Global Business Models Of An MNE Flashcards
I want to skills are needed to work affectively in an international joint venture or alliance from your ex pat managers?
High levels of interpersonal and cross cultural skills.
There is a need for new skills and abilities amongst ex-pats and for far more careful planning and monitoring of assignments by Orig headquarters. This is the result of three main factors. What are those three main factors?
One. Changing nature of international organizations with many more joint ventures and alliances across national borders for example the value of European acquisitions and the tech sector in the US increased 293%.
Two. I change a change in host locations, with a decline in the proportion of ex-pats going from the developed world to the third world. At the same time, there has been an increase in assignments between developed countries as a result of extensive European, Japanese, and US foreign direct investment and cross-border developments in new world trading blocks.
Three. The changing nature of international assignees themselves. The traditional profile of the mail, married, career expo is rapidly giving way too well educated managers under taking one or two assignments in the course of their career in order to gain international experience. Women still represent only small proportion of international assignees, but this number is increasing. For these people, the costs and benefits of undertaking international assignments have to be very careful he assessed.
What is a diversity Council?
To help employees adopt an inclusive go global mindset. And effective diversity Council helps promote acceptance and support of every member in the organization. It can link diversity initiatives directly with the overall strategic goals. This council is comprised of employees and management.
What is the difference of the talent market in Asia versus western Europe and North America?
In Asia, critical skills are in short supply, top candidates change jobs every 9 to 12 months, and salaries are increasing nearly 10% annually. To adapt to these conditions, talent strategy should focus on recruiting, rapid talent mobility, on boarding, and Exceller rated leadership development.
What are the four classifications for Heenan and Perlmutter?
Ethnocentric, polycentric, regio centric, and geocentric.
What is ethnocentric?
Ethnocentric staffing that involves staffing the most important positions in the foreign subsidiaries with ex-pats from the companies country.
What is polycentric?
Polycentric staffing is a company will hire host country nationals for positions in the company from Mail room clerks all the way up to executive suites.
What is regio centric?
Regio St., Central staffing is a lot like polycentric staffing in that host country nationals staff each foreign subsidiaries to a high degree. However, company offices and facilities are grouped into regions and work as a single unit with a fair degree of a Tonna me from the home headquarters.
What is geocentric staffing?
Geocentric staffing is used by businesses and other organizations that have a completely integrated global strategy.
What is an ex patriot?
A citizen of the companies home country working in a foreign country.
What is a host country nationals?
And employee hired by a foreign company to work in her own country.
What is a third country nationals?
And employee that is a citizen of one country, but is working in another country for a company that is headquartered in a third country. And example would be Adriana who is from Venezuela but working in our Manchester office.
What is Bartlett and Ghoshals theory?
They proposed for types of international strategy for organizing MNEs
International, multi domestic, global, and trans national.
What is international strategy?
Aim is to achieve a fission C by focusing on domestic activities international operations are largely managed centrally, who influence and control international locations. The pressure for a local responsiveness is low and the pressure for global integration is low. And example of this would be McDonald’s or UPS.
What is transnational strategy?
Complex to achieve. Aim is to maximize local responsiveness but also gain benefits from global integration. Wide sharing of expertise such as technology and staff. Pressure for a local responsiveness is high and pressure for global integration is high. And example of this would be Unilever or Starbucks.
What is global strategy?
Highly centralized. Focus on efficiency and economies of scale. Little sharing of expertise locally. Standardized products. Pressure for local responsiveness is low and pressure for global integration is high. Examples of this would be pharmaceutical companies or construction equipment companies.
What is multi domestic strategy?
Aim is to maximize benefits of meeting local market needs through extensive customization. Decision making D centralized. Local businesses treated as separate businesses. Strategies for each country. Pressure for local responsiveness is high and pressure for global integration is low. And example of this is a food company such as Nestlé who create different packaging for different countries they are selling for such as Italy or Spain.