Attention Flashcards
dichotic listening
-an experiment in which two messages are presented to two different ears
divided attention
-ability to flexibly allocate attentional resources between two or more concurrent tasks
inattentional blindness
failure to notice a fully visible object when attention is devoted to something else
limited capacity
notion that humans have limited mental resources that can be used at one time
selective attention
ability to select certain stimuli in the environment to process, while ignoring distracting information
subliminal perception
ability to process information for meaning when an individual is not consciously aware of the information.
Broadbent’s Filter Model
- dichotic listening tasks
- people select information on the basis of physical features.
- selection occurs early in the process
- almost no information is saved
Treisman Filter Theory
- starts at a physical perceptual level
- the unattended information is not blocked completely but weakened
- information in the unattended ear will get through a filter for further processing at the level of meaning
Deutsch and Deutsch Filter Model
- suggests that all info in the unattended ear is processed on the basis of meaning, not just highly selected information.
- subliminal perception you don’t have to be fully aware to process information
Spelke Study
-whether individuals could learn to perform two relatively complex tasks concurrently without impairing performance.