States of Consciousness Flashcards
Surgery that cuts corpus callosum (axons that connect 2 hemispheres of brain), therefore hemispheres can’t share information
Hemispheric specialization
Idea that 2 hemispheres have different functions
Conscious content
Subjective experience of internal and external world and is heavily dependent on the state of consciousness a person is in
States of consciousness
Refer to different levels of arousal and attention
Process of selecting info from internal/external environments to prioritize for processing (involuntary and automatic)
Passive vs active attention
Passive: Attentional priorities set by bottom-up (raw stimuli shapes perception)
Active: Attentional priorities set by top-down (shaped by goals, experiences and state of mind)
Selective attention
Occurs when person attends to some info while ignoring others
Stimulus salience
Idea that some stimuli in environment capture attention by virtue of their physical properties (bottom-up)
Attentional capture
When attention is diverted b/c of salience of stimulus
Cocktail party effect
Person can be engaged in convo and suppress/ignore surrounding info
When can attention be shifted to process something else?
When something is surprisingly, personally relevant or emotionally engaging
Dichotic listening
One stream of info is presented in one ear and another stream in another and participant is asked to pay attention to a specific side but is asked about unattended message
Divided attention
When person is engaged in 2 or more tasks simultaneously
Fast, effortless processing of info w/o conscious thought
- Note: Can still lower awareness of another task
Inattentional blindness
Tendency to miss changes to some kinds of info when attention is engaged elsewhere
Inattentional change detection
Attention task that requires participant to actively search for change made in stimulus (faster at identifying animate stimuli)
Actively reducing processing of some info while brain attends to specific task
Subliminal stimulus
Sensory stimulus that’s processed but doesn’t reach threshold for conscious perception
Subconscious vs subliminal processing
Subconscious: Aware of info from environment but not aware of its influence on behaviour
Subliminal: Can’t consciously detect info and has minimal/no effect on behaviour as far as research is concerned
Visual neglect
- Disorder from lesions on right/inferior parietal lobe that cause you to lose awareness of visual stimuli on the left, as if they weren’t there
- Processing of dorsal visual system goes to inferior parietal which helps identify location of visual stimuli
- Can still impact behaviour but patients won’t know why
How is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) diagnosed?
Minimum 6/9 deficits in attention AND hyperactive behaviours
Who were first interested in dreams and believed they were symbols/metaphors from the unconscious mind?
Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung
Fatal familial insomnia
Rare genetic disorder affecting thalamus that results in death b/c of insufficient sleep
Electroencephalograms (EEGs)
Measures sum of electrical activation across cortex’s surface
Used to measure eye movements
Used to measure muscle tension around jaw
Number of up and down cycles of the wave per sec measured in Hz
Wave’s height