microbial diseases respiratory system Flashcards
Streptococcus mutans
causes dental carries. Has dextran biofilm.ferment sugar into acid. tartar is when calcium salts mineralize it.
Peptic ulcer
abdominal pain main symptom. Erosion of gut H. pylori has virulence factors: protein inhibits aci production, flagella to burrow, adhesion molecules. Destruction of epithelial layer by bacteria allows acid to contact deeper tissue.
diarhea. Nausea vomiting cramps. Dysentary is loose frequent stool with blood. Different bacterial causes.
vibrio cholerae. slightly curved gram negative bacillus. Rice water stools. Supportive care. Tetracycline.
cholera toxin
a dn b subunit. binds to epithelial cell. Portion enters cell, activates adenylate cyclase. cAMP activates pump to pump out Cl and Na. Cells lose water.
shigella gram negative non spore forming. type II secretion system for toxin injection. shiga toxin. small then large intestine. shiga in stool. antimocirobials. listeria like actin fiber transfer. No bacteremia.
shiga toxin
binds to cell causes water loss. Can stop protein synthesis.
Travelers diarhea
E. coli gram negative bacilli. Aerobic or facultative anaerobic. O157 produces shigella like toxin. Electrolytes, avoid dairy.
Ecoli O157 H7
produces shiga like toxin. Inhibits protein synthesis.T3SS. Electrolyte loss.
Campylobacter diarhea
campylobacter jejuni. gram negative slightly curved polar flagella. Adhesins, cytotoxin, LPS. Must have flagella.Signs symptoms, no treatment.
antimmicrobial associated diarhea
Clostridium dificile. Gram positive endospore forming anaerobic bacillus. Toxin A breaks tight junctions, fluid loss. Toxin B = lesions.
salmonella and typhoid fever
caused by different s. enterica serotupes. Typhi causes typhoid fever. enteriditis and typhimurium cause salmonellosis. Gram negative petrocious bacilli. Live in intestines of all vertebrates except humans. tolerate acidity and use T3SS. disrupt motochondria, inhibit phagocytosis induce apoptosis,
typhooid fever consumption of
contaminated water
salmonella caused by
food or eggs. can cause bacteremia. fever cramps diarhea.
salmonella and typhoid find / treat
Salmonella in stool. Treat typhoid fever with antimicrobials, can cause death. Prevent with proper hygeine.
Bacterial food poisoning
Staph aureus toxins consumed, not from bacteria. 5 heat stable enterotoxins. Muscle contractions nausea intense vomiting.
similar to bacterial enteritis. +ssRNA no envelope. Star shaped.
similar to bacterial enteritis. dsRNA no envelope with spherical spikes.
noro and rotavirus enteritis
Fecal oral transmission, most common non bacterial infection (90%) serological test, vaccine available.
Viral hepatits
jaundice abdominal pain appetite loss vomiting. Immune response causes damage. fluid in abdomen, antibody testing.
Hepatitis A virus
fecal oral route, mild survives on surfaces.
Hep B
lives in blood, released by liver cells vaccine available, blood blood transmission.
Hep C
lacks replication proof reading, changes so much immune system cannot clear.
Hep D
uses B capsid, must have B infection
Hep E
mild fecal oral route
greasy frothy odorous diarhea. Lasts 4 weeks. Diplomonad. 2 nuclei, 2 forms feeding trophozoite, cyst. Round cysts. Does not invade intestinal wall, remains free living. Ingest cysts from contaminated water. Campers at risk.
sever diarhea appendicitis. Entamoaeba histolyitca. Chitin shelled cysts. develops in peritoneal cavity. Virulence fadtors: adhesion proteins, enzymes, channels in host membranes. Contaminated food or water, oral anal intercourse.
Tape worm
Flat segmented parasitic helminths. Lack digestive system. Aysmptomatic usually. Tanea beef or pork. Larva develop in secondary host, mature and reproduce in humans. Throughly cook meat.
Pin Worm
nematodes. perianal itches. irritability. Caused by enterobius. Deposit eggs in anus at night. Most common worm in US.