Staging Flashcards
What is staging
The extent of the cancer
What two groups are cancers split into
Survival rates higher → disease is localise
Survival lower → there is disease extension beyond the organ or site of origin
What are the broad categories of cancer
Early and advanced
What factors affect a patient’s outcome?
Anatomical site
•Reported duration of symptoms
•Sex, age and PS of patient
•Clinical extent of disease
•Pathological extent of the disease
•Clinical subtype
A cancer is (nearly) always referred to by the stage it was given at diagnosis, even if it gets worse or spreads.
New information about how a cancer has changed over time is added on to the original stage.
So - stage doesn’t change, even though the cancer might
What does in situ mean?
Abnormal cells are present but have not spread to nearby tissue.
Cancer is limited to the place where it started, with no sign that it has spread.
Cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes, tissues, or organs.
Cancer has spread to distant parts of the body.
There is not enough information to establish the stage.
What is TNM
Cancer classification system
What is the T in TNM
Size and extent of primary tumour
What does the N in TNM mean?
Number of nearby lymph nodes that have cancer
What does the M in TNM mean?
Has the cancer metastasised
TNM benefits
Adapted to fit almost any tumour
Generally accepted globally
Expresses the anatomical extent of the disease
Shorthand to describe the clinical extent of a particular malignant tumour