There will be less blood and less cardiac output
Tightening of the lumen/narrowing
Blood goes back from atrioventricle
▪ When the ventricles are contracting, AV
valves should be close. But because there is
a defect, during contraction the blood
goes back
Close completely if no tehere is a small opening
Most common is ___ side of heart
Common affected:
left valves due to
contraction against a high pressure.
▪ Aortic Valve and Mitral Valve
explain why have
Angina (Chest pain)
Since less blood is received by the heart; therefore, there will be anaerobic metabolism, which causes the production of lactic acid. And that lactic acid will irritate the nerve endings causing chest pain
If there is _____: there will be accumulation of blood in the atrium; the atrium will become enlarged (increasing the pre-load)
There will be a back flow of blood in the lungs leading to pulmonary congestion —> pressure in the lungs are high
The right ventricle is pushing against the high pressure in the lungs (increasing the workload; which increases the demand for blood because it becomes enlarged; however, the coronary artery will just give the same amount of blood)
Less blood —> less cardiac output
o Fatigue
o Dyspnea
Increasing pre-load in the left atrium
mitral stenosis
explain why have
Only small amount of blood is being sent to the aorta, the blood is accumulating in the left ventricles.
If there is aortic stenosis, the blood will flow back to the left atrium, then going back to the lungs the blood in the lungs can no longer enter the left atrium causing pulmonary congestion
The fluids or the blood entered already the alveoli
The blood in the upper and lower extremities goes inside the lungs; causing pulmonary congestion —> which causes difficulty of breathing, and it is relieved by standing up.
Sudden awakening for 1-2 hours of sleep with dyspnea; and when the patient stands up to get more air, and when they stand the fluids goes down because of gravity and now the patient can breathe normally.
The patient cannot do supine position (because there can be dyspnea)
Place 2-3 pillows in the head and the shoulders to elevate the head part
2 pillow orthopnea
4 pillow orthopnea (if 4 pillow are used)
Because the patient cannot breath in a supine position
Coughing out of blood
High pressure in the pulmonary veins can rupture and can cause hemoptysis
Because the heart is contracting forcefully to give an enough cardiac output
The doctors will insert their fingers or a small instrument to expand the mitral valve.
It will widen the mitral valve because of the balloon inserted in the right atrium.
No contact sports
Easy to bleed
Soft bristles toothbrush
Remove clutters
Patient may be prone to risk for fall
Apply pressure to stop bleeding