Defintions Exam Acresdited Paper 2 Flashcards
Why does centripetal force not change speed of particle exhibiting circular
and only direction is chnaged !!
Because the Force is perpendicular to the velocity vector at all times
- hence no component of force that acts in the same direction of velocity vector
Faraday law
Emf induced is equal to the rate of change of magentic flux LINKAGE
What’s the defintion of flux linkage
Either flux x number of turns
Or BAN (where everything already perpendicular)
Describe the string nuclear force (3)
So better way ti say it is it acts between quarks and nucleons
- short range of 3 fm
- from 0 to 0.5fm = repulsive , 0.5 to 3 attractive
Decay constant
PROBABILITY of a nuckei decaying per unit of time
What is the piezoelectric effect?
When a pad is applied across opposite faces of a crystal, it caused it to expand or contract
(To produce ultrasound etc)
Ocr COMPTON EFFECT (2) marks
Pair production
X ray photon interacts with the electron
1) energy from x ray photon is used to EJECT electron from atom
2) but not all of its energy, it then scatters with REDUCED energy (increased wl, lower f)
Simple = photon interacts with electron but does not have enough energy to eject, thus scattered elastically
Photoelectric = photon interacts and transfers all energy to eject the electron from atom
Pair production = photon interacts with nucleus and via string nuclear force energy is used to produce electron position pair
Advantage of CAT over x ray 2 marks !!
1) provides better contrast when objects are similar coefficients of attenuation
2) can produce a 3D IMAGE A
(Can’t say 2D slice because x ray does that too)
How does a PET scan identify fluorine 18 nuclei in a body (4 marks)
Key point for annhilation ?
1) the Florine 18 emits positrons which close to emission annihilate with electrons within the patient (1)
2) the ANNHILATION OF ONE POSITRON AND AN ELECTRON produces two gamma photons that travel in opposite directions to each other due to conservation of momentum (2)
3) there is a ring of gamma cameras around the patient that detect these gamma photons . After processing them, the computer uses the DIFFERENCE IN ARRIVAL times (delay time) to determine the point of annihilation thus nuclei! (1)
Photomultiplier job 1 mark
Light photons produce an electric signal which the computer then processes
SIGNAL/ PD / current
Advantages of using technetium 99m (2 marks)
Check last two points
It emits gamma photons by decay
- this is least ionising So relatively safe
- highly penetrative so unlike other radiation can actually be detected outside body
- small half life (so doesn’t stay high cinc for long time)
- can be used to diagnose the FUNCTION OF THE ORGAN
- or detects tumours
How to do acoustic matching ocr (2)
Talk about the skin
This is when you apply a gel that has similar impedance of skin between the transducer snd the skin
This allows for minimal reflection at the skin because now the gel skin boundary have very similar impedances
Describe a B scan and tell how can you differntiate between boundaries (3)
1) transducer emits ultrasound
2) and is moved around so that the B scan takes place in DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS
3) where reflections of ultrasounds at boundaries take place, the computer marks a dot. The more intense these reflections are, the brighter the dots. This creates a 2d image
- THE INTENSITY IF REFLECTIONS depends on the acoustic impedances of the media . (The More different they are, the higher the intensity of reflections)
Thus you can differntiate between boundaries by looking at the brightness of the spots
Describe how CAT scan and components produce 3d image (5)
1) x ray tube and detector are oppsite esch other in the gantry and they rotate together around the patient
2) a THIN FAN X-ray beam is emitted
3), and data collected by the detectors are used to produced a 2d slice of the patient
4) as the patient is moved into the gantry at CONSTSNT speed, the x ray tube and det cords SPIRAL AROUND THR WHOLE PATIENT, creating multiple 2d slices
5)all the information collected by detectors are used BY THE COMPUTER To make a 3d image
Doppler shift defintion
The apparent shift of frequency / wavelength due to the relative motion of the object wrt to the observer
How to determine speed of blood 4 marks
What must say
1) ultrassound transducer is used to emit and detected reflected ultrasound waves
2) the transducer is placed at an ANGLE to the the direction of blood flow
3) the ultrasound waves are reflected by THE BLOOD CELLS, and due to the relative motion between the blood and transducer the reflected ultrasound waves experience a change in frequency
Must say angle , reflected by the blood …, change in frequency proprtional to speed of blood
2 ethical reasons to why PET scans being expensive raises issues with patient treatment
1) as expensive, doctors will have to make very difficult decisions to who gets one and how doesnt,
2) as expensive, not all hospitals will have them, so patients will either have to travel very far to get one, or not do it at all if they cant.