STEP 1 Week 5 Flashcards
Innervation above and below the dentate line
Above: Inferior hypogastric plexus
Below: Inferior rectal nerve, branch of pudendal nerve
Leuprolide effect on GnRH
It is a GnRH agonsit but also exhibits inhibition of endogenous GnRH release
So eventual drop in GnRH, LH, and FSH
What kind of receptors on macrophages leads to inflammatory resposne
Activation of toll-like receptors by PAMPS
Leads to increased NF-kB
What is the most hemodynamically neutral anesthetic
Etomadiate - no effect on heart rate, BP, CO
Can decrease cortisol so not used in shock
Rifaximin MOA
It is a GI abx that reduces bacterial production of ammonia - good for hepatic encephalopathy
Drug tx for bulimia
Fluoxetine - SSRI
What CN is most impacted in uncal herniation
CN III - will have a blown pupil
What is Hawthorne effect vs Pygmalian effect
Hawthorne - observation. bias, change in behavior when you know youre. being watched
Pygmalian - researchers act differently based on beliefs in efficacy of treatment that can impact outcome
Where do squamous cell carcinomas spread first
Regional lymph nodes
Complications associated with sjogrens
Non-hodgkins lymphoma (B cell mediated so can become neoplastic)
Corneal damage, dental carries
Production of what 3 things required tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4)
Tyrosine, serotonin, DOPA
What can be seen on micro weeks to months after axonal damage
Persistent myelin debris with eventual glial scar (triggered by astrocytes)
What does ingestion of carbon tetrachloride cause (CCl4)
Produces free radicals (CCl3) that causes lipid peroxidation and hepatic injury
What happens in the right heart during a pulmonary embolism
Increase in size of the RV cavity and flow obstruction
What kind of reaction is serum sickness
Type III hypersensitivity - complexes and complement activation
Metabolic changes in methymalaonic coa mutase deficiency
AGMA, hypoglycemia, ketosis, hyperammonemia
Equation for a confidence interval of 95%
CI = mean +/- 1.96 x (SD/sqrt of n)
How to differentiate alcohol-related pancreatitis
Usually will have macrocytosis because of vitmain deficiency
Which hypertensive drugs can cause edema
Calcium channel blockers - preferentially dilate arteries which increases capillary pressure
Component of Hib capsule that makes it so virulent
polyribosylribitol phosphate (PRP)
Binds factor H which allows for avoidance of complement opsonization
What causes paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration
Immune response against tumor cells that cross react with Purkinje neuron antigens - dizziness, disarhria, visual disturbance
Anti-yo, anti-hu, anti-p/q
What cells mediate formation of lung abscesses
Neutrophils - released granules cause liquefactive necrosis
How is insulin excreted
Both in the liver and kidney
In CKD diabetic patients, exogenous insulin can rise without excretion and cause hypoglycemia
Why is epinephrine administered with lidocaine
Epinephrine leads to vasoconstrichtion which:
- Reduces bleeding
- Increases duration of action (more remains at site of action)
- Less chance of side effects bc lower systemic absorption
Affinity of myoglobin for oxygen
Much higher than oxygen
Beta subunits of hemoglobin are similar in structure to myoglobin
Cherry vs strawberry hemangioma
Cherry - adult, benign tumor of blood vessels, dont regress
Strawberry - baby, can be deep, usually regress
What is the breakdown of the fluid compartments
What is capitation
The payment plan of HMOs
Doctors are payed a flat fee per patient from a providing organization
Effects of removing CD3+ cells from bone marrow transplant graft
Helps reduce the chance of graft-verus host but also dont get the benefit of donor T cells attacking any leukemia or current infections
What does the pressure volume look like for exercise
Preload increases and contractiltiy increases
APC and KRAS activating/inactivsting mutations
APC - inactivating, it is a tumor suppresor gene
KRAS - activating, it is a protooncogene
What vessels are likely to be ruptured in a penetrating ulcer to the lesser curvature of the stomach
Left and right gastric
Examples of bisphosphonates and MOA
alendronate and risedronate
Attach to hydroxyappetite on the bone and when they are taken up by osteoclasts they induce apoptosis
How does hypocalcemia cause constipation
Causes impaired smooth muscle contraction and gastric motility by inhibiting nerve polarization - interferes with movement of sodium
What occurs during the proliferation phase of wound healing
Occurs 5 days-3 weeks
Fibroblasts migrate and proliferate, excrete ground substance and Type III collagen
Also secrete FGF and VEGF which leads to new vessek formation
TX for restless leg syndrome
Iron replacement and dopamine agonists - pramipexole and ropinirole
Where to perform a femoral nerve block
Right below the inguinal ligament, lateral to the femoral artery
Sx of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
High IgE and eosinophils
Asthma of CF, mucus plugs that can cause bronchiectasis
What diuretic can cause ototoxicity
Loop diuretics
There is a Na/K/2Cl symporter in the ear
Best drugs to stop alcohol cravings and MOA
Naltrexone - blocks mu opioid receptors and pleasure reward centers
Acamprosate - modulates glutamate in the NMDA receptors
Drugs with the most benefit for heart failure
Beta blockers and hormone regulators (ACEi, ARBs, Aldosterone bockers)
Impact of PEEP on FRC
What is the only DNA molecule with 5’ to 3’ exonuclease capability
DNA polymerase I
All of them can do proofreaading and exonuclease 3’ to 5’
What two conditions can give you a small anion gap
Multiple myeloma and hypoalbuminemia
Effect on diffusing capacity of carbon dioxide in emphysema and AAT deficiency
Due to destruction of alveoli and cappilary beds
What blocks beta oxidation of fatty acids
Inhibits carnitine acyltransferase so that newly synthesized FA arent immediately broken down
What kind of proteins are made in the RER
RER is especially developed in organs with lots of excretion
The RER makes proteins for extracellular excretion or for insertion into the membrane, along with proteins for the RER, GB, lysosome system
Where does calcium bind on thin filaments
On troponin
Then causes a conformation change to shift tropomyosin
What would be punctured at the left midclavicular line 5th intercostal
Left lung
Apex of the heart is at this point but deep to the lung
All other heart chambers lie medial to the MCL
What makes up the wall of a false diverticulum
Mucosa and submucosa
Dupuyetron contracture
Fibroblasitic proliferation and thickening of palmar fascia
What causes pus and sputum to be green
Myeloperoxidase - it i a blue-green heme based pigment
It helps neutrophils to form hydrochoorous acid for oxidative burst killing
What causes most infections in neutropenic patients (like due to chemo)
Patient’s own endogenous bacterial flora
Chemo damages the barrier in the gut that usually keeps bacteria in the gut, so they can travel to the blood
What would work well against a g(-) rod with B lactamase activity
Extended spectrum penicillin (like piperacillin) with a tazobactam/clavulanic acid
Drugs to avoid in elderly
What vessels should be ligated during uteral bleeding after birth
Internal iliac - where the uterine arteries. branch from
What causes ptosis
CN III paulsy - controls the levator palpebrae
What microscopically indicates axonal damage due to shearing of the white matter tracts
Widespread axonal swelling, accumulation of axonal transported proteins - amyloid precursor and alpha synucelin
What causes thrombocytopenia in HIT
When heparin-platelet-IgG complexes (from reaction with PF4) circulate they are removed by the liver causing a decrease in platelet number
They can also form clots that then cause even more platelets to be used
How can squatting reduce the murmur of mitral regurg
Squatting increases venour return, which increases the stretch on the LV, which helps to pull the valve more taught
Why is clear cell renal carcinoma clear
The cells have a high concentration of glycogen and lipid - removed on staining
What electrolyte imbalance does pancreatitis cause
Hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia - necrotic fat oulls them out of the serum
What would be the first step in diagnosing malabsorption (what test specifically)
Looking for fat in the stool - sudan III stain
How can hypothyroidism cause prolactin release
Lactotrophs have TRH receptors so an increase in TRH can lead to an increase in prolactin
Path of CN V2
Passes through the foramen rotundum thenthe pterygopalantine fossa then exits the skull through the infraorbital foramen
Damage to what part of the brain causes locked in syndrome
Bilateral ventral pons
What causes ganglion cysts
Mucoid degeneration of periarticular tissue leading to outpouching of tissue that serves as one way valve for mucinous fluid
How does prone position help in ARDS
Normally, the posterior parts of the lung are weighed down by the heart and abdominal organs pushing against the diaphragm
Prone position takes this pressure away allow for a more even ventialtion-perfusion match as collpased posterior basal alveoli open up
Eye side effects of PDE5 inhibitors
They can impact the PDE6 in the retina which can cause blue vision and nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy - monocular vision loss with populary defect and optic disc edema
What antitussive can cause serotonin syndrome
MOA of dextromethorphan
Inhibition of medullary cough center through sigma receptor activation
Inhivition of what enzyme can help reduce risk of colon cancer
COX may play a role in prostogulandin production which aids in epithelial proliferation
What causes basophilic stippling
Lead poisoning
Cortisol and ADH relationship
Cortisol usually inhibits ADH
How does a carotid massage slow heart rate
Increases parasympathetic tone - prolonged AV/SA node refractory period
Flow of aqueous humor through the eye
Produced by the epithelial cells of the ciliary body and then flow through the pupil into the anterior eye chamber
Drained by the trabelcular network into the canal of schlemm and into conjunctival veins
MOA of timolol
Nonselective B blocker that lowers production of aqueous humor by the ciliary body
What finger movements does the median nerve control
Thumb abduction, thumb opposition, thumb flexion
Thumb adduction is ulnar
What are the contents of the portal triad
Hepatic artery, portal vein, common bile duct
If bleeding continue from liver after clamping, likely hepatic vein or IVC
What layers do you go through in a cricothyrotomy
- Skin
- Superficial cervical fascia (fat, part of platysma)
- Deep cervical fascia
- Crycothyroid membrane
Sx of chediak higashi
- Immunodeficiency from neutrophil phagosome-lysosome fusion dysfunction. Granules cant be released so see them in neutrophils
- Albinism
- Eye problems
How does ACTH/cortisol impact production of catecholamines
Cortisol activates phenyethaolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT) which converts norepinephrine into epinephrine
Pituitary damage/low cortisol would reduce activity of PNMT and reduce epinephrine
What drives LV remodeling after an MI
Angiotensin II
Acei can help stop remodeling and maintain a normal LV shape
What would mycobacterium avium complex look like on histo
Would look at bone marrow - Foamy macrophages, acid fast bacilli, possibly granulomas
What causes the vasovagal response (like after a vaccine)
Cardioinhibition and vasodepressor response that causes bradychardia and hypotension
Where is the damage in wernicke korsakov
Anterior and dorsomedial thalamic nuclei, mammilary bodies
Sequelae of etherothrombotic disease
Would see cholsterol clefts