SR 1 - Overview Flashcards
ABCDs of melanoma?
Border irregularities
Color variation
Diameter >0.6cm and Dark color
Allen’s test?
Patency of ulnar artery
Used before placing a radial arterial line or ABG
Ballance’s sign
Constant dullness to percusion in left flank/LUQ
Resonance to percussion in the right flank
ssociated with splenic rupture/hematoma
Beck’s triad
Cardiac tamponade
- Decreased/muffled heart sounds
- Decreased blood pressure
Bergman’s triad
Fat emboli syndrome
- Mental status change
- Petechiae (axilla, thorax)
- Dyspnea
Blumer’s shelf
Metastatic disease to rectouterine (pouch of douglas) or rectovesical pouch
Shelf is palpable on rectal exam
Boas’ sign
Right subscapular pain resulting form cholelithiasis
Brochardt’s triad
Gastric volvus
- Emesis followed by retching
- Epigastric distention
- Failure to pass an NGT
Carcinoid triad
Right-sided heart failure
Charcot’s triad
- Fever
- Jaundice
- RUQ pain
Courvoisier’s law
Enlarged, nontender gallbladder
Seen with obstruction of common bile duct
Associated with pancreatic cancer
(Not seen with gallstone obstruction due to scaring secondary to chronic cholelithiasis)
Cullen’s sign
Periumbilical area
Retroperitoneal hemorrhage
Associated with acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis
Cushing’s triad
Increased ICP
- Hypertension
- Bradycardia
- Irregularly respirations
Dance’s sign
Empty RLQ in children with ileocecal intussusception
Fothergill’s sign
Differentiates an intra-abdominal mass from one in the abdominal wall
If mass is felt with tension in the muscle, the the mass is in the wall
Fox’s sign
Bruising in the inguinal ligament
Retroperitoneal bleeding
Goodsall’s rule
Anal fistulae course in a straight path anteriorly and curved path posteriorly from midline
Grey Turner’s sign
Brusing of the flank
Retroperitoneal hemorrhage
Hamman’s sign
Cruching shound on auscultation
Emphysematous mediastinum
Seen with Boerhaave’s syndrome, pneumomediastinum, etc.
Howship-Romberg sign
Pain along inner aspect of the thigh
Seen with an obturater hernia
Result of nerve compression
Kehr’s sign
Severe left shoulder pain in splenic rupture (referred pain from diaphragmatic irritation)
Kelly’s sign
Visible peristalsis of ureter in response to squeezing or retraction
Laplace’s law
Wall tension = pressure x radius
Colon perforates due to increased wall tension
Obturator sign
Pain upon internal rotation of leg with hip and knee flexed
Seen in appendicitis, pelvic abscess
Pheochromocytoma triad
Episodic diaphoresis
Posas sign
Pain elicited by extending the hip with the knee in full extension
Seen in appendicitis, psoas inflammation
Reynold’s pentad
Suppurative cholangitis
- Fever
- Jaundice
- RUQ pain
- Mental status changes
- Shock/sepsis (hypotension)
Rovsing’s sign
Palpation of the LLQ resulting in pain in the RLQ
Saint’s triad
Hiatal hernia
Diverticular disease
Silk glove sign
Indirect hernia sac in pediatric patient
Feels like a finger of a silk glove when rolled under the examining finger
Virchow’s triad
Requirements for thrombosis
- Stasis
- Abnormal endothelium
- Hypercoagulability
Valentino’s sign
RLQ pain from perforated peptic ulcer due to succus/pus draining into the RLQ
Westermark’s sign
Decreased pulmonary vascular markings on CXR in a patient with PE
Whipple’s triad
Evidence of insulinoma
- Hypoglycemia (
Absence of hydrochloric acid in teh stomach
Acholic stool
Light-colored stool as a result of decreased bile content
Amaurosis fugax
Transient visual loss in one eye
Surgical incision into the peritoneal cavity
Laparotomy = celiotomy
Lysis of peritoneal adhesions
DIFFERENT from enteroclysis - contrast study of the small bowel
Inflammation of the apocrine glands
Caused by blockage of the glands
Denotin th spleen
Calcification in a vein
Vein stone