Food Selection Flashcards
What is food science?
Food science is the application of basic sciences to physical, chemical, and biochemical properties of food.
What do food scientists examine?
What people eat and why people choose certain foods.
What are the broad classification of food scientists?
Food microbiology, food chemistry, food engineer, sensory, risk assessment.
What factors influence food selection?
Sensory, Nutritional, Cultural, Religious, Psychological and Sociological, Budgetary.
What is the most important criteria for food selection?
What can be deceiving?
Enriching the color of milk may result in perceiving:
Higher in fat
Smoother in texture
More flavorful
What is odor threshold?
The lowest concentration of a compound that can still be directly recognized.
Most people can differentiate between 2000-4000 odors. True or False
Does heat volatilize substances?
What must happen to a substance to be tasted?
A substance but be dissolved in liquid or saliva.
Does the number of taste buds increase or decrease as you age?
What cells send signals to the brain to translate taste?
Gustatory cells
What are the five types of taste?
Sweet, Sour, Bitterness, Salty, Savory/umami (glutamate)
What are the factors affecting taste?
Genetics, Age, Degree of hunger, Temperature, Color, Associated experiences, Variety
What is flavor?
Taste+ Aroma+ Mouth Feel
What is aroma triggered by?
Volatile molecules reaching the nasal cavity
Touch conveys a food’s:
Texture and Consistency
What are examples of texture?
Crisp, smooth, sticky, dry, lumpy
How is consistency expressed?
Btittles, viscosity, chewiness, and elasticity
What does astringency cause?
Puckering/dryness of mouth
Examples of Chemesthesis
Cool mints and hot peppers
What are calories?
A measure of energy
Maintaining weight
Calories are in balance
Gaining weight
Calories are in excess
Losing weight
Caloric deficit
When is the Dietary Guidelines for Americans published?
Every 5 years
Who publishes the Dietary Guidelines of Americans?
About how many adults are vegetarians?
Vegetarianism may reduce the risk of:
Heart disease, some cancers, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure
What are nutraceuticals?
The pill form of nutrients
What are functional foods?
Foods that go beyond and have more functions
What is Nutrigenomics?
A field of study focused on genetically determined biochemical pathways linking dietary substances with health and disease.
A benefit of nutrigenomics
A tailored diet plan to a person’s genes
What is PKU?
A rare inherited disorder that causes an amino acid called phenylalanine to build up in the body.
Does culture dictate what is or is not acceptable to eat?
What does an easter egg symbolize?
New life
What does bread and wine symbolize?
The body and blood of Christ
What are three religions that promote vegetarianism?
Buddhism, Hinduism, and Seventh-Day Adventist
A religion that discourages alcohol, coffee, and tea
A religion with kosher practices
A religion with Halal practices
What is Ramadan?
Month of fasting from dawn to sunset
What is the purpose of bioengineering?
Identify the gene responsible for a desired trait and insert it in a new organism
What is natural food?
Food that has nothing artificial or synthetic included or added
What is processed food?
Any food changed from its raw state