Stephens Embryo lecture Flashcards
CN of Arch 1
Skeletal of Arch 1
malleus, incus, maxilla, mandible, meckels
Muscle of Arch 1
muscles of mastication
CN of Arch 2
Facial nerve
Skeletal of Arch 2
reichert’s cartilage, stapes, upper hyoid bone, lesser cornu
Muscle of Arch 2
facial expression
CN of Arch 3
Skeletal of Arch 3
greater cornu, lower hyoid
Muscle of Arch 3
CN of Arch 4
Skeletal of Arch 4
laryngeal and thyroid cartilage
Muscle of Arch 4
pharyngeal and laryngeal mm.
Pharyngeal pouch 1
eustation tube, tympanic membrane, and external acoustic meatus
Pharyngeal pouch 2
tonsils, root of tongue
Pharyngeal pouch 3
inferior parathyroid, thyroid
Pharyngeal pouch 4
superior thyroid
failure of occipital and parietal bones to form or close
small cranium due to early fusion of cranial sutures
enlarged cranium secondary to hydrocephaly from early fusion of superior cranial sutures
Apert Syndrome
premature fusion of coronal sutures
“tower skull”
associated with fetal alcohol syndrome
Cleft chin
mandibular prominences partially or completely fail to fuse