Stars Pure Memorisation Flashcards
Evolution Big Bang
At t=0 the universe is a singularity which is infinitely hot and dense
Big Bang 2) inflation
Universe expands rapidly in a phase of accelrwtion called INFLATION.
- no matter yet, just all em radiating as gamma photons .
Big Bang evolution
First fundamental particles ( quarks and leptons) gain mass
(Mechanism not discovered yet, but involves Higgs boson)
Big Bang evolution
4) hadrons
Quarks combine ti make hadrons such as protons and neutrons
Mass is made via pair production (forming anti particle particles)
5) t = 1s
At around 1s, the creation of matter stops
6) deuterium
Big banner evolution
At t= 100s
Protoms and neutrons fuse to become deuterium and helium nuclei , lithium and beryllium
Expansion sk rapid no more heavier nuckei are crested
7) t = 380k years?
Universe cools enough for atoms to form, nuclei capture electrons and atoms formed
Now background radiation is microwave as universe cooled so much and gamma photons red shifted with expansion to form microwaves