Personality Flashcards
Dispositional theory
Personality is enduring and consistent
Personality is influenced by situations
Nomothetic traits
Personality traits are shared and comparable
Idiographic traits
Traits are unique to the individual and not shared
Allport’s theory
- analysed 18000 adjectives used as ‘trait labels’
- described 3 types of traits
1. Cardinal traits- influential, core traits
2. Central traits: 5-10 traits, less general
3. secondary traits: least important, things only close friends would notice
Cattell’s approach
- selected 4500 traits from Allport’s work and reduced to 171 elements before coming up with 16 dimensions
- Surface traits are linked to one another but not important for understanding one’s personality
- Source traits- basic building blocks of personality and make up the 16 PF questionnaire
- also found 3 types of personality data: 1. Q-data: questionnaires, 2. L-data: obtained from lifetime records and 3. T-data: test based data
Eysenck’s approach
-3 dimensional traits
1. psychoticism
2. extraversion
3. neuroticism
-Eysenck’s personality scale contains a lie scale
- related to arousal and the ascending reticular activating system
- introverts are easily aroused-easily conditionable
- extroverts have low arousal state- not easily conditionable
Cloninger’s psychobiological model of personality
- includes 4 dimensions of temperament (each 50-60% inheritable)- born with
- also 3 components of character: shaped by environment
Cloninger’s 4 dimensions of temperment
- Novelty seeking
- Harm-avoidance
- Reward-dependence
- Persistence
Cloninger 3 dimensions of character
- self-directedness
- cooperativeness
- self-transcendence
DSM personality disorder clusters
- 3 clusters
Cluster A: associated with low reward dependence
Cluster B: associated with high novelty seeking
Cluster C: high harm avoidance traits
Rotter’s locus of control theory
- single trait theory
- external and internal loci are used to measure personality attributes
- Cattell and Eysenck are multitrait theories
Big 5 traits- McCrae &Costa 1992
- Openess
2.Conscinetiousness - Agreeableness
- Neuroticism
-unified framework for trait research
-NEO decreases with age
-AC increases with age
Kelly’s personal construct theory
- humanistic school
- person;s relationships must be observed
- uses repertory grid- list of important people are generated (elements). 2 ‘elements’ are chosen and contrasted with a third one to see what themes emerge- constructs
- this technique is continued down the people and a list of constructs is made
Humanistic or phenomenological school of personality
- focuses on a person’s view of the world not their unconscious impulses
- focuses on uniqueness not shared traits
- Roger’s Client Centred Therapy originied from humanistic school
- alternative is trait based approach
- proposes that personality and environment interact with each other to produce the observed behaviour
- Magnussen and Endler 1977
-Sheldon and Kretschmer theorised that body shape describes personality traits and disposition to psychosis
- thin body, aloof, correlated with schizophrenia
- Kretschmer 1921
- plump people, childish with mood swings, manic depression
- Kretschmer 1921
-well built individuals with a steady temperament
Sheldon’s body types
- endomorphic- plump people who are relaxed and outgoing ‘bubbly’
- mesomorphic- strong people who are energetic and assertive
- ectomorphic- tall thin people who are fearful and restrained- associated with schizophrenia
Friedman and Rosenman
- Type A and type B personalities
- Type A: originally described as risk for MI but MRFIT study concluded there was no association. impatient, time conscious, insecure, competitive, hostile, aggressive, incapable of relaxation
- Type B: relaxed and easy going, creative, often self- analyse and evade stress, cope poorly under stress
Projective personality tests
- project emotion
- tests to obtain information about emotional functioning
- open ended situations
- Murray was major player
- Rorschach’s inkblots were first
- not often used in contemporary practice
Classification of projective tests
- Association inducing: verbal response to stimuli e.g Rorschach ink blot
- Completion tests: completing unfinished stimulus e.g sentence completion test
- Choice or ordering: rank order or categorise stimuli
- Construction: develop or construct story or narration e.g Thematic apperception Test (Murray- TAT)
- Self- expression: create so ething without stimulus e.g draw a man (Goodenough), House Tree Person (Buck)
Rorschach ink blot
- 10 ink blots
- asked to describe
- has two phases 1. free association and 2. inquiry
- scored using Exner’s system
- needs lots of training to use
Thematic apperception test (TAT)
- Murray (TAT)
- 20-30 pictures and one blank card
- subject has to make up a story using the pictures
Word association test
- Jung
- time pressure is applied
Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory
- has 10 scales with labels
- not projective
- self-reported
- developed by Hathaway and McKinley
- most researched
- 567 statements
- 10 scales: hypochondriasis, depression, hysteria, psychopathic deviance, masculinity-femininity, paranoia, psychasthenia, schizophrenia, hypomania, social interversion
- also has lie scale
Q-sort technique
- involves a person sorting cards with self descriptive statements on and have to put in ordered piles under the headings ‘self’ and ‘ideal’
- numerical discrepancy score between ideal and real self can be computed
- developed from client centred therapy
International Personality Disorder Examination (IPDE)
- used in clinical assessment of personality disorder for those over 5 years of age
- self-report screening questionaire (77 true/false) followed by a semi-structured diagnostic interview by trained clinician
- compatible with ICD 10 and DSM 4
- allows for definite, probably or negative diagnosis for each personality disorder
- allows a past personality disorder prior to the past 12 months
- allows a late onset diagnosis when criteria met only after the age of 25
- ratings can be informant or patient’s answers