stds Flashcards
neisseria gram negative diplococci capsule, endotoxin, attach to endothelial cells, phagocytsed, can travel around body, variable surface antigens hard for immune system. only humans. g- DIPLOCCOCI IN PUS.
primary syphillis
painless red lesions very contagious
secondary syph
sore throat headaache rash
latent syph
no symptoms
tertiary syphillis
dementia blindness gummasheart failure paralysis
syphillis caused by
treponema pallidum. Helical thin spirochete, needs special stain. Only humans no environment. Adhesins glyocalyx. antibody test available
BULBO IN GROIN. Non motile obligate intracellular pathogen. No cell wall, two membranes. Has infective and reproductive form. Lesions small painless. Most common STD. Detect by PCR, treat with antimicrobials.
haemophylis ducroi. soft ulcers. gram negative pleiomorphic. obligate parasite.
hiv 2 tpes
1 present europe america, 2 in africa
hiv structure
envelope, glycoprotein, capsid, reverse transcriptaaseprotease, ssRNA
hiv replication
binds cd4 helper tcells, uncoats RT to DNA, integrates into genome, RNA proteins assembly.
treat hiv
art antiretroviral therapy
foul smelling yellowish discharge. protozan. flagella, only in people. treat metronidazole. find in clinical samples.
Staph toxic shock syndrom
ultra absorbent tampons. exotoxin triggers massive immune response. Medical emergency.
Bacterial Vaginosis
white fishy odor. diagnose signs symptoms clue cells.