Stereotypes Flashcards
prejudice, tolerance, acceptance, equality
stereotypes are …
unfair and misleading
very strict and difficult to change
rigid, inflexible
a feeling of being separate, a feeling of not belonging
alienation, to be alienated
belief that one is better than others
attitude of superiority, to feel superior
special treatment (good or bad) based on race, religion, physical appearance, age, social class
discrimination, to discriminate against
belief that one’s own group (culture, race country) is better than others are
ethnocentrism, ethnocentric
a statement that does not include details or important differences
generalisation, to generalise
physical or emotional pain, causing it
harm, harmful, to harm
anger, hatred, strong opposition
hostility, hostile
lack of kindness or understanding toward people who are different
intolerance, to be intolerant
a negative, unfair opinion about a person or group of people, usually based on limited information or limited experience
prejudice, to be prejudiced against, to feel prejudice against
belief that an ethnic group is superior or inferior to other groups
a person or group who is given the blame for the mistakes or failures of others, promoted through the use of propaganda
a very simple, often mistaken, generalization about a group of people
characteristics 3x
features, traits, attributes
fear of dislike of foreigners and strangers
xenophobia, xenophobic
to be the explanation or cause of something
to account for
human beings are …
complex and multidimensional
stereotypes about human beings TEND TO …
dehumanize people
lažne domneve
to make false assumptions
nasilno vedenje
abusive behaviours
pripisovati značilnosti
ascribing characteristics
kontakt iz prve roke
firs-hand contact
civilna družba
civil society
porušiti stereotipe
to break down stereotypes
prepoznati stereotipe
to identify stereotypes
zakoreninjena prepričanja
fixed beliefs
to make somebody look or feel stupid, especially in front of other people
to put down a certain minority
you say that you do not like it or agree with it.
raise objections
pejorative names
fanatičnost, the state of feeling, or the act of expressing, strong, unreasonable beliefs or opinions
to encourage
to foster
predhodniki preganjanja
precursors to persecution
to get rid of
kulturna raznolikosst
cultural diversity