Starches and Sauces Flashcards
What are starch granules?
The plant cell’s unit for storing starch
What are common food sources?
Cereals, corn starch, roots, and legumes
Why are the isolated starch samples different?
Based on composition
What are the functions of starch in food products?
Thickening/ gelling agent
Edible films
Amylose forms gel. True or False
Does amylopectin form a gel?
No it does not from a gel
Waxy starches have 100% of what starch form?
What is an example of of waxy starches?
Starches can undergo what transformation?
Gel formation
What is gelatinization?
Starch molecules expand upon heating in water; viscosity, volume, and translucency
Corn starch is like what?
Corn meal is granulated like?
Temperature of __________ is unique to each starch source.
Starches vary with their ability to thicken. True or False.
What are factors influencing gelatinization?
Water, temperature, heating time, acid, sugar, fat
What is another name for gel formation?
When does gel formation occur?
After gelatinization
A gel forms when the protein molecules form a network, trapping ________ into a more solid mass.
Gelation will be dependent on the concentration of what?
Corn starch is high in what starch form?
What starches do not form gels?
Potato, tapioca, and rice starches
What forms a soft gel?
What starches form strong gels?
Corn and wheat starches
What forms weaker gels than starches?
What is retrogradation?
The seepage of water out of an aging gel due to contraction
During retrogradation what happens to the amylose bonds?
The bonds tighten
When the amylose bonds tighten what happens to the water?
The water is expelled
What is dextrinization?
Dextrinization is the presence of dry heat, the breakdown of starch molecules into sweet dextrins
In simple terms what are 2 things that dextrinization does?
Increase sweetness and decrease thickening power
What are two examples of modifications?
Chemical and physical modifications
What is an example of physically starches?
What is an example of cross-linked starch?
Pie fillings
Cross-linked starch is an example of what modification?
What chemical modification makes starch more resistant to heat and acid?
Cross-linked starches
What transformation is less viscous than cross-linked starch?
Oxidized starch
What is a use for oxidized starches?
Emulsion stabilizers and thickeners
What are the functions of starches?
Moistness, flavor, texture, body and appearance
What is a mother sauce?
The major, leading and grand sauces
What is another name for small sauces?
Secondary sauces
What are examples of mother sauces?
Béchamel, tomato, espagnole, veloute
Mother sauces are not usually used by themselves. True or false
What serves as a base for small sauces?
Mother sauce
What 3 ingredients serve as the foundation of thickened sauces?
Liquid, starch, flavor
How is a roux made?
A roux is made my cooking equal parks flour and fat
What are the 3 forms of starch thickeners?
Roux, Beurre manie, Slurry
How is beurre manie made?
equal parts soft butter and flour into a paste
How is a slurry made?
Made by combining starch and cool liquid
What starch thickener is inferior to roux?
What can be thickened or unthickened?
What is an example of an unthickened sauce?
Au jus