States of Consciousness Flashcards
Freud introduced the concept of?
subconscious; some of our memories and basic motivations are not always accessible yo conscious minds
low awareness
some cues will automatically?
Ohman and Soares study
elicit a response even though we never consciously perceive it
Measured small variations in sweating of participants with the fear of snakes
Landmark study by
Bargh, Chen, and Burrows
participants solved word search puzzle where answers pertained to the elderly; after experiment participants walked slower
—effect called priming
IAT test Implicit Associations Test
computer reaction timed test that measures persons automatic associations with concepts’
EX… associations with positive or negative evaluations of members of various ethnic groups.
when you engage in high awareness what two things result
less bias and recognizing when you are using a stereotype
humans alternate between?
low and high thinking states and neuro networks for both
he discovered hypnosis treating elite society and attributed to animal magnetism
flexible correction Model
the ability for people to correct or change their beliefs and decisions if they believe their judgments have been biased.
BAC (blood alcohol content)
measures the percentage of alcohol found in a person blood
circadian rhythm
physiological sleep-wake cycle. its influenced by exposure to sunlight as well as daily activity and schedule
Biologically it includes changes in body temperature, blood pressure, and sugar
a stimulus that has particular significance to the perceiver
EX… a sound that has special relevance to the person who heard it.
heightened focus on one stimulus or thought such that many other things around you are ignored
an intense feeling of pleasure, excitement or happiness
use of hypnotic techniques such as relaxation and suggestion to help change such as lowering pain or quitting smoking
a heightened state of focus on thoughts passing through one head or more controlled evaluation of those thoughts.