Sterile tech final Flashcards
Kelly Hemostat
Function- Clamp bleeding vessels and tissues
Curved or strait, serations only run halfway down the jaw, medium size
Crile Hemostat
Function- Secures hemostasis in deep anatomy.
Curved or strait. Serations run the entire length of the jaw
Halstead Mosquito hemostat
Function- Delecate anatomy.
Smaller, serations run the entire lenth of the jaw.
Heartman Mosquito hemostat
Function- Optho surgery.
Smallest, serations run the entire lenth of the jaw.
Rochester carmalt hemostats
Function- Clamp intestines, bowel, large vessels.
Less traumatic, serations run lengthwise, come in any size.
Rochester pean hemostat
Function- Clamp large vessels.
Traumatic, larger than crile, deep sharp serations
Babcock intestinal forceps
Function- Clamp delicate organs
Atraumatic “C” jaws, large
Doyen intestinal forceps
Function- Clamp delicate organs
Atraumatic, lenthwise serations, size of a guinea pig
Allis tissue forceps
Function- Holding body wall or sponges.
Traumatic IC teeth, large
Sponge forceps
Function- hold sponges, complete sx scrub, apply sterile dressing
Serrated round jaws w/ large opening, very large
Alligator forceps
Function- Retrieve things from hard to reach places
Adison thumb forceps
Function- Grasp superficial tissue
Rat teeth at end, short and wide
Adison-brown thumb forceps
Function- Grasp superficial tissue & delicate tissue.
Row of teeth, short and wide
Cushing thumb forceps
Function- Disecting tissue and aid in suturing.
Long and slender, rat teeth
Standard/dressing thumb forceps
Function- Grasp or pick up soft or bony tissue.
Serated tips, long and slender
DeBakey thumb forceps
Function- Grasp delicate tissue, aids in suturing.
Atraumatic, largest forceps, log set of teeth
Metzenbaum scissors
Function- Fine tissue disection.
Sharpish tips, curved or strait, long narrow shaft
Mayo dissection scissors
Function- Cut pt drape or disect tissue.
Sharp and blunt tips, curved or strait, wider than metzenbaum
Standared operating scissors
Funtion- Cut suture or pt drape
Shorter than mayo or metzenbaum, curved or strait
Iris scissors
Function- Opthalmic surgery
Small, both sharp tips
Wire cutting scissors
Function- Used to wire sutures
Very traumatic, bulky, notch in jaw
Littauer suture removal scissors
Function- Removes sutures
Notch for suture cutting, small
Lister bandage scisors
Function- Cutting through bandage matterial
Atraumatic tip, various sizes
Mayo-hegar needle holders
Function- Holds needls, aids in suture
Not able to cut suture, jaw much shorter than hemostats
Olsen-hegar needle holders
Function- Holds needls, aids in suture
Can cut sutre, scissors in jaw, short jaw
Mathieu needle holders
Function- Delicate opthalmic surgery
Short jaws, no finger rings handles bend around
Senn retractor
Function- Retracts fascia or muscle tissue
Ends point opposite direction
Mathieu retractor
Function- Retracts fasia or muscle tissue
Ends point in same direction
Army-Navy retractor
Function- Retracts large amounts of tissue
Atraumatic, ends point same direction, big hole in middle
Parker retractor
Function- Retracts fascia and muscle tissue
Looks similar to park bench
Malleable retractor
Function- Retracts very strong muscles often large breed dogs
Variable shape, large
Deaver retractor
Function- Large amounts of tissue or fascia
Big hook and little hook
Volkman retractor
Function- Retracts superficial tissue
Small, dental surgery
Hohmann retractor
Function- Retracts deeper muscle/fascia
Traumatic, sharp tip, large
Function- Spinal muscle retraction
Self retaining mechanism, W shape tips
Funtion- Ortho surgery
Function- Hold open abdomen
Comes apart to be stored and cleaned
Backhaus towel clamp
Function- Attach and secure drape material
Sharp tips but no balls
Backhaus-roeder towel clamp
Function- Attach and secure drape
Sharp tips, has balls on jaws
Edna towel clamp
Function- Attach suction and cautery to pt drape
Small, atraumatic
Jones towel clamp
Function- Attach and secure drape
very small sharp tip, no finger clamps
3 Scalpel handle
10, 15 blades
4 Scalpel handle
20 blade
7 Scalpel handle
10, 15 blades
Kern bone holding forceps
Function- Reduce fractures
Self retaning mechanisms, sharp traumatic teeth