Body language Flashcards
What is body language
It’s a form of non-verbal communication, where our thoughts, feelings, and intentions are expressed by physical behavior.
izrazi na obrazu
facial expressions
telesna drža
body posture
ton glasu
tone of voice
osebni prostor
personal space
napeta in sproščena drža
tense and relaxed posture
what do you do when you are nervous or afraid (otrdeti)
to stiffen
when you are angry, uncertain, doubtful, confused you (pretirane kretnje, mrščiš čelo)
make excessive hand gestures, frown your forehead
lahko kaže na vrsto čustev
it can indicate a whole range of emotions
vzdrževati očesni stik je ključnega pomena, ko z nekom govoriš
maintaining eye contact is crucial when you talk to someone
izogibati se očesnemu stiku je nadležno
to avoid eye contact is annoying
to look away
to avert gaze
gledati nekoga naravnost v oči
to look someone straight in the eye
what indicates surprise, horror? (odpreš oči, se začudiš)
widely open eyes
when you feel sorry, remorse, ashamed (spustiš pogled) 2x
to drop your eyes, to lower your eyes
čutiti obžalovanje
to feel remorse
when you are suspicious (zožiti oči)
you narrow your eyes
when it’s very bright and you want to protect your eyes (škiliš)
you squint
if you feel embarrassed or shy (zardeti, zašvicati, gristi nohte)
you blush, sweat, bite fingers
postati rdeč v obraz 2x
to go red in the face, to go as red as a beetroot
obrambnost, odpor, ščitim se
defensiveness, resistance, to shield ys
when you shield yourself, you get defensive, you resist (prekrižane roke na prsih, prekrižane noge)
crossed arms AT the chest, crossed legs
trdnost, odločnost - roke na bokih
assertiveness, hands on the hips
zmaga (roke visoko v zraku)
victory, hands high in the air
togost (roke za hrbtom)
stiffness, hands behind your back
pogladiš uho
you stroke your earlobe
stisneš pesti
to clench your fists
pritrdiš in zmaješ z glavo
nod and shake your head
napneš mišice
you flex your muscles
three types of handshakes
the finger squeeze, the bone crusher, the limp fish
posredovati 2x
to convey, to send out
skrčen, sklonjen hrbet
hunched back
spuščene oči
downcast eyes
iztočnica, namig 2x
cue, clue
učinkovita komunikacija
effective communication
se razlikovati 2x
to vary, to differ
zaznati 3x
to detect, to discover, to notice
to decode
čustveno inteligenten
emotionally inteligent
v tem je malo smisla
there’s little point in …
diskretni signali 2x
subtle signals, not obvious
sposobnost upravljanja lastne govorice telesa
the ability to manipulate your own body language
dosleden, biti dosleden, pokazati doslednost
consistent, to be consistent, to show consistency
being aware of sth
živahen ton glasu
lively tone of voice
to portray
do neke mere
to a certain extent, degree
prelisičiti usposobljenega opazovalca
to fool a skilled observer
spreminjati večje signale
to modify grosser signals
pooblaščeni svetovalni psiholog
the charactered counselling psychologist
to take up
sprostiti napetost
to let go of the tension
raztegniti, razpreti 3x
to spread out, lengthen, widen
ne upoštevati
to fail to take any notice
skladnost + protipomenka (npr. between verbal and non-verbal signals)
mlačno, nezainteresirano, not interested or enthusiastic
to say or do something that upsets, offends or embarrasses somebody
to put a foot in it
to accompany
subtle in noun
to lean or stretch over something in order to see something better
to crane
tleskniti s prsti
to snap your fingers
skomigniti z rameni
to shrug your shoulders
obrisati si čelo z robčkom
to wipe your forehead with handkerchief
to put one of your arms over the other one and hold them against your body
to fold your arms
da si zamišljeno praskaš po glavi
to scratch your head thoughtfully
zadržati dih
to held your breath
tapkati z nogo
to tap your foot
drgniti koleno
to rub your knee
trpetati od strahu
to tremble with fear
tresti se od mraza
to shiver with cold
to sob
presenečeno strmeti
to stare in surprise
to doze (off)
onesvestiti se
to faint
prikloniti se (m)
to bow
poklon, pokloniti se (ž) + pret.
curtsy, to curtsy (curtseyed)
vojaško pozdraviti
to salute
vznemiriti se, če sedimo na istem mestu predolgo
to fidget
imeti vpliv na nekaj/nekoga
to have an impact on sth/sb
to watch sb closely
to observe
zavedati se nečesa
to become aware of sth
if a message comes through
you receive it
to let go of sb/sth means
you stop worrying about that
if sth overwhelms you
it affects you very strongly
if you are irritated
you are annoyed by sth
if there’s little point in doing sth
it is not worth doing it
means feeling worried or nervous
being defensive
you are behaving in a way that shows that you feel like people are criticizing you
if you fake sth
it is not true or genuine
if it’s only true to a certain degree
it’s only partly true
opposite of relaxed is
to get sth across (to sb)
to be understood, to succeed in communicating sth
to send sth out
to send sth to a lot of different people or places
to pick sth up
to learn sth by chance without making an effort
to come out
to become known
jecljati 2x
to stammer, to stutter
vohati, smrkati
to sniff
zadihati 2x
to pant, to puff
to snore
to hiccup
to sigh
to groan
potapljati po glavi
to pat on the head
to beckon
to nudge
pobožati nekoga
to stroke so
tipati pred seboj
to grope
to peep
mežikati 2x
blink, wink
to gaze
to frown
kratek pogled, bežno pogledati 2x
glimps, glance
napenjati oči + meaning
to peer, to strain your eyes (when you can’t see)
srepo, kljubujoče gledati nekoga
to glare
jecljati 2x
to stammer, to stutter
vohati, smrkati
to sniff
zadihati 2x
to pant, to puff
to snore
to hiccup
to sigh
to groan
potapljati po glavi
to pat on the head
to beckon
to nudge
pobožati nekoga
to stroke so
tipati pred seboj
to grope
to peep
mežikati 2x
blink, wink
to gaze
to frown
kratek pogled, bežno pogledati 2x
glimps, glance
napenjati oči + meaning
to peer, to strain your eyes (when you can’t see)
srepo, kljuujoče gledati nekoga
to glare