foster the alignment between people and finances.
- Financial - cash flow, debts, revenues. Negatives - it’s in the past and it does not predict the future.
- Customer satisfaction - delivery, customer surveys, complaints, competitor rankings.
- Business Process - number of faulty units, how are we doing internally. KPI’s.
- Learning and Growth - number of employees who have done training, total hours spent on staff training, funds spent on training.
Used for budgets, identify and align strategic objectives, periodic perf reviews.
Balanced Scorecard
Gives managers a comprehensive view of the performance of a business. Modern enterprise needed this to foster the alignment between people and finances.
- Financial - cash flow, debts, revenues. Negatives - it’s in the past and it does not predict the future.
- Customer satisfaction - delivery, customer surveys, complaints, competitor rankings.
- Business Process - number of faulty units, how are we doing internally. KPI’s.
- Learning and Growth - number of employees who have done training, total hours spent on staff training, funds spent on training.
Used for budgets, identify and align strategic objectives, periodic perf reviews.
Business/Product life cycle
Product and services go through these stages.
Intro - doesn’t pay well, stock and growth opp.
Maturity - competition is fierce.
Demise - try to regroup and get back into growth mode.
Compa ratio
Average of employee actual pay/range midpoint = compa ratio
Central tendency
Average or the typical of a range of numbers
Middle score - rearrange the numbers from lowest to highest and it’s the middle number
Most frequently occurring number
X - average of a set of numbers
Difference between highest and lowest number. Take highest number and subtract lowest number and that is the range.
1,2,3,4,5 5-1=4
Range is 4
Compa ratio ranges
.80-.87 new or underperforming
.88-.95 - gaining but not yet full competent
.96 - 1.03 - fully competent, good performers
- 04+ - higher then what is required
- 12-1.20 - outstanding
Hay model
15 % below and 15% above the mid point for compa ratio
Job evaluation
Determining the worth of the job for the company. You can do this by looking at skills needed, working condition, etc.
Evaluating the job not the person.
Give points based on skills, knowledge
*Factor comparison method
The more factors the more points they will score. Not used very often. The more factors there are for each job the more the role will be paid.
Mental req
Working conditions
Skill req
Compares jobs to one another.
**Hay guide Chart profile Method
The most commonly used.
Used universal factors
15% intervals
Makes job to job comparisons.
- How much know how (skill) should the position have
- Problem solving
- Accountability
- Working conditions
*Job ranking
The easiest to do.
Judgement call, not scientific. Downsize, there is difference between jobs, can’t tell whether it’s a big difference or a small difference.
*Point factor method
Used extensively
Rating each job on several factors and then adding the scores to obtain a total score.
Once you have put it in place it can stay for years.
Job (task) analysis
Base with which a job description and ______ is built on.
Break the role down into his tasks/ KSA’s, very indepth, basic level of the job. Can be in some cases 20-30 pages in length.
Detailed collection that normally includes:
What the worker does
how they do it
Why they do it
The skill involved in doing it
Job description
Duties and responsibilities of the role.
Job specifications
Find what is exactly is wanted and desired in the job. Could be used for recruitment.