States of Stability and GZ Curve Flashcards
What the labels for the X and Y axies for a GZ Curve?
X-axis = degrees of heel Y-axis = GZ and GM in metres
What are the 5 values you can take off a GZ curve?
Range of Stability
- Range of positive GM - expressed in degrees
Point of Vanishing Stability
- Where line cuts x-axis
Max GZ (righting lever) - Peak of the bell (in metres and degrees)
Angle of Deck Edge Immersion
- Before the peak of the bell, where the down curve meets the up curve (expressed in degrees)
- Mark 57.3° on the x-axis (draw a vertical line up), draw a tangent off the curve at 0. Where the tangent intersects the 57.3° line is the vessels GM
What is a GZ Curve?
- A tool for analysing a ships surface stability
Define and describe the three states of stability?
- A ship in a stable condition, when heeled by an external force will return to upright when the force is removed
- G is below M (Positive GM)
- A ship in a neutral condition, when heeled by an external force will come to rest at an undetermined angle of heel
- G is in line with M (Neutral GM)
- A ship in a unstable condition, when heeled by an external force even when the force is removed, the ship will continue to heel eventually leading to capsize
- G is above M (Negative GM)
What is an angle of loll?
- The angle at which a vessel with an initial negative GM will come to rest at
- To fix an angle of loll you create a list by moving weight down which will bring G below M
Signs of Angle of Loll
- Speed of vessel righting will begin to slow
What is the free surface effect?
- The free flow of liquid on the deck or a partially filled tank which creates a VIRTUAL LOSS IN GM
To Reduce Free Surface Effect - FIll tanks or empty tanks - Longitudinal bulkheads On Deck in heavy weather - Scuppers open - Slow down - Run with the sea