STEP 1 Week 3 Flashcards
Where in the ovaries are androgens converted to estrogens
Granulosa cells
Converstion enzymes from O2 to hydrochlorous acid
NADPH oxidase converts O2 to O- free radical. Superoxide dismutase converts that to H2O2, which is more stable. Myeloperoxidase converts H2O2 to hydrochlorous acid
Most common site of nosebleeds
Usually in the anterior nares at the nasal spetum, where there is watershed of three vessels
Muscles that help you sit up
Rectus abdominus, external abdominal obliques, and hip flexors (iliopsoas, rectus femorus, tensor fascia lata)
What is a dandy-walker malformation
Absence of the cerebellar vermis, leads to cystic dialtion of the fourth ventricle
Strength of binding of class I antiarrhthymics
1C > 1A > 1B
What kind of anemia does celiac cause
Microcytic - caused by iron deficiency (most iron is absorbed in the duodenum)
Characteristics of WPW ECG
What happens to right atrial and LVED pressures in left heart failure
Both go up
Treatment for organophosphate poisoning
Atropine - competitive inhibitor of acetylcholine receptors
Breakdown of heme into billirubin
Pathophys of normal pressure hydrocephalus symptoms
Increased CSF leads to pressure on the decscending cortical fibers in the periventricular tracts and also pressure on the basal ganglia
What is congenital torticollis
Caused by birth trauma or malposition of the head in utero
Causes sternocleidomastoid m. injury and fibrosis - head tilted to affected side and chin pointing away
Casn also have other muskuloskeletal problems
Most common oncogene present in glioblastoma
Overexpression of epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFR)
Liver changes with age
Decreased hepatic blood flow leads to smaller liver size
Decreased P450 enzyme activity
Reduced rate of hepatic regeneration
Aminotransferases should be the same
Features of a glucagonoma
Necrolytic migratory erythema
Diabetes mellitus
GI issues
What is PD-1 on T cells
Programmed death receptor. Binds to PD-L1 on neoplastic cells and inhibits their ability to cause apoptosis
Vector for babesia
Ixodes tick - can have coinfection with Lyme
When does uric acid form stones
Only at low pH - lwoest in the distal tubules and collecting ducts
What is bethenacol
Muscarinic agonst - can help with urinary retention
SX of fetal parvovirus
Interuption of erythropoesis, so get anemia
Also see ascites and oericardial effusion
Hydrops fatal
What amino acid is used to increase ammonia int he urine
What is a developmental field defect
When an initial embryologic disturbance leads to multiple malformations by disturbing tissues in the region
EX: holoprosencephaly
MOA of OCPS on hirsutism
Decrease the release of LH so reduces ovarian androgen production
Effects of a lactase deficiency
When lactos cant be broken down into galactose and glucose, a large amount of medium chain fatty acids are synthesized. This causes an acidification of the stool
Hydrogen gas is also produces so breatghe hydrogen increases and there is elevated stool osmolality which causes diarrhea
Significance of lepromin skin test
Cause of amenorrhea in anorexia
Low leptin levels (low fat stores) decrease pulsative releae of GnRH, so get a drop in LH and FSH, and then a drop in producton of estradiol
Systemic vs local progestin OCPs
Treatment for calcium stones and MOA
Thiazide diuretics - inhibition of Na/Cl induces absorption of calcium
Risk factors for abdominal aortic aneurysm
Where is the highest concentration of B cells in the lymph nodes
In the germinal centers
Some in the outer cortex but there are also T cells
Pathophys of mallory-weiss tear
Occur due to a rapid increase in intraabdominal and intraluminal gastric pressure during repeated retching
What is a metyrapone sensitivity test
Looks to see if the CRH/ACTH/cortisol axis is functioning
Blocks formation of cortisol so should see an increase in ACTH and then 17-hydroxycorticosteroid
How to find CO using O2
CO = rate of O2 consumption / arteriovenous O2 difference
Cause of a unilateral cleft lip
Failure of the fusion of the maxillary prominence with and intermaxillary segment
TX for cyanide toxicity
What are C-Jun and C-Fos
Nuclear transcription factors that bind directly to DNA using leucine zipper motif
Abnormality on CT of someone with myasthenia gravis
Thymoma - a large thymus
Brain changes seen in wernicke kirsakov
Hemmorhage in the mammilary bodies and periaqueductal gray
What do the embyronic cardinal veins form
The systemic venous circulation, inlcuidng vena cava
How are immune complexes removed
Activation of the mononuclear phagocyte system
IgG binds and can use C3b to induce phagocytosis or phagocytes can directly bind IgG
Inhibitors of acetylcholine transmission
What screening should be done before starting antidepressent
History of mania - depression could indicate bipolar
All antidepressents carry a risk of inducing mania
Changes to LV during mitral valve stenosis
There are no changes until late in the disease
Can eventualy lead to a reduction in diastolic pressure and afterlod with an increase in contractility (SNS triggered)
TX for scabies
Permethrin or ivermectin
Where is a lesion that can cause “pie in the sky”
Temporal lobe
Would block lower tracts of meyers loop (upper visual field)
What is metalozone
Thiazide diuretic
Can be combined with a loop to stop the reabsorption of Na that accumulates in DCT
Pathyphys of ankylosing spondylithis
Increased IL-17 activity in the gut that activates inflammatory markers like TNF-alpha and prostoglandins that lead to bony erosions
What causes skalded skin syndrome
Phases of ARDS
What is chronic mesenteric ischemia
Occurs when there is atherosclerosis in the mesenteric arteries
When more blood is needed for digestion, it cannot flow well. Causes post-prandial epigastric pain
What are the S3 and S4 sounds
S3 - right after S2, passive filling
S4 - before S1, atrial contraction with stiff ventricle
When are heart gallops heard best
With bell of stethoscope at apex of heart, end expiration
Where are B1 receptors
Cardiac smooth muscle AND renal juxtaglomerular cells
Causes of epispadias vs hypospadias
Epispadias - faulty positioning of the genital tubercle
Hypospadias - Non-fusion of the urethral folds
Signs of hypocalcemia
Neuromuscular excitabilty - twitching of face when tapped and carpal tunnel spasms
QTC prolongation, seizures
How does hyperphosphatmia lead to hypocalcemia
It can bind free calcium and precipitate in soft tissues
Phosphate also activates FGF 23 which inhibits formation of 1,25 hydroxylase leading to less absorption of calcium from the intestine
What is a risk factor for testicular torsion
Inadequate fixation of the lower pole of tesits to the tunica vaginalis - allows for increased mobility of the testis
When do red dead neurons appear
12-24 hours after ischemia
Most common causes of pneumonia after an influezna infection
Strep pneumo, Staph aureus, and H. flu
T3 and hypothyroidism
Because T3 is made peripherally and fluctuates widely - it is often normal in hypothyroidism
What is neurocysticercosis
Ingestion of pork tapework eggs in stool contaminated food water, leads to invasion of brain
See large cyst/scloex in brain
Endemic to central/south america
What nerves pass through the esophageal hiatus
Trunks of the vagus nerve
Contents of the cubital fossa
Brachial artery and median nerve
What nerve can cause blindness during recurrent VZV outbreak
Trigeminal - V1 innervates corneal reflux
Good predictor is if side of nose becomes infected - nasociliary branch affects both eye and nose
How to calculate filtration fraction
RPF = RBF x (1-HCT)
Not all blood through kidney is filtered, so have to find perfusion from blood flow
Characteristics of stages of sleep
Stage 1 - theta waves
Stage 2 - sleep spindles and K complexes
Stage 3 - delta waves, slow waves
REM - eye movement, vivid dreaming, muscle paralysis
Manifestations of entamoeba histolytica
Colitis (flask shaped ulcers, iarrhea, bloody stool)
Liver abscess (single, right lobe)
Brain, lung, pleural abscess
MOA of ketamine
NMDA antagonist, also a sympathetic mimetic - bronchodilation and increased heart rate and cerebral blood flow (releases chatecolamines)
What type of bone loss is seen with aging
First: loss of trabelcular lone with loss of bridging
Second:Loss of cortical bone
Cause of wet macular degeneration
Extracellular accumulation of drusen depositis causes hypoxia and neovascularization due to VEGF - get leaky vessels.
What does niacin help form
Important for TCA cycle
What causes ataxia telangectasia
Mutation in ATM gene that helps to fix DNA strand breaks after X-ray/UV damage
Who are at increased risk for drug-induces lupus
Slow acetylaters
At what concentration does glucose start to spill into the urine
200 mg/dL
Pathophys of rheumatoid arthritis
Synovial hyperplasia and inflammatory inflitrates lead to a local increase in metabolic demand, causing local hypoxia. This leads to the formation of new blood vessels
The joint space is replaced by a rheumatoid panus(synovial cells, inflammatory cells, granulation tissue) that can destroy the articular cartilage and subchondral bone
What cytokine helps to regulate remodeling of the cartilage scar post MI
What do the first an second pharyngeal arches form
First - maxilla, zygoma, mandible, incus, malleus
Second - styloid process, stapes, lesser horn of hyoid
Most likely sites of osteomyelitis in adults vs children
Adults - vertebral bodies
Children - metaphysis of long bones (highly vascular)
What muscle attaches to the greater trochanter
Gluteus medius - hip abduction
What is pulsus paridoxus
An exagerated drop in systolic BP during inspiraition
Caused by pericarditis - right heart usually can shift out but cant so shifts left, lowering SV
Effect of estrogen on thyroif function
Estrogen increases TBG, which transiently reduces free T4. Triggers release of TSH which increases T4, leading to an increases in total T4
What is mesna
Used to protect chemotherapy patients from cystitis
Toxic mustard derivate chemotherapy agenst are broken down into acrolein which is toxic to the bladder. Mesna binds to and inactivates toxic compounds in the urine
Pathogenesis of cholesterol gall stones
Phases of acute tubular necrosis
- Initiation - original toxic insult, lasts 24-36 hours
- Maintenance - fall in urine output, tubular necrosis, 1-2 weeks
- Recovery - Re-epithelization of tubules
Effects of coronary autoregulation
WHen an artery is occluded, the initial drop in blood flow will cause vasodilation and a decrease in pressure to maintain blood flow
Osteoarthritis vs rheumatoid arthritis
Drugs that treat bipolar d and epilepsy
Valproate, lamotrigine, carbamazepine
Part of the GI that is always affecte dby Hirshprung
The rectum - neural crest cells travel caudally
What is leuprolide
A GnRH analog use to continuously activate pituitary until LH and FSH are desensitized
Function of brown fat
Prevents hyothermia - large number of mitochondria
Most common cause of COPD exacerbations
Upper respiratory infections
Rhonovirus, H. flu, strep pneumo, moraxella cattarhalis
How does prostate cancer reach the spine
Prostatic venous plexus
What kidney stones are most common in Crohns
In crohns, there is impaired fat absorption in the illeum, so calcium binds to the fat. Calcium usually binds to oxalate and they are excreted
Free oxalate is reabsorbed and extreted in the urine and can form stones
Cancers associated with MEN1
Pancreatic, pituitary, parathyroid
What. disease is associated with anti-mitochondrial antibodies
Primary billiary cholangitis
Also would have elevated alk phos
MOA of rivaroxaban
Direct fatcor Xa inhibior - stops conversion of prothrombin to thrombin
What is akithisia
Subjective restlestness and inability to sit still
Extrapyramidal symptom
What is chostocondritis
MSK problem involving the chest wall- repetitive motions irritate the intercostals and chostocondral junctions
Pain is reproduced with palpation and movement
What landmark can be used to identify the appendix
Tinea coli - converge at the base of the appendix