Step 5: Spark Creativity Flashcards
What is the goal of Step 5?
design an activity that will result in a new artistry in a genre which when performed in a community event will produce likely effects providing a chance for the community to move towards their kingdom goal
What is a sparking activity?
anything done that produces a new artistry that involves the community
What are the components of a sparking activity?
title and summary, participants, information needed about the community for the activity to succeed, resources needed, tasks
What needs to be done to prepare for a sparking activity?
draw on familiar methods (talented artists, research done in Step 4), think about participants (best artists, gatekeepers, beware of gender and status issues), identify opportunities to maximize (talented artists, interest in local art forms)and barriers to overcome (negative attitudes towards local arts, lack of knowledge, skills, and interest, apathy towards change)
What is a participatory learning tool used for developing ideas?
Appreciative Inquiry: develop ideas for what might be possible, begin to make plans; reveals what is most important to a community and what they want to work on
Questions to ask in Appreciative Inquiry
What is already good? How could that be better? What are your hopes? How can they be achieved?
What is a participatory learning tool used for discovering who will be most involved and affected?
Stakeholder Analysis: discover who will be involved in or affected by the course of action
Questions to ask for Stakeholder Analysis
What is the goal? Who will be influenced by this goal? What influence do they have?
What is a participatory learning tool used for identifying positive and negative forces and bringing about change?
Force Field Analysis: identify and assess the forces working for or against the goal; make plans to strengthen the positive ones, weaken the negative ones, and change the negative ones into positive ones
What are seven types of sparking activities?
commissioning, workshops, showcase events, mentoring, apprenticeships, publications, creators’ clubs
What sparking activities would you help organize for the kingdom goal of Identity and Sustainability?
cultural celebration, commission a new art work, develop a multimedia collection of local arts, publish recordings and research, identify ruptures in transmission from older to younger people
What sparking activities would you help organize for the kingdom goal of shalom?
arts and trauma healing workshop, commission local artists to address community health problems, organize a special event highlighting traditional games,
What sparking activities would you help organize for the kingdom goal of justice?
workshops that highlight the arts of marginalized people, commission alphabet song, visual art for books and literacy materials, promote literacy through the arts,
What sparking activities would you help organize for the kingdom goal of scripture?
workshops to develop local arts that use scripture as content; scripture translation workshops (including oral translations and stories)
What sparking activities would you help organize for the kingdom goal of church life?
hold a corporate worship workshop to discover how to worship better through the arts, help train preachers to use the arts more in their ministries, workshop on worldview themes, organize an all arts celebration with members of the church, use the arts in small group Bible studies, improve a church ritual by infusing more of the arts into it, create new art forms for memorizing scripture, put on scripture-based enactments at local events
What sparking activities would you help organize for the kingdom goal of personal spiritual life?
encourage individuals to use the arts in their devotional times, mentor someone in this area,