Lysosomal storage diseases Flashcards
What is Tay-Sach’s disease
Deficient enzyme: Hexosaminidase A
Accumulated substrate: GM2 ganglioside
Features: neurodegeneration, dev delay, cherry red spot, onion skin lysosome, no hepatosplenomegaly
What is Fabry disease
Deficient enzyme: alpha galactosidase A
Accumulated substrate: Ceramide trihexoside
Features: neuropathy (pain), angiokeratomas (red spots), decreased sweat. Late renal failure and CVD
What is metachromatic leukodystrophy
Deficient enzyme: Arylsulfatas A
Accumulated substrate: Cerebroside sulfate
Features: ataxia, dementia
What is Krabbe disease
Deficient enzyme: Galactocerebrosidase
Accumulated substrate: Galactocerebroside
Features: Neuropathy, dev delay, optic atrophy, globoid cells (puffy)
What is Gaucher disease
Most common
Deficient enzyme: Glucocerebrosidase
Accumulated substrate: Glucocerebroside
Features: Hepatosplenomegaly, easy brusing (low platelets), avascular necrosis, Gaucher cells (lipid-laden macrohpages, like paper)
What is Niemann-Pick disease
Deficient enzyme: Sphingomyelinase
Accumulated substrate: Sphingomyelin
Features: Hepatospenomegaly, cherry red spot, foam cells (macrophages)
What is Hurler syndrome
Deficient enzyme: alpha iduronidase
Accumulated substrate: Heparan and dermatan sulfate
Features: Dev delay, coarse features, bone problems, hepatosplenomegaly, corneal clouding
What is Hunters syndrome
Mild Hurlers
Deficient enzyme: Iduronidate - 2 - sulfatase
Accumulated substrate: heperan. sulfate and dermatan sulfate
Features: No corneal clouding, mild hurlers
Genetics of disease
All are autosomal recessive except:
Hunters and Fabry: X linked