strange situation Flashcards
procedure of strange situation
consists of 8 episode, each designed to highlight a certain behaviour. The key feature are the caregiver and stranger stay and leave the infant, enabling an response.
Data was collected by a grp of observer using a video record, they recorded the infant every 15 second
seperation anxiety
seperation from caregiver
reunion behaviour
reuniting with caregiver
stranger anxiety
response to a stranger
findings of Stranger anxiety
evaluation of Stranger anxiety
+ observation has a high reliability
as it has a clearly defined procedure with operationalised variables. This enables researchers to replicate
- low internal validity as Main and weston found that children behave differently depending on which parent they are with suggesting classification of an attachment type may not be valid
procedure of Bowlbys theory of maternal deprivation
Bowlby conducted his 44 juvenile study
out of 44 thieves, 14 displayed signs of affectionless psychopathy and 12 suffered from maternal deprivation during the critical period
evaluation of Bowlbys theory of maternal deprivation
- lewis et al disagreed with Bowlby’s conclusion by collecting data from interviews conducted with 500 juveniles, the research found no link between maternal deprivation and difficulty in forming rs in later life
procedure of romanion orphan
1) studied a group of 165 romanian orphan. 111 of these were adopted before 2 years old and the thurther 54 were adopted by 4.
2) They were assessed at 4,6,11 and 15 years old, in terms of pyschological, emotional and physical developments
3) these results were compared to 52 children adopted in Britain at roughly the same time, who acted as a control group
findings of the romanian study
if the extreme privation in early life could be overcome by love and care
Evaluation of romanian study
- rutter did not have much informstion about the infanst lives in orphanages prior to adoption. the lack of info makes it difficult to determine the extent of eachs privation
responding to the action of another with a similar action
interactional synchrony
when 2 people interact they tend to mirror what the other doing is
who studied caregiver infant interaction
Meltzoff and moore
animal studies on attachment
lorenz imprinting
harlow food and comfort
lorenz’s study
split a clutch of goose eggs into 2
one group was hatched to the natural mother and
the other was hatched in a incubator (Lorenz was the first moving object the newly hatched goslings experienced)
then the goslings were put together
findings of lorenz study
the naturally hatched goslings followed the mother whereas the incubated goslings followed lorenz
This ezperiment demonstrates imprinting
evaluation of lorenz’s study
geese are very different to humans and so its unclear from this study which extends to which imprinting occurs in a newborn baby humans
this can study can provide studies for Bowlbys concept of critical period
4 stages of attachment
asocial stage, indiscriminate stage, specific stage, multiple stage
harlows study
8 mokey were splitted from their natural mother
harlow created 2 wire mothers with different head but one was wrapped with soft cloth. They were studied for a period of 165 days.
for four of the monkey the milk bottles was on the cloth covered monkey and on the plain wire monkey for the other 4 monkeys
findings of the harlows studies
all 8 monkeys spent the most amount of time with the cloth covered mother whether or not the mother has been had the feeding bottle. Those monkey who were fed from the wired monkey only spend a short time getting milk and then returning to the cloth covered
strength for lorenz
research for imprinting
a number of other studies has demonstrated imprinting in animal