States and levels of awareness Flashcards
a human awareness of stimuli
Freud’s Topographical model of the mind
- 1900
- written in Interpretation of Dreams
- Divided into conscious system, preconscious system and uncinscious system
Conscious system
- receives and processes information from teh outside world
- operates secondary process thinking
- cathexis stable
Attention cathexis
-investment of psychic energy on a particular idea or feeling to process it consciously
Unconscious system
- contains contents of censored or repressed wishes
- operates on pleasure principle
- shift of cathexis happens very often and quickly
- evident via parapraxes (freudian slips) and dreams
Proconscious system
- operates between unconscious and conscious
- maintains the ‘repressive barrier’ to censor unacceptable wishes and desires
Carl Jung
-categorized the unconscious into personal unconscious and collective unconscious
- physiological and psychological state of being awake/reactive to stimuli
- the reticular activating system in the brain stem is alerted along with the autonomic nervous system- flight or fight
-the study of biological rhythms
- biological processes repeat themselves
- cycles lasting 24hrs are daily rhythms e.g circadian
- cycles lasting less than a day are called ultradian (daily arousal)
- cycles lasting more than a day are infradian (menstrual)
- seasonal rhythms are called circannual rhythms
- time givers
- external time cues prompting biorhythms
- social zeitgebers are external social cues
Suprachiasmatic nucleus
-internal pacemaker located in the anterior hypothalamus that regulates many biorhythms
Sleep deprivation
- in early stages they have reduced arousal and perform poorly on monotonous tasks but optimally on interesting tasks
- micro-sleeps occur with more deprivation and ‘hat’ phenomenon where you feel like your head is being gripped
- further deprivation results in deleusional ideas- sleep-deprivation psychosis
- REM phases of sleep recover better than non-REM: REM rebound
- consciousness involving focusing attention and reduced peripheral awareness
- may be a form of imaginative role-enactment or an altered state of mind
-instruction or suggestion of a subject into the hypnotic state
state of consciousness other than normal waking consciousness
-associated with illegal substances, hypnosis, meditation or prayer